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CR ½

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR ½ Blueprint ½
Beetle, Fire (Summoned) ½ Vermin
Dire Rat (Summoned) ½ Animal
Dog (Summoned) ½ Animal
Dolphin (Summoned) ½ Animal
Eagle (Summoned) ½ Animal
Goblin ½ Fey
Poisonous Frog (Summoned) ½ Animal
Pony (Summoned) ½ Animal
Stirge ½ Magical Beast
Viper (Summoned) ½ Animal

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CR 1

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 1 Blueprint 1
Ant, Giant Worker (Summoned) 1 Vermin
Centipede, Giant (Summoned) 1 Vermin
Elemental, Small (Summoned) 1 Outsider
Frog, Giant (Summoned) 1 Animal
Goblin Cutthroat 1 Fey
Goblin Dog (Summoned) 1 Animal
Horse (Summoned) 1 Animal
Human Goon 1 Humanoid
Hyena (Summoned) 1 Animal
Kobold Skirmisher 1 Humanoid
Kobold Slinger 1 Humanoid
Lemure (Summoned) 1 Outsider Devil
Octopus (Summoned) 1 Animal
Shrieker 1 Plant
Skeleton, Decrepit 1 Undead
Spider, Giant (Summoned) 1 Vermin
Squid (Summoned) 1 Animal
Swarm, Rat 1 Vermin
Swarm, Spider (Summoned) 1 Vermin
Wolf (Summoned) 1 Animal

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CR 2

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 2 Blueprint 2
Ant, Giant Soldier (Summoned) 2 Vermin
Ape (Summoned) 2 Animal
Aurochs (Summoned) 2 Animal
Beetle, Giant Bombardier 2 Vermin
Boar (Summoned) 2 Animal
Cheetah (Summoned) 2 Animal
Common Bandit 2 Humanoid
Crawling Hand 2 Undead
Crocodile (Summoned) 2 Animal
Dire Bat (Summoned) 2 Animal
Drake, Guard 2 Magical Beast
Dretch (Summoned) 2 Outsider Demon
Electric Eel (Summoned) 2 Animal
Goblin Berserker 2 Fey
Goblin Firetamer 2 Fey
Hyena 2 Animal
Kobold Dragon-Touched 2 Humanoid
Lantern Archon (Summoned) 2 Outsider
Lanternmoss 2 Plant
Leopard (Summoned) 2 Animal
Monitor Lizard (Summoned) 2 Animal
Norker Vagabond 2 Humanoid
Shark (Summoned) 2 Animal
Snake, Constrictor (Summoned) 2 Animal
Wolverine (Summoned) 2 Animal
Zombie 2 Undead
Zombie Parts (Minion Role) 2 Undead

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CR 3

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 3 Blueprint 3
Allip 3 Undead
Ant, Giant Drone (Summoned) 3 Vermin
Beetle, Saw 3 Vermin
Bison (Summoned) 3 Animal
Blood Roses 3 Plant
Crocodile 3 Animal
Deinonychus (Summoned) 3 Animal
Dire Ape (Summoned) 3 Animal
Dire Boar (Summoned) 3 Animal
Dire Wolf (Summoned) 3 Animal
Drow Daywalker 3 Fey
Elemental, Medium (Summoned) 3 Outsider
Goblin Wolfrider 3 Fey
Grizzly Bear (Summoned) 3 Animal
Hellhound (Summoned) 3 Outsider
Hound Archon (Summoned) 3 Outsider
Imp 3 Outsider Devil
Kobold Warrior 3 Humanoid
Lion (Summoned) 3 Animal
Mephit (Summoned) 3 Outsider
Ochre Jelly 3 Ooze
Orc Raider 3 Humanoid
Pteranodon (Summoned) 3 Animal
Quasit 3 Outsider Demon
Rhinoceros (Summoned) 3 Animal
Scorpion, Giant (Summoned) 3 Vermin
Skeleton Legionnaire 3 Undead
Swarm, Sanguine Alchemical Ooze 3 Swarm
Swarm, Spider 3 Vermin
Swarm, Wasp (Summoned) 3 Vermin
Town Guard Guardsman 3 Humanoid
Wasp, Giant (Summoned) 3 Vermin

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CR 4

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 4 Blueprint 4
Centaur 4 Magical Beast
Clockwork Agent 4 Swarm
Doppelganger 4 Protean
Drake, Spitting 4 Magical Beast
Duergar 4 Humanoid
Gelatinous Cube (Threat Role) 4 Ooze
Grick 4 Aberration
Kobold Draconian 4 Humanoid
Norker 4 Humanoid
Norker Skulk 4 Humanoid
Orc Warrior 4 Humanoid
Spider, Deathjump 4 Vermin
Swarm, Melancholic Alchemical Ooze 4 Swarm
Zombie, Corrupted 4 Undead

