Paladin Feats
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The following feats are especially suitable for paladins. This list is by no means everything the paladin could select as a feat, merely feats that are specifically good for paladins. There are also quite a lot of feats that are good for everyone, including paladins, that are listed on the main Feats page.
Courageous Tier (1-5)
Paladin-Specific Feats | Prerequisites | Description |
Ammo Drop (Feat) | Level 1, Sleight of Hand 1 rank, <proficient with sling OR slingstaff> | Load a sling or slingstaff with one hand as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. |
Antagonize (Feat) | Level 1, <Diplomacy 1 rank OR Intimidate 1 rank> | Use Diplomacy or Intimidate to goad creatures. |
Arcane Talent (Feat) | Level 1 | Gain the use of a single cantrip three times per day |
Big Game Hunter (Feat) | Level 1 | +1 to-hit and +1 base weapon damage when attacking sized-large or larger creatures. |
Black Marketeer (Feat) | Level 1, Barter 1 rank, Diplomacy 1 rank, Knowledge (Local) 1 rank | Use black market connections to gather illegal/illicit items. |
Bloody Vengeance (Feat) | Level 1 | Make an opponent that damaged you take bleed damage next time you hit it. |
Bolster Damage Reduction (Feat) | Level 1, Damage Reduction (from any source) | Increase DR against a single attack |
Bonded Mind (Feat) | Level 1 | Communicate with a partner non-verbally, as the Message spell. |
Brutality, Improved (Feat) | Level 1, Proficient with a brutal weapon | Gain a +2 untyped bonus to each base weapon die, which can't be used to exceed the die's max value |
Cavalry Whip Mastery (Feat) | Level 1, Proficient with Cavalry Whip | Cavalry Whip can be used against targets as close as 10 feet away |
Censuring Smite (Feat) | Paladin Level 1, Smite Enemy class feature | Inflict a -3 to-hit penalty on your smite target if they do not target you with their attacks |
Channel, Improved (Feat) | Level 1, Channel Divinity class feature | +1 bonus to your channel divinity save DC |
Channel Force (Feat) | Level 1, Channel Divinity class feature | Slide a single target when you channel divinity to deal damage |
Charging Hurler (Feat) | Level 1, Weapon Focus (Feat) | May use the charge rules to make a thrown weapon attack |
Combat Casting (Feat) | Caster Level 1 | +2 scaling feat bonus on Bailiwick skill check to cast a spell defensively or while grappled. |
Combat Expertise (Feat) | Level 1, proficient with wielded weapon | Trade attack bonus for AC bonus |
Combat Reflexes (Feat) | Level 1 | Make additional attacks of opportunity each round. |
Conceal Scent (Feat) | Level 1, Stealth 1 rank, Survival 1 rank | Creatures cannot track you by scent. |
Coordinated Advance (Feat) | Level 1 | Take a 5-foot step as an immediate action when your partner takes a 5-foot step |
Coordinated Shot (Feat) | Level 1 | +2 to hit with ranged attacks against a creature your partner is threatening |
Cosmopolitan (Feat) | Level 1 | Read and speak two additional languages, gain one new natural talent skill |
Covering Fire (Feat) | Level 1 | Use Aid Another from range to grant an ally +2 to AC versus your target creature |
Creator (Feat) | Level 1, any Bailiwick skill 1 rank. | You are able to create magic items using your Bailiwick skill. |
Deadly Aim (Feat) | Level 1 | You are equally adroit with both melee and ranged attacks. |
Death from Above (Feat) | Level 1, Acrobatics 1 rank | Gain +2 bonus on attack rolls when attacking from higher ground |
Defensive Combat Training (Feat) | Level 1, Light, medium or no armor (i.e. not heavy armor) | Gain a scaling bonus to Maneuver Defense (+1 to +5) if not wearing heavy armor. |
Deflect Arrows (Feat) | Level 1 | Avoid one ranged attack per round |
Desert Dweller (Feat) | Level 1, Survival 1 rank | Starvation, thirst, and extreme heat effects lessened |
Desperate Battler (Feat) | Level 1 | Gain +1 morale bonus on melee attack and damage when alone |
Diehard (Feat) | Level 1, Endurance (Feat) | Turn aside the heaviest blows in battle, automatically stabilize and remain conscious below 0 hp |
Dilettante (Feat) | Level 1 | +1 scaling bonus in Knowledge skills with at least one rank. |
Distance Thrower (Feat) | Level 1 | Reduce ranged penalties for thrown weapons by 2 |
Distracting Charge (Feat) | Level 1 | Gain a +4 bonus to attack a creature your partner just successfully charged |
Dodge (Feat) | Level 1 | +1 dodge bonus to AC |
Duck and Cover (Feat) | Level 1 | When adjacent to an ally with this feat, you can share reflex saving throw results with each other. |
Eagle Eyes (Feat) | Level 1 | See much more keenly at distance on visual Perception checks |
Elemental Focus (Feat) | Caster Level 1 | +1 bonus on save DCs for one energy type |
Endurance (Feat) | Level 1 | Reduce the damage you take from environmental effects, and sleep in armor without fatigue. |
Enforcer (Feat) | Level 1, Intimidate 1 rank | Demoralize (Intimidate) an opponent to inflict Cringing rather than Shaken. |
Eschew Materials (Feat) | Level 1 | Cast spells without material components |
