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The ones calling the shots.
- Leaders have double hit points.
- Once per round as an immediate action, a Leader may grant any one ally within the sound of their voice (typically 30 feet) a free standard action to be used immediately.
- Leaders give all allies in the encounter who can perceive the leader, or who know the leader exists, a +3 morale bonus to attack rolls. This attack bonus applies to Combat Maneuver rolls as well.
- Leaders give all allies in the encounter who can perceive the leader, or who know the leader exists, a +3 morale bonus to damage rolls. This damage bonus applies to Combat Maneuver rolls as well.
- Leaders give all allies in the encounter who can perceive the leader, or who know the leader exists, a +3 morale bonus to all Skill rolls (including Perception) and all inflicted saving throw DC's for extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like powers.
- Leaders do not improve received saving throws, SR, DR or ER, or any other aspect of their allies.
- All Leader buffs end immediately when the leader is killed.
- This buff does not affect the leader, though if another leader is present, the leader gains this buff from the other leader. Morale bonuses do not stack; instead only the highest available bonus may be used. * Note that minions treat this as a buff, gaining their own benefit instead of the listed benefit.
- Leaders count as two monsters for xp and loot.