Next! (Feat)

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Your cold, intense fighting technique rides atop your blinding rage like a feather atop a raging flood. Like that flood, your attacks toss your enemies about like those same feathers.

Prerequisites: Barbarian 1, Urban Mien

Benefit: Any time you drop an adjacent enemy to its Bloodied value or lower, (half their total hit points), you may slide that enemy five feet as a free action, and take a free five foot step to remain adjacent to it. Doing so is in addition to your normal five foot step(s), but may not be combined with the use of any other five foot step to enter rough terrain.

Special:Any time you drop a non-minion enemy to zero or fewer hit points, you can use the momentum of its tumbling corpse to shove a different enemy into a better position. As a free action, select an enemy within 10 feet of the slain enemy, whom you threaten, and slide that target to any unoccupied, unblocked square that you threaten.