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Feat) | BAB +1 | No penalty on attacks made with one exotic weapon |
Extend the Bulwark (Feat) | Level 1 | Grant your partner a +4 to AC by taking a -2 penalty to your own AC. |
Feral Combat Training (Feat) | Level 1 | Gain +1 to hit with all attacks, but you cannot fight defensively |
Fortified Armor Training (Feat) | Level 1, Proficient with armor or shield | Sunder your own armor or shield to turn a critical hit against you into a normal hit |
Friendly Fire Maneuvers (Feat) | Level 1 | Take only half damage from a chosen ally's attacks, when you are included in those attacks. |
Grudge Fighter (Feat) | BAB +1 | Gain a bonus to attack and damage on a creature that has damaged you |
Improved Combat Maneuvers (Feat) | Level 1 | +2 feat bonus to Maneuver Offense and Maneuver Defense, inflict extra damage. |
Initiative, Improved (Feat) | Level 1 | Gain a scaling bonus on initiative checks |
Intercept Charge (Feat) | Level 1 | Intercept a charge made against your partner as an immediate action. |
Iron Will (Feat) | BAB +1 | Grants a scaling bonus (+1 to +4) on Will saves |
Large Target (Feat) | Level 1, Proficient with sling or slingstaff | Attacks with slings add +1 bonus to damage for every size category opponent is larger than you. |
Long Whip Mastery (Feat) | Level 1, Proficiency with <Cavalry Whip (Weapon), -OR- Long Whip (Weapon)> | Attacks you make with a Long Whip or Cavalry Whip in the right conditions gain a +1 circumstance bonus to-hit. |
Maneuver Opus (Feat) | Level 1 | Perform a combat maneuver with a different skill than it normally requires. |
Mobility (Feat) | Level 1, Dodge (Feat) | +4 AC against attacks of opportunity from movement |
Narrow Frame (Feat) | Level 1, Escape Artist 1 rank | You take no penalties when squeezing into a space up to one size too small for you. |
Net Adept (Feat) | BAB +1, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Feat): Net | May treat a net as a one-handed melee weapon with inclusive reach 10 feet |
Nimble Moves (Feat) | Level 1 | Ignore 5 feet of difficult terrain when you move |
Old Selective (Feat) | Level 1 | Exclude targets from the effects of a spell, ability, or magic item that normally affects all targets within an area of effect. |
Power Attack (Feat) | Level 1, Proficiency with your wielded weapon(s) | Gain base weapon damage in exchange for a very reasonable-sounding to-hit penalty. |
Precise Shot (Feat) | Level 1, Weapon Focus (Feat) | No penalty for shooting into melee at any range. |
Prone Shooter (Feat) | BAB +1, Stealth 1 rank | Gain +2 AC while Prone. |
Quaff (Feat) | Level 1 | Draw and drink a potion with a single swift action. |
Quarterstaff Master (Feat) | BAB +1, <Weapon Focus (Feat): Quarterstaff -OR- Weapon Focus (Feat): Mage's Staff> | Use a Quarterstaff or Mage's Staff with incredible mastery. |
Quick Draw (Feat) | BAB +1 | Draw weapon as a free action, sheathe weapon as a swift action |
Quickpick Master (Feat) | Level 1, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Feat) with Quickpick | Wielding a quickpick in two hands grants 2x STR mod to damage |
Rent Asunder (Feat) | Level 1, Proficiency with a sunder weapon | Grants a scaling Maneuver Offense bonus for Sunder maneuvers (+1 to +3) |
Runner (Feat) | Level 1 | Faster walk speed, do not become flat-footed when running, and gain a bonus to running jumps. |
Saboteur (Feat) | Level 1 | Deal bonus damage with any weapon when dismantling traps as though you are wielding Thieves' Tools. |
Shake It Off (Feat) | Level 1 | Gain +1 to all saving throws per adjacent ally |
Shield Focus (Feat) | BAB +1, Shield Proficiency (Feat) | Gain a +1 bonus to your AC when using a shield |
Shield Use: Tower Shield (Feat) | Level 1, <Shield Proficiency (Feat), -OR- a character class that begins play proficient with a buckler or any shield> | You are able to use a Tower Shield proficiently |
Shield Use: War Shield (Feat) | Level 1, <Shield Proficiency (Feat), -OR- a character class that begins play proficient with a buckler or any shield> | You are able to use a War Shield proficiently |
Shield Wall (Feat) | Level 1, <Shield Proficiency (Feat), -OR- a class that grants any shield proficiency> | Gain an AC bonus from an adjacent ally's shield, gain cover from an ally's Tower shield. |
Skill Expert (Feat) | Level 1 | +2 feat bonus and improved crit range for one skill. |
Skilled Driver (Feat) | Level 1, Piloting 1 rank | Gain a scaling bonus on Piloting checks |
Smash (Feat) | BAB +1, Power Attack (Feat), Heavy Armor | Add armor and shield bonuses to the distance your bull rushes push a foe. |
Spell Focus (Feat) | Level 1 | +2 or more scaling bonus to save DCs for spells you cast |
Spiky Shield (Feat) | Level 1, Weapon Focus (Feat): Spiked Chain | Shield bonus to AC when wielding a spiked chain |
Swap Places (Feat) | Level 1 | Swap places with a willing adjacent ally who has this feat |
Swift Cleanse (Feat) | Paladin 1 | Using Paladin Cleanse on yourself or an ally becomes an immediate action which can be used as an interrupt. |
