Perfect Spell (Feat)

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You can cast spells with unheard-of power.

Prerequisites: Caster level 26, Empower Spell (Feat), Maximize Spell (Feat)

Related: Absolute Spell (Feat)

Benefit: All variable, dice-based effects of a Perfect spell are maximized. This affects both damage and healing. That is, any non-d20 dice rolled to determine the effect use their maximum possible result, instead of the rolled result, plus any adders you are capable of adding to the amount, including any dice-based secondary effects, such as ability damage.

Any non-d20 effect dice rolled for spells you cast gain a +2 modifier. D6's become d6+2, d6+1's becomes d6+3, d8's become a d8+2, etc. This feat has no effect on spells that don't specifically deal damage or grant healing via random die rolls.

In addition, if the spell specifies that it affects a number of targets, and that number is greater than 1, it affects 1 additional target when it is made perfect. If the spell is single-target only, or affects all targets in an area, this aspect of Perfect Spell has no effect.

Finally, any area of effect that the perfected spell causes has its diameter increased by 10 feet in all dimensions (length, width, and height). If the spell does not create an area of effect, this aspect of Perfect Spell has no effect.

D20-based rolls, such as to-hit rolls, saving throws, and opposed rolls are not affected. Spells without dice-rolls required to determine their effects are unaffected.

Level Increase: +6 (A perfected spell uses up a spell slot six levels higher than the spell's actual level.)