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CR 5

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 5 Blueprint 5
Assassin Vine 5 Plant
Dire Boar 5 Animal
Elemental, Large (Summoned) 5 Outsider
Ghoul 5 Undead
Moray Eel, Giant (Summoned) 5 Animal
Orc Shaman 5 Humanoid
Orca (Summoned) 5 Animal
Owlbear 5 Magical Beast
Shadow Mastiff (Summoned) 5 Outsider
Swarm, Army Ant (Summoned) 5 Vermin
Swarm, Phlegmatic Alchemical Ooze 5 Swarm
Troll 5 Monstrous Humanoid Giant
Zombie, Beast 5 Undead
Will-O-Wisp 5 Magical Beast
Wraith 5 Undead

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CR 6

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 6 Blueprint 6
Ankheg 6 Magical Beast
Ankylosaurus (Summoned) 6 Animal
Axe Beak 6 Animal
Babau (Summoned) 6 Outsider Demon
Bearded Devil (Summoned) 6 Outsider Devil
Bralani Azata (Summoned) 6 Outsider
Bugbear 6 Fey
Dire Lion (Summoned) 6 Animal
Dire Wolf 6 Animal
Drake, Horned 6 Magical Beast
Dretch 6 Outsider Demon
Drow Poisoner 6 Fey
Ghast 6 Undead
Gnoll Huntmaster 6 Humanoid
Kyton (Summoned) 6 Outsider Devil
Leatherleaf 6 Plant
Lemure 6 Outsider Devil
Lizardfolk Blood Savage 6 Humanoid
Rust Monster 6 Magical Beast
Salamander (Summoned) 6 Outsider
Skeleton, Burning 6 Undead
Swarm, Choleric Alchemical Ooze 6 Swarm
Swarm, Fly 6 Swarm
Woolly Rhinoceros (Summoned) 6 Animal
Xill (Summoned) 6 Outsider

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CR 7

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 7 Blueprint 7
Black Pudding 7 Ooze
Cockatrice 7 Magical Beast
Dire Bear (Summoned) 7 Animal
Elasmosaurus (Summoned) 7 Animal
Elemental, Huge (Summoned) 7 Outsider
Elephant (Summoned) 7 Animal
Gnoll Marauder 7 Humanoid
Golem, Flesh 7 Construct
Hellhound 7 Outsider
Invisible Stalker (Summoned) 7 Outsider
Lillend Azata (Summoned) 7 Outsider
Lizardfolk Blood Acolyte 7 Humanoid
Orc Battle-Rager 7 Humanoid
Otyugh 7 Magical Beast
Rot Fly, Giant 7 Magical Beast
Shadow Demon (Summoned) 7 Outsider
Skeleton, Bloody Bones 7 Undead
Succubus (Summoned) 7 Outsider Demon

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CR 8

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 8 Blueprint 8
Basilisk 8 Magical Beast
Clockwork Analyst 8 Construct
Dire Tiger (Summoned) 8 Animal
Drake, Rage 8 Magical Beast
Drow Blademaster 8 Fey
Erinyes (Summoned) 8 Outsider Devil
Gnoll Claw Fighter 8 Humanoid
Lizardfolk Coldblood 8 Humanoid
Octopus, Giant (Summoned) 8 Animal
Ogre 8 Humanoid
Orc Wardrummer (Leader Role) 8 Humanoid
Pterodactyl 8 Animal
Skeleton Soldier 8 Undead
Spider, Phase 8 Magical Beast
Swarm, Rot Grub 8 Swarm
Triceratops (Summoned) 8 Animal
Vampiric Thrall 8 Undead
Violet Fungus 8 Plant

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CR 9

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 9 Blueprint 9
Bone Devil (Summoned) 9 Outsider Devil
Bulette (Threat Role) 9 Magical Beast
Dire Bear (Heavy Role) 9 Animal
Dire Crocodile (Summoned) 9 Animal
Dire Shark (Summoned) 9 Animal
Drow Consort 9 Fey
Elemental, Greater (Summoned) 9 Outsider
Gargoyle 9 Monstrous Humanoid
Gelatinous Cube, Huge (Threat Role) 9 Ooze
Gnoll War Fang 9 Humanoid
Hobgoblin Torturer 9 Fey
Mastodon (Summoned) 9 Animal
Mohrg 9 Undead
Razor Grass 9 Plant
Roc (Summoned) 9 Animal
Squid, Giant (Summoned) 9 Animal
Swarm, Young Rust Monster 9 Swarm Magical Beast
Troll, Cave 9 Monstrous Humanoid Giant
Tyrannosaurus (Summoned) 9 Animal
Velociprator 9 Animal
Vrock (Summoned) 9 Outsider Demon
Wight 9 Undead