Taunt (Feat) | Level 1, <Fighter's Challenge class feature -OR- Goading Ki (Feat) -OR- Censuring Smite (Feat) -OR- Heedful Jeer (Feat)> | All penalties inflicted on a taunted creature increase by an additional 1. |
Toughness (Feat) | Level 1 | +3 hit points, and +1 per character level beyond 3 |
Two-Weapon Fighting (Feat) | Level 1 | Reduce two-weapon fighting penalties when dual-wielding |
Unarmed Strike, Improved (Feat) | Level 1 | Deal 1d6 base weapon damage with an unarmed strike |
War Whip Finesse (Feat) | Level 1, Proficiency with War Whip | War Whip gains the Finesse weapon quality |
Weapon Aficionado (Feat) | Level 1, Non-Fighter class | Qualify for and use well fighter-centric combat feats. |
Weapon Finesse (Feat) | Level 1, proficient with a light or finesse weapon | Gain a +1 to hit with melee attacks when using a Finesse or Light weapon. |
Weapon Focus (Feat) | Level 1, proficient with a melee weapon of your choosing, and proficient with a ranged weapon of your choosing. | +1 bonus on attack rolls with two weapons you choose and are proficient in, one melee, one ranged. |
Intrepid Tier (6-10)
Paladin-Specific Feats | Prerequisites | Description |
Adept Champion (Feat) | Paladin 6, Smite Enemy class feature | Trade smite enemy damage for bonus on Maneuver Offense for one round |
Adroit Defender (Feat) | <BAB +6, OR, Monk 6>, <Weapon Focus (Feat), OR, Unarmed Strike, Improved (Feat)>, Combat Expertise (Feat) | Grant adjacent allies +2 dodge bonus to AC but you take -2 penalty to your AC |
Axe Guardian (Feat) | Level 6, Proficient with a defensive weapon | Gain +2 to AC and Reflex saves from a defensive quality weapon |
Babble-Peddler (Feat) | Level 6, Barter 6 ranks, Bluff 6 ranks | Trick creatures into exchanging valuables for junk, or for Steal and Dirty Trick attempts. |
Back to Back (Feat) | Level 6, Perception 6 ranks | You can't be flanked when adjacent to your partner |
Bestow Hope (Feat) | Level 6, Channel Divinity class feature, Channel, Improved (Feat) | When you heal a creature by channeling divinity, you also relieve its fear. |
Blind-Fight (Feat) | Level 6, Perception 6 ranks | Ignore partial or total concealment penalties with your melee attacks |
Brutality, Greater (Feat) | Level 6, Brutality, Improved (Feat), proficiency with a Brutal weapon | Gain a +3 untyped bonus to each base weapon die, which can't be used to exceed the die's max value |
Bullseye Shot (Feat) | Level 6, Weapon Focus (Feat), Precise Shot (Feat) | Spend a move action to gain +4 to-hit, and +1 crit range and +1 crit damage range until you act again. |
Charging Hurler, Improved (Feat) | Level 6, Charging Hurler (Feat), Weapon Focus (Feat) | Your attack does much more damage, and your target may be at any range when using Charging Hurler (Feat) |
Circular Parry (Feat) | Level 6, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Feat) with <Needlesword OR Flickerspike> | Weapon gains the defensive quality |
Combat Medic (Feat) | Level 6, Heal 5 ranks | May take 10 and not provoke attacks of opportunity when using Heal Skill |
Critical, Improved (Feat) | BAB +6, Proficient with chosen weapon | Increase the threat range of one weapon |
Crusader's Fist (Feat) | BAB +6, Lay on Hands class feature | May use lay on hands upon successful unarmed strike or melee touch attack |
Cumbersome But Manageable (Feat) | Level 6, Proficient with a cumbersome weapon | Cumbersome penalty is reduced to -2 or lower |
Darting Viper (Feat) | BAB +6, proficiency with an Adaptive Reach weapon | Gain a +2 bonus to your next attack when shifting to or from reach. |
Death or Glory (Feat) | BAB +6, Power Attack (Feat) | Gain bonuses to attack and damage in exchange for taking attacks in return. |
Dorn-Dergar Master (Feat) | BAB +6, Two-Weapon Fighting (Feat), proficient with dorn-dergar | Learn to use the dorn-dergar with one hand. |
Double Slice (Feat) | Level 6, Two-Weapon Fighting (Feat) | Add your Str bonus to off-hand damage rolls |
Eclectic (Feat) | Level 6, at least two character classes | Gain the favored class feature of a second character class you possess |
Fast Healer (Feat) | Level 6, Diehard (Feat), Endurance (Feat) | Add half CON modifier to any healing applied to you. |
Feint Partner (Feat) | Level 6 | If your partner successfully feints, opponent is also flat-footed against your next attack |
Field Repair (Feat) | Level 6, Profession 6 ranks | You can repair broken items |
Gang Up (Feat) | Level 6, Combat Expertise | Flank an opponent if at least two allies are adjacent to it |
Glorious Heat (Feat) | Divine Caster Level 6 | Heal an ally when you cast a divine spell with the fire descriptor. |
Grasping Whip (Feat) | BAB +6, Weapon Focus (Feat): any whip weapon | Snatch unattended small or tiny objects with your whip |
Let Them Come (Feat) | Level 6, Weapon Focus (Feat): selected weapon | Make opportunity attacks on approaching foes, and treat melee weapons as having the Brace quality. |
Light On Your Feet (Feat) | Level 6, Runner (Feat) | You take no movement penalties when wearing medium armor |
Long Reach Mastery (Feat) | Level 6, <Cavalry Whip Mastery (Feat), -OR- Long Whip Mastery (Feat)> | Reduces the unwieldy quality to the Cumbersome quality |
