work out feats/rage powers for an urban barbar
Test Feats
1: Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Flambard 3: Improved Combat Maneuvers 5: Toughness 7: Vice Grip 9: Weapon Focus: Flambard 11: Quick Combat Maneuvers 13: Reverse Feint 15: Quaff 17: Iron Grip 19: Next! 21: Epic Toughness 23: Power Attack 25: Damage Reduction 27: Mass Combat Maneuvers 29: Ruinous Rage 31: Furious Finish 33: Damage Reduction 35: Damage Reduction
the three DR feats could be swapped for endurance, diehard, and fast healer, which combines nice with a sippy cup jacket and some ambergold...hrrrm.
Test Rage Powers, Urban Edition
Practiced Rage power: 0) Savage Intuition Rage power 1 1) Bloodthirst Rage power 2 4) Berserker Rage power 3 6) Bloody Wrath Rage power 4 9) Come and Get Me Rage power 5 11) Elbow Strike Rage power 6 14) Final Stand Rage power 7 16) Relentless Rage power 8 19) Smasher Rage power 9 21) The Gods Look Away Rage power 10 24) Battle Madness Rage power 11 26) Epic Fixation Rage power 12 29) Defy Death Rage power 13 31) Deadly Accuracy Rage power 14 34) Vicious Slice
Note: This build is set up to do a Sunder every round and use a size Large Flamberge.
simplify the rules for using more than 1 rage power to the following: the barbarian can always activate 1 rage power each round, as long as they are raging. In addition, once per encounter, the barbarian can activate x additional rage powers (scaling). (Replaces the need to be threatened by 3 foes to activate additional rage powers.)
Barbarian Example Build
(Definitely not actually a legal build; needs reviewed; keeping it here in case we get around to building a viable sample build later, so we can steal ideas from this one)
Human, base stats: Str 16, Dex 13, Con 20, int 10, Wis 10, Chr 8.
Example Feats
1st Level: Toughness, Weapon Focus:Great Axe. The best axe there is combined with more hit points than God. (35 hitpoints at first level!)
3rd Level: Power Attack. Oh man, you hit like an anvil!
5th Level: Cleave. You're fast on your feet, find clusters of bad guys and cleave them.
7th Level: Combat Reflexes. You're going to be in the thick of things, and your attacks of opportunity are huge. Get more of them!
9th Level: Extra Rage power:DR . Be tougher!
11th Level: Extra Rage power:DR . Be Even TOUGHER!
13th Level: Extra Rage power:DR . HELL YEAH.
15th Level: Dodge. Some more armor class.
17th Level: Mobility. Let's you wander around the battlefield.
19th Level: Great Cleave. Cleave, and then CLEAVE SOME MORE.
Example Rage powers
2nd Level: Scent. You can smell the fear on'em.
4th Level: Renewed Vigor. You shake off some damage.
6th Level: Regenerative Vigor. You become even tougher to stop.
8th Level: Renewed Life. Ignore that pesky life drain crap.
10th Level: Renewed Vitality. Ability Damage? YOU LAUGH.
12th Level: Come and Get Me. Ahh, here it is. THIS is why you've taken all those defensive abilities all this time.
14th Level: Unexpected Strike. Moar damage! Only once a rage, but hey, it's good for when you want to put in a finisher.
16th Level: Flesh Wound. Getting a little low on hit points? Pick a reasonably sized attack. Make save. IGNORE IT.
18th Level: Fearless Rage. Fear is for lesser killing machines than you, my friend.
20th Level: Good For What Ails You. Drink booze, reroll some saving throws.
This build is a high toughness, moderate defense Barbarian. He'll be doing more than okay damage, but the maxed-out DR and defensive feats means he'll be in the fight a good long time.