Honcho Helmet +5
Honcho Helmet +5
- Cost: 91,000 gp
- Weight: 2 lbs.
- Family: Honcho Helmet
A honcho helmet is an impressive thing, often featuring a brightly-colored plumed crest that runs from the front to the back of the helmet, creating the impression of a tall mohawk-like ridge. The crest is fashioned from the hairs of dire bears, and is then dyed a bright color, often red, blue, yellow, or green. The helmet itself is steel with a bladesilver veneer, and is then filigreed with ambergold and actual gold. The filigree looks like decorative scrollwork at first glance, but closer inspection reveals small animals and spirits inhabiting a stylized woodland setting. The helmet is heavy (heavy hangs the head that wears the... ) but allows decent sight-lines, not inhibiting the wearer's perception in any way.
Honcho helmets are favored by druids, rangers, and many spell casters. Among civilians they are not popular at all, since outside of combat, the helmet provides little advantage other than its eye-catching appearance.
In addition, once per day, the wearer of the honcho helmet can grant a bonus move action to one summoned monster, animal companion, or familiar that they control, as an immediate action outside of their turn. This movement can be used to interrupt the movement of an enemy creature. If used this way, the enemy creature must halt their movement when they get to the summoned monster, companion, or familiar, rather than continuing their movement. If the movement was part of an attack action (such as a Charge maneuver), the attack can be resolved against the summoned monster, companion, or familiar, but not against the original target, unless the enemy creature can still reach their original target, despite having their movement prematurely halted.
The honcho helmet cannot be used on any summoned monster you did not summon, or any animal companion or familiar other than your own. Only creatures you control yourself can be affected by the helmet. Note that monsters that you summon via a magic item (such as with a Lesser Jailer's Rod) count as being summoned by you.The owner of this magic item must wear it continuously for 24 hours to attune it to their aura, and until that time has passed, it provides no benefits to the wearer.
- Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 44 (10 + double CL)), Bright (tier 3) remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 45,500 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).