Lunge (Feat) | BAB +6 | Take a -2 penalty to your AC to attack with +5 feet of reach |
Missile Shield (Feat) | Level 6, Shield Focus (Feat) | Deflect one ranged attack per round with shield |
Notched Shield (Feat) | Level 6, Shield Focus (Feat), proficient in both weapon and shield | Use a two-handed polearm with one hand while wielding a notched shield in your off-hand |
Parting Shot (Feat) | BAB +6, Dodge (Feat), Mobility (Feat), Weapon Focus (Feat), Shot on the Run (Feat) | Make a ranged attack when withdrawing |
Prone Slinger (Feat) | Level 6 | May use a sling while Prone |
Rapid Reload (Feat) | Level 6, Weapon Focus (Feat): any crossbow | Reload your weapon quickly |
Reactive Reach (Feat) | Level 6, Proficiency with an adaptive reach weapon | Change your adaptive reach as an immediate reaction |
Reverse-Feint (Feat) | BAB +6, Toughness (Feat) | Leave your defenses open to provoke an attack, but immediately retaliate with a bonus attack of your own |
Riddle of Steel (Feat) | BAB +6, <Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Feat): Bastard Sword -OR- Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Feat): Two-Bladed Sword>, Power Attack (Feat) | Wielding a Two-Bladed Sword two-handed or a Bastard Sword one-handed grants you 1.5x STR mod when Power Attack (Feat) is used. |
Rod Whisperer (Feat) | Level 6, Use Magic Device 6 ranks | Increase the effective Creator Level (CL) of any rod you wield |
Second Chance (Feat) | BAB +6, Combat Expertise (Feat) | Reroll a missed attack or failed combat maneuver |
Shatter Resolve (Feat) | Level 6, Channel Divinity class feature | Whenever a creature is damaged by your channel negative energy, and fails its Will save, it also becomes Shaken |
Shield Focus, Greater (Feat) | <Fighter 6 -OR- level 16>, Shield Focus (Feat) | Gain a +1 bonus to your AC when using a shield |
Shot on the Run (Feat) | Level 6, Dodge (Feat), Mobility (Feat), Weapon Focus (Feat) | Make ranged attack at any point during movement |
Spell Penetration (Feat) | Caster Level 6 | +1 circumstance bonus on caster checks |
Spell Resistance, Improved (Feat) | Level 6, Spell Resistance from any permanent source | Your Spell Resistance increases by +1 |
Stalwart (Feat) | BAB +6, Diehard (Feat), Endurance (Feat) | Forgo dodge AC bonus for equivalent DR |
Step Up (Feat) | Level 6 | Take a 5-foot step toward a retreating foe as an immediate action |
True Blood (Feat) | Level 6 | You may select an additional minor racial trait from your race's list of available traits. |
Two-Weapon Defense (Feat) | Level 6, Two-Weapon Fighting (Feat) | Gain +1 dodge bonus when fighting with two weapons |
Underfoot (Feat) | Level 6, Dodge (Feat), Mobility (Feat), Small size or smaller | +1 feat bonus to Acrobatics to move past larger foes, and +2 dodge bonus to AC while doing so |
Urban Forager (Feat) | Level 6, Knowledge (Local) 4 ranks, Survival 4 ranks. | You may use the Survival skill to forage and track in urban locations |
Vice Grip (Feat) | BAB +6 | All penalties assessed on the Relative Weapon Sizes table are reduced by 2. |
Volley Fire (Feat) | Level 6, Weapon Focus (Feat) | Gain a bonus to-hit with ranged or thrown attacks if your partner made a ranged or thrown attack this round. |
Wide Stance (Feat) | Level 6, Proficiency with a massive weapon | Your massive weapon uses 2x STR mod for damage instead of 1.5x |
Heroic Tier (11-15)
Paladin-Specific Feats | Prerequisites | Description |
Adroit Diversion (Feat) | <BAB +11 OR Monk 11>, Adroit Defender (Feat), Combat Expertise (Feat), <Unarmed Strike, Improved (Feat) OR Weapon Focus (Feat)> | Divert a melee attack that could have struck an adjacent ally and take the hit yourself, instead. |
Altitude Affinity (Feat) | Level 11, Endurance (Feat) | Become unaffected by problems with high altitude and gain a scaling bonus to Survival and Movement at high altitudes. |
Blinding Flash (Feat) | Level 11, Combat Expertise (Feat) | As a swift action gaze attack, reflect light into foe's eyes, dazzling foe for 1 round. |
Bodyguard (Feat) | Level 11, Combat Reflexes (Feat) | Use attack of opportunity to add a bonus to adjacent ally's AC |
Bounding Hammer (Feat) | Level 11, <Proficient with Club, Light Hammer, or Mage's Rod> | Each attack against the same foe grants a +1d4 cumulative damage bonus |
Channel Smite (Feat) | Paladin 11, Channel Divinity class feature | Channel energy through your attack to inflict heavy positive or negative energy damage |
Clustered Shots (Feat) | BAB +11, Weapon Focus (Feat), Precise Shot (Feat) | Total damage from full-round ranged attacks before applying DR |
Concentration, Uncanny (Feat) | Caster Level 11, Combat Casting (Feat) | Don't make concentration checks for violent movement or bad weather, and gain a +2 bonus on all other concentration checks. |
Critical Focus (Feat) | Level 11 | +4 scaling bonus on attack rolls made to confirm critical hits |
Deflection, Exceptional (Feat) | Level 11, Deflect Arrows (Feat) | Deflect any type of ranged attack. |
Destructive Dispel (Feat) | Level 11, Ability to cast <Dispel Magic OR Greater Dispel Magic> | Upon successful dispel, target is also rattled |
