Divine Summoning (Feat)

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You are so in favor with your God's Will, every creature you summon is touched with their Divine power.

Prerequisites: Level 6, Alignment Restriction

Benefit: Whenever you summon a creature or creatures with a summon spell you cast yourself (which may include the use of a magic item), the summoned creature(s) may gain a divinely-inspired Pattern which matches some aspect of your alignment.

If your character is Good aligned, you may apply the Celestial Creature pattern.
If your character is Evil aligned, you may apply the Fiendish Creature pattern.
If your character is Lawful aligned, you may apply the Resolute Creature pattern.
If your character is Chaotically aligned, you may apply the Entropic Creature pattern.

If your character is aligned with two ethical axes, (such as Lawful Good), you must choose which pattern this feat applies when you take the feat, and it may not be changed unless you change the feat using downtime.

When adding a pattern to a summoned monster, the pattern is applied to the base CR of the summon you can call for your current level. If you possess more than one summoning feat that applies a pattern, you can apply any or all of them. The level adjustment of the pattern does not alter the CR of the summoned monster, except for purposes of calculating its 'effective CR'. You can never summon a monster with an 'effective CR' greater than your own character level (unless you have the Superior Summoning feat). In the event that you wish to summon a monster with more patterns than your character level can support, you must reduce the base monster's CR so that the added patterns result in an 'effective CR' equal to or less than your own character level.