Phase Spider
Phase Spider (CR 8)
Phase Spiders are beautiful and terrible things, refugees from the Fey Court that wander the ether and interact with reality wherever they turn up. They look like translucent spiders of dire mien, beautiful in their limpid translucence and awful in their fanged horror.
Phase Spiders have mysterious wants and needs, and may attack for apparently no reason. Similarly, they may simply allow prey to pass without even seeming to notice, absorbed in whatever ethereal sights consume their interest.
CR 8 Hit Dice 12
XP 4,800
N, Medium, Magical Beast, Fey
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft, Perception +12
AC 27, touch 16, flat-footed 21 (+6 dex, +11 armor)
hp 125
Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +11
Aura: -
SR: - <18, if any>
Special Defenses: Incorporial
Immunities: -
Weaknesses: -
Speed 30 ft., Climb 30 while Corporeal, Teleport 30 while Incorporial.
Space / Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft.
Single Melee Ethereal Fangs +14 (2d8/x2), only usable while Corporeal
Full Melee Ethereal Fangs +14 (2d8/x2), 2x Ethereal Claws +14 (2d6/x2), only usable while Corporeal
Ranged Silver Web +14 (2d8+2/x2) + Unsteady, Only usable while Incorporeal
Special Attacks Ethereal Rush, Ethereal Repulsion
Action Points 0
Str 17, Dex 20, Con 15, Int 5, Wis 17, Cha 16
Base Atk +8; CMB +15; CMD 28
Feats -
Skills Stealth +10
Languages Phase Spiders do not speak, but they understand Awnsheghlien.
<special abilities should have a save DC 18>
<special attack damage (standard action): 4d6+1>
<special attack damage (aoe’s, swift actions or inflicting status effects): 2d6>
- Corporeality
The Phase Spider is able, as a move action, to switch from being solid and real (Corporeal) to insubstantial (Incorporeal). While solid, or corporeal, the Phase Spider can only use its powerful Ethereal Bite and Claw attacks, and has a land and climb speeds. While Incorporeal, the Phase Spider can only use it's Silver Web attack and can teleport up to 30 feet at will.
- Ethereal Rush
Once per encounter, as a full attack action, an Incorporeal Phase Spider may teleport up to twice it's normal move (60 feet) turn corporeal, and make a single Ethereal Bite attack action. Since this is a teleport movement, it does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
- Ethereal Repulsion
Once per encounter, as an immediate reaction, a Corporeal Phase Spider may teleport an adjacent foe who just struck them up to four squares. This is classed as forced movement, and may not be resisted unless the target has a specific power or ability that resists non-CMD forced movement (very rare). As with all such forced movement, if the movement would place the victim into a hazardous spot, they may make a Reflex saving throw versus a DC of 18 to end the forced movement in the space before the hazardous space.
sell value of approximately 3,250 gp
Phase Spiders will typically approach while Incorporeal. Tey have many defenses in this ethereal state, and will teleport close to their victims, using their Silver Web power to attack and inflict the Unsteady condition upon as many foes as they can.
They will them use Ethereal Rush to teleport into the midst of their victims, arriving in flanking positions if it's safe to do so. As they take melee attacks, they will use Ethereal Repulsion to scatter their foes and disrupt their formations, then try to set up full attacks whenever possible.
Despite their lovely appearance, Phase Spiders are remarkably implacable foes and will rarely if ever back away from a combat once begun.