Dimensional Agility (Feat) | Level 11, <Teleport move speed OR Ability to use Monk Inner Gate OR Prowler Uncanny Step OR Dimension Door (Sorcerer/Wizard Spell)> | Gain bonuses after using a teleport move, dimension door, inner gate, or uncanny step. |
Divine Interference (Feat) | Level 11, Divine Caster Level 10 | Sacrifice a spell to force an enemy to reroll an attack against your ally. |
Efficient Cleanse (Feat) | Paladin 11, Swift Cleanse (Feat) | A single use of your Paladin Cleanse ability can cure multiple status conditions. |
Expert Driver (Feat) | Level 11, Skilled Driver (Feat): selected vehicle type | Maneuver a vehicle of a selected type as a move action, and you can stop immediately |
Exploit Lore (Feat) | Level 11 | Gain a +1 bonus to attack and base weapon damage when you fully identify a creature |
False Opening (Feat) | Level 11, Dodge (Feat), <Close-Quarters Thrower (Feat) -OR- Point-Blank Master (Feat)>, Weapon Focus (Feat) with selected ranged weapon. | May choose to provoke attacks of opportunity; gain +4 AC vs. attacks |
Following Step (Feat) | Level 11, Step Up (Feat) | Move up to 10 feet as an immediate action when a foe moves away |
Impact Critical Shot (Feat) | BAB +11, Weapon Focus (Feat) | You can bull rush or trip on a ranged critical hit |
Low-Light Vision, Improved (Feat) | Level 11, Low-light vision | Range of your low-light vision doubles. |
Lunge (Feat) | BAB +6 | Take a -2 penalty to your AC to attack with +5 feet of reach |
Monkey Lunge (Feat) | Level 11, Lunge (Feat), Acrobatics 11 ranks | Use Lunge without suffering a penalty to AC. |
Net and Trident (Feat) | Level 11, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Feat): Net, Net Adept (Feat), Two-Weapon Fighting (Feat) | May treat a net in the off-hand as a light, one-handed ranged weapon |
Parting Shot (Feat) | BAB +6, Dodge (Feat), Mobility (Feat), Weapon Focus (Feat), Shot on the Run (Feat) | Make a ranged attack when withdrawing |
Pin Down (Feat) | Level 11, Combat Reflexes, <Fighter's Challenge class feature, -OR- Goading Ki (Feat), -OR- Censuring Smite (Feat), -OR- Heedful Jeer (Feat)> | Halt an opponent's movement if they attempt to take 5-foot step or withdraw action within your reach. |
Precise Shot, Improved (Feat) | BAB +11, Weapon Focus (Feat), Precise Shot (Feat) | No cover or concealment chance on ranged attacks |
Prone Fighting (Feat) | Level 11 | Fight more effectively from the ground, and become Quelled to resist forced movement, instead of Prone. |
Pushing Assault (Feat) | <Fighter 11 -OR- level 21> Power Attack (Feat), proficient use of a Two-Handed weapon | Push a foe back with a two-handed weapon |
Quick Combat Maneuvers (Feat) | Level 11, Improved Combat Maneuvers (Feat) | Perform Combat Maneuvers as a swift action, inflict extra damage. |
Riddle of Steel (Feat) | BAB +6, <Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Feat): Bastard Sword -OR- Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Feat): Two-Bladed Sword>, Power Attack (Feat) | Wielding a Two-Bladed Sword two-handed or a Bastard Sword one-handed grants you 1.5x STR mod when Power Attack (Feat) is used. |
Second Chance, Improved (Feat) | BAB +11, Combat Expertise (Feat), Second Chance (Feat) | You may reroll up to three misses per encounter. |
Seize the Moment (Feat) | Level 11 | When your partner confirms a critical, you gain an attack of opportunity |
Skill Specialist (Feat) | Level 11, Skill Expert (Feat), and at least 11 ranks in the chosen skill | An additional +2 feat bonus and improved crit range for one skill, and a new special ability based on that skill. |
Small But Deadly (Feat) | Level 11, Weapon Focus (Feat), Small size or smaller. | You can add Str Mod x1.5 damage with a one-handed weapon in your main hand, or Str Mod x2 with a two-handed weapon. |
Snap Shot (Feat) | Level 11, Weapon Focus (Feat), Combat Reflexes (Feat) | Threaten squares within 5 feet of you when wielding a ranged weapon, make attacks of opportunity, and do not provoke. |
Spell Focus, Greater (Feat) | Caster Level 11, Spell Focus (Feat) | Another +2 or more bonus on save DCs for spells you cast |
Spring Attack (Feat) | BAB +6, Dodge (Feat), Mobility (Feat) | Move before and after melee attack |
Stalwart, Improved (Feat) | BAB +11, Diehard (Feat), Endurance (Feat), Stalwart (Feat) | Double DR gained from Stalwart |
Stand Still (Feat) | Level 11, Combat Reflexes (Feat) | Stop enemies from moving past you |
Strike Back (Feat) | BAB +11, Combat Reflexes (Feat), Mobility (Feat) | Attack foes that strike you from outside your threatened area while using reach |
Swing About (Feat) | Level 11 | Move your adjacent partner to any other square you can reach as a swift action. |
Tenacious Survivor (Feat) | Level 11, Diehard (Feat), Endurance (Feat) | When you are killed by hit point damage, you can be brought back to life by normal healing magic. |
Vice Grip (Feat) | BAB +6 | All penalties assessed on the Relative Weapon Sizes table are reduced by 2. |
Wrecking Pick (Feat) | Level 11, Proficiency with a Sunder weapon, Rent Asunder (Feat) | Grants +1 base weapon damage to Sunder weapons and causes Ruptured |
Undaunted Tier (16-20)
Paladin-Specific Feats | Prerequisites | Description |
Accuracy, Uncanny (Feat) | Level 16, Precise Shot, Improved (Feat), Perception 16 ranks | Ignore the minimum die result required by total concealment. |
Acrobatic Steps (Feat) | Level 16, Nimble Moves (Feat) | Ignore 20 feet or more of difficult terrain when you move |
Adroit Doom (Feat) | <BAB +16 OR Monk 16>, Adroit Diversion (Feat), Adroit Defender (Feat), Combat Expertise (Feat), <Unarmed Strike, Improved (Feat) OR Weapon Focus (Feat)> | Grant allies an attack of opportunity whenever you take damage from using Adroit Diversion (Feat) |
Armor Skin (Feat) | Level 16 | Increase your Natural Armor bonus by 1 |
Bestow Life (Feat) | Paladin 16 | You can restore an ally to life with 10 uses of Lay on Hands |
Brutality, Savage (Feat) | Level 16, Brutality, Greater (Feat), Brutality, Improved (Feat), proficient with a Brutal weapon | The base weapon damage dice of your brutal weapon always roll maximum results |
Channel Smite, Greater (Feat) | Paladin 16, Channel divinity class feature, Channel Smite (Feat) | Use channel divinity against a single creature to augment your damage multiple times |
Contingent Channeling (Feat) | Level 16, Channel Divinity class feature, Selective (Feat) | You can store the healing power of one of your channel divinity uses in ally who can use it to heal at a later time. |
Conviction (Feat) | Level 16, Divine class features | Enhance the power of your holy symbol once per encounter. |
Darkvision, Improved (Feat) | Level 16, Darkvision | Range of your darkvision doubles. |
Dimensional Assault (Feat) | Level 16, <Teleport move speed OR Ability to use Monk Inner Gate OR Prowler Uncanny Step OR Dimension Door (Sorcerer/Wizard Spell)>, AND Dimensional Agility (Feat) | Gain bonuses when you use a teleport speed, dimension door, inner gate, or uncanny step as part of a charge action |
Elemental Focus, Greater (Feat) | Caster Level 16, Elemental Focus (Feat) | +2 bonus on save DCs for one energy type |
Far Shot (Feat) | Level 16, Weapon Focus (Feat) | Decrease ranged penalties by half |
Fearsome Barricade (Feat) | Level 16, Intimidate 15 ranks | Intimidate those who attack your allies. |
Friendly Switch (Feat) | Level 16, Dodge (Feat), Mobility (Feat), Spring Attack (Feat) | Switch places with an ally as part of a 5-foot-step. |
Furious Focus (Feat) | Level 16, Power Attack (Feat) | Do not take the Power Attack attack penalty |
Got Your Back (Feat) | Level 16 | Once per encounter, grant your partner a re-roll on a d20 check. |
Impact Critical Shot (Feat) | BAB +11, Weapon Focus (Feat) | You can bull rush or trip on a ranged critical hit |
Impaling Critical (Feat) | Level 16, Critical Focus (Feat), Weapon Specialization (Feat) with selected piercing melee weapon | May impale and deal extra damage to opponent with a critical hit |
In Harm's Way (Feat) | Level 16, Bodyguard (Feat) | Take the damage of a successful attack upon an adjacent ally |
Iron Grip (Feat) | BAB +16, Vice Grip (Feat) | All penalties assessed on the Relative Weapon Sizes table are reduced by 4. |
Messy Wounds (Feat) | Level 16, Proficient with a Saber | First attack each round inflicts a scaling Rupture condition |
Near and Far (Feat) | Level 16, Weapon Focus, Snap Shot, Two-Weapon Fighting | Ranged attacks do not provoke attacks of opportunity |
Paired Opportunists (Feat) | Level 16 | +4 on attacks of opportunity against a foe you and your partner both threaten |
Pinpoint Targeting (Feat) | BAB +16, Precise Shot, Improved (Feat), Weapon Focus (Feat), Precise Shot (Feat) | As a standard action, make a single ranged touch attack against the target's AC, with +2 threat range. |
Ray Shield (Feat) | Level 16, Missile Shield (Feat), Shield Focus (Feat) | Deflect ranged attacks each round, including rays and gazes, with shield |
Second Chance, Improved (Feat) | BAB +11, Combat Expertise (Feat), Second Chance (Feat) | You may reroll up to three misses per encounter. |
Shield Focus, Greater (Feat) | <Fighter 6 -OR- level 16>, Shield Focus (Feat) | Gain a +1 bonus to your AC when using a shield |
Sidestep (Feat) | Level 16, Dodge (Feat), Mobility (Feat) | Make 5-foot step immediately after an opponent misses. |
Spell Penetration, Greater (Feat) | Caster Level 16, Spell Penetration (Feat) | +1 circumstance bonus on caster checks |
Stalwart, Improved (Feat) | BAB +11, Diehard (Feat), Endurance (Feat), Stalwart (Feat) | Double DR gained from Stalwart |
Step Up and Strike (Feat) | Level 16, Following Step (Feat), Step Up (Feat) | Follow adjacent creature and attack as an immediate action |
Stick Together (Feat) | Level 16 | Move as an immediate action when your partner moves. |
Storm of Throws (Feat) | Level 16, Quick Draw (Feat) | Make one attack against each surrounding foe with thrown weapons. |
Strike Back (Feat) | BAB +11, Combat Reflexes (Feat), Mobility (Feat) | Attack foes that strike you from outside your threatened area while using reach |
Swarm of Arrows (Feat) | Level 16, Weapon Focus (Feat) with selected weapon | Make one attack against each surrounding foe with projectile weapons. |
Truemagic Scribe (Feat) | Ability to cast Level 10 or higher Spells, Caster Level 16. | You learn three, 10th level, True Dweomers. |
Truemagic Supplicant (Feat) | Ability to cast Level 10 or higher Spells, Caster Level 16, Truemagic Scribe (Feat) | You learn three, 10th or 11th level, True Dweomers. |
Whirlwind Attack (Feat) | Level 16, Combat Expertise (Feat), Dodge (Feat), Mobility (Feat), Spring Attack (Feat) | Make one melee touch attack against all foes within reach as a full-attack action |
Valorous Tier (21-25)
Paladin-Specific Feats | Prerequisites | Description |
Ambient Cleanse (Feat) | Paladin 21, Swift Cleanse (Feat) | Your Paladin Cleanse ability can affect multiple allies at range. |
Aura of Courage, Improved (Feat) | Paladin 21, Cha 25, Aura of Courage class feature | Clear all fear-based statuses on allies within your aura as a swift action. |
Blinding Speed (Feat) | Level 21 | Grants a bonus attack during a full attack action, and increases all your movement speeds |
Creator, Epic (Feat) | Level 21, Creator (Feat), any Bailiwick skill 21 ranks | You are able to create epic magic items using your Bailiwick skill. |
Critical, Epic (Feat) | Level 21, Weapon Focus (Feat), Critical, Improved (Feat) | Increase your threat range with your chosen weapons even further. |
Damage Reduction (Feat) | Level 21 | Increases your Damage Reduction by 3/-. |
Dimensional Dervish (Feat) | Level 21, <Teleport move speed OR Ability to use Monk Inner Gate OR Prowler Uncanny Step OR Dimension Door (Sorcerer/Wizard Spell)>, AND Dimensional Agility (Feat), Dimensional Assault (Feat) | During a full attack action, you may teleport between each attack |
Endurance, Epic (Feat) | Level 21, Endurance (Feat) | Significantly increases your resistance to environmental damage. |
Escape Route (Feat) | Level 21 | Provoke no attacks of opportunity when moving through squares threatened by your partner |
Extraordinary Shot (Feat) | Level 21, Weapon Focus (Feat): any ranged weapon | Counter attacks with a readied action. |
Flesh or Bones (Feat) | Level 21, Channel Divinity class feature | Affect living and undead with channeled energy at the same time. |
Impact Critical Shot (Feat) | BAB +11, Weapon Focus (Feat) | You can bull rush or trip on a ranged critical hit |
Impeccable Pedigree (Feat) | Level 21 | You may select an additional major racial trait from your race's list of available traits. |
Initiative, Superior (Feat) | Level 21, Initiative, Improved (Feat) | Gain a +4 training bonus on all initiative checks. |
Iron Grip (Feat) | BAB +16, Vice Grip (Feat) | All penalties assessed on the Relative Weapon Sizes table are reduced by 4. |
Master Staff (Feat) | Caster Level 21, Creator (Feat) | Use spell slot instead of staff charge to cast spell from a staff. |
Pinpoint Targeting (Feat) | BAB +16, Precise Shot, Improved (Feat), Weapon Focus (Feat), Precise Shot (Feat) | As a standard action, make a single ranged touch attack against the target's AC, with +2 threat range. |
Pushing Assault (Feat) | <Fighter 11 -OR- level 21> Power Attack (Feat), proficient use of a Two-Handed weapon | Push a foe back with a two-handed weapon |
Skill Prodigy (Feat) | Level 21, Skill Expert (Feat), Skill Specialist (Feat), and at least 21 ranks in the chosen skill | An additional +1 feat bonus and improved crit range for one skill, and a new special ability based on that skill. |
Snap Shot, Improved (Feat) | Level 21, Weapon Focus (Feat), Combat Reflexes (Feat), Snap Shot (Feat), Weapon Focus (Feat) | You threaten an additional 10 feet with Snap Shot, and gain a +2 bonus on opportunity attack crit confirmation rolls. |
Speed, Epic (Feat) | Level 21, Runner (Feat) | Your speed increases by 30 feet. |
Spell Focus, Epic (Feat) | Caster Level 21, Spell Focus, Greater (Feat), Spell Focus (Feat) | Gain a stacking +1 bonus to Save DC's, and once per round, force a creature who saved against a spell you cast to fail the save instead. |
Spell Opportunity (Feat) | Caster Level 21, Combat Casting (Feat), Combat Reflexes (Feat), Quicken Spell (Feat) | Cast any touch spell as an attack of opportunity. |
Spell Penetration, Epic (Feat) | Caster Level 21, Spell Penetration (Feat), Spell Penetration, Greater (Feat) | +1 circumstance bonus to caster checks. |
Spell Resistance, Greater (Feat) | Level 21, Spell Resistance from any permanent source, Spell Resistance, Improved (Feat) | Your Spell Resistance improves by +3. |
Spell Shot (Feat) | Level 26, Weapon Focus (Feat) with ranged weapon, Extraordinary Shot (Feat) | Dispel spells with a readied action. |
Steady Engagement (Feat) | Level 21, Combat Reflexes (Feat), Stand Still (Feat) | If you prevent an opponent from moving via Stand Still, may disarm or trip the target as an immediate action. |
Toughness, Epic (Feat) | Level 21, Toughness (Feat) | You gain +3 hit points per character level. |
Mythic Tier (26-30)
Paladin-Specific Feats | Prerequisites | Description |
Bloody Assault (Feat) | Level 26, Power Attack (Feat) | Trade melee attack bonus for rupture damage |
Brute Strength (Feat) | Level 26 | Add your Con modifier as a bonus on all melee damage rolls. |
Combat Casting, Improved (Feat) | Caster Level 26, Combat Casting (Feat) | Once per round, you can take 20 on any Caster Check to Concentrate. |
Deadly Storm (Feat) | Level 26, Storm of Throws (Feat), Quick Draw (Feat) | Make one attack against each nearby foe with thrown weapons, including precision damage. |
Deadly Swarm (Feat) | Level 26, Swarm of Arrows (Feat), Weapon Focus (Feat) with selected weapon | Make one attack against each surrounding foe with projectile weapons, including precision damage. |
Dimensional Maneuvers (Feat) | Level 26, <Teleport move speed OR Ability to use Monk Inner Gate OR Prowler Uncanny Step OR Dimension Door (Sorcerer/Wizard Spell)>, AND Dimensional Agility (Feat), Dimensional Assault (Feat), Dimensional Dervish (Feat) | Gain +4 on combat maneuver checks while using Dimensional Dervish, have a chance to inflict heavy interstice (physical, rare) damage. |
Dimensional Savant (Feat) | Level 26, <Teleport move speed OR Ability to use Monk Inner Gate OR Prowler Uncanny Step OR Dimension Door (Sorcerer/Wizard Spell)>, AND Dimensional Agility (Feat), Dimensional Assault (Feat), Dimensional Dervish (Feat) | Occupy and provide flanking from all squares you teleport out of from when using Dimensional Dervish (Feat) |
Distant Shot (Feat) | Level 26, Perception 26 ranks, Far Shot (Feat), Weapon Focus (Feat) | Ranged attack at long distance with no range penalties. |
Impaling Critical, Improved (Feat) | Level 26, Impaling Critical (Feat), Critical Focus (Feat), Weapon Specialization (Feat) with selected piercing melee weapon | Impaled opponent must succeed at a grapple maneuver to pull your weapon out |
Infinite Deflection (Feat) | Level 26, Combat Reflexes (Feat), Deflect Arrows (Feat), Deflection, Exceptional (Feat) | Spend attacks of opportunity from Combat Reflexes to deflect ranged attacks. |
Mass Combat Maneuvers (Feat) | Level 26, Improved Combat Maneuvers (Feat) | Perform Combat Maneuvers against multiple foes, +1 bonus on Combat Maneuvers, inflict your full melee damage. |
Opening Volley (Feat) | Level 26, Weapon Focus, Snap Shot | Successful ranged attack grants +4 on next melee attack roll |
Outflank (Feat) | Level 26 | Flanking bonus becomes +4 with an ally that also has this feat |
Overchannel (Feat) | Level 26, Channel Divinity class Feature | Overload your Channel Divinity ability for more power. |
Potent Faith (Feat) | Level 26, Channel class feature | When using Channel Divinity, add Cha mod to hit point effects, add +1 to save DC's. |
Spell Shot (Feat) | Level 26, Weapon Focus (Feat) with ranged weapon, Extraordinary Shot (Feat) | Dispel spells with a readied action. |
Team Up (Feat) | Level 26, Combat Expertise (Feat), Gang Up (Feat) | Aid another as a swift action when flanking |
Void Step (Feat) | Level 26, Blinding Speed (Feat) | Move your base speed once per encounter as a swift action. |
Walk on Water (Feat) | Level 26, Blinding Speed (Feat), Runner (Feat), Speed, Epic (Feat) | As long as you keep moving, you don't sink when walking across liquids |
Whirlwind Attack, Improved (Feat) | Level 26, Whirlwind Attack (Feat), Combat Expertise (Feat), Dodge (Feat), Mobility (Feat), Spring Attack (Feat) | Whirlwind Attack is now a standard action instead of a full attack action. |
Legendary Tier (31-35)
Paladin-Specific Feats | Prerequisites | Description |
Brute Strength, Invincible (Feat) | Level 31, <Brute Strength (Feat) OR Barbarian 31> | The character's strength becomes superhuman. |
Combat Reflexes, Improved (Feat) | Level 31, Combat Reflexes (Feat) | No limit to the number of attacks of opportunity you can make in one round. |
Pack Attack (Feat) | Level 31 | When your partner attacks an enemy creature, you may make an immediate 5-foot step. |
Pinpoint Targeting (Feat) | BAB +16, Precise Shot, Improved (Feat), Weapon Focus (Feat), Precise Shot (Feat) | As a standard action, make a single ranged touch attack against the target's AC, with +2 threat range. |
Scirocco (Feat) | Level 31, Whirlwind Attack, Improved (Feat), Whirlwind Attack (Feat), Combat Expertise (Feat), Dodge (Feat), Mobility (Feat), Spring Attack (Feat) | Whirlwind Attack now includes non-provoking movement. |
Sidestep, Improved (Feat) | Level 31, Dodge (Feat), Mobility (Feat), Sidestep (Feat) | Sidestep a second time per round as long as you are missed by attacks |
Skill Virtuoso (Feat) | Level 31, Skill Specialist (Feat), Skill Prodigy (Feat), Skill Expert (Feat), at least 31 ranks in all chosen skills | Apply the bonuses of Skill Specialist (Feat), Skill Prodigy (Feat), and Skill Expert (Feat) to two new skills. |
Snap Shot, Greater (Feat) | Level 31, Snap Shot, Improved (Feat), Weapon Focus (Feat), Combat Reflexes (Feat), Snap Shot (Feat) | Gain a scaling +2 bonus on damage and critical confirmation rolls for attacks of opportunity made using ranged weapons |
Survivor (Feat) | Level 31, Diehard (Feat), Endurance (Feat) | You never fall unconscious from negative hit points unless you are dead, shrug aside the heaviest of blows. |