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CR 10

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 10 Blueprint 10
Aboleth 10 Aberration
Bebilith (Summoned) 10 Outsider Demon
Brachiosaurus (Summoned) 10 Animal
Cyclops (Heavy Role) 10 Monstrous Humanoid
Dire Tiger 10 Animal
Drake, Thunder 10 Magical Beast
Ettin Stalker 10 Monstrous Humanoid
Golem, Clay 10 Construct
Hobgoblin Deceiver 10 Fey
Medusa 10 Monstrous Humanoid
Mummy, Decaying 10 Undead
Cunning Ogre 10 Monstrous Humanoid
Orc Centurion 10 Humanoid
Orc Warlord (Heavy Role) 10 Humanoid
Snake, Giant Constrictor 10 Magical Beast
Swarm, Locust 10 Swarm
Town Guard Squadron 10 Swarm Troop
Yuan-Ti Cabalist 10 Magical Beast

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CR 11

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 11 Blueprint 11
Babau 11 Outsider Demon
Barbed Devil (Summoned) 11 Outsider Devil
Dragon, Common White (Threat Role) 11 Dragon
Drider Shadow Priest 11 Magical Beast
Elemental, Elder (Summoned) 11 Outsider
Fetid Mound 11 Plant Undead
Giant, Hill 11 Monstrous Humanoid
Hezrou (Summoned) 11 Outsider Demon
Hobgoblin Scourge 11 Fey
Legionnaire Devil 11 Outsider Devil
Minotaur 11 Monstrous Humanoid
Ogre, Cruel 11 Monstrous Humanoid
Skeleton, Janissary 11 Undead
Spider, Blade 11 Magical Beast
Yuan-Ti Malison 11 Magical Beast

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CR 12

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 12 Blueprint 12
Clockwork Auditor 12 Construct
Der Brock 12 Animal
Dragon, Common Black (Threat Role) 12 Dragon
Ettin Lurker 12 Monstrous Humanoid
Golem, Stone 12 Construct
Naga, Guardian 12 Magical Beast
Ogre, Armored (Tank Role) 12 Monstrous Humanoid
Skeleton, Inferno 12 Undead
Tyrannosaurus 12 Animal
Vampire 12 Undead
Wyvern 12 Magical Beast
Yellow Musk Creeper 12 Plant
Yellow Musk Zombie 12 Plant
Yuan-Ti Soul Eater 12 Magical Beast
Zombie Horde 12 Swarm Troop

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CR 13

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 13 Blueprint 13
Dragon, Common Green (Threat Role) 13 Dragon
Dragon, Greater White (Threat Role) 13 Dragon
Drider Arachnomancer 13 Magical Beast
Elemental, Exalted 13 Outsider
Ghaele Azata (Summoned) 13 Outsider
Glabrezu (Summoned) 13 Outsider Demon
Ice Devil (Summoned) 13 Outsider Devil
Minotaur, Domesticated 13 Monstrous Humanoid
Ogre Brute 13 Monstrous Humanoid
Salamander 13 Outsider
Shadow 13 Undead
Skeleton Myrmidon 13 Undead
Snake, Giant Venomous 13 Magical Beast
Spider, Tomb 13 Magical Beast

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CR 14

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 14 Blueprint 14
Astral Deva (Summoned) 14 Outsider
Dragon, Common Blue (Threat Role) 14 Dragon
Dragon, Greater Black (Threat Role) 14 Dragon
Erinyes 14 Outsider Devil
Gallow Tree 14 Plant
Giant, Stone 14 Monstrous Humanoid
Gibbering Mouther 14 Aberration
Nalfeshnee (Summoned) 14 Outsider Demon
Ogre Chieftain (Heavy Role) 14 Monstrous Humanoid
Purple Worm 14 Magical Beast
Succubus 14 Outsider Demon
Trumpet Archon (Summoned) 14 Outsider
Wight, Barrow 14 Undead
Yuan-Ti Abomination (Heavy Role) 14 Magical Beast

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CR 15

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 15 Blueprint 15
Draegloth 15 Magical Beast Demon
Dragon, Common Red (Threat Role) 15 Dragon
Dragon, Greater Green (Threat Role) 15 Dragon
Dragon, Fearsome White (Threat Role) 15 Dragon
Elemental, Potent 15 Outsider
Ettin, Striding 15 Monstrous Humanoid
Ghost 15 Undead
Giant, Forest 15 Monstrous Humanoid
Golem, Iron 15 Construct
Memory Moss 15 Plant
Minotaur Gladiator 15 Monstrous Humanoid
Mummy Tomb Guardian 15 Undead
Naga, Bone 15 Magical Beast
Rakshasa 15 Monstrous Humanoid

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CR 16

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 16 Blueprint 16
Clockwork Collector 16 Construct
Dragon, Greater Blue (Threat Role) 16 Dragon
Dragon, Fearsome Black (Threat Role) 16 Dragon
Ettin Boss (Heavy Role) 16 Monstrous Humanoid
Giant, Frost 16 Monstrous Humanoid
Hellcat 16 Outsider Devil
Hezrou 16 Outsider Demon
Lich 16 Undead
Minotaur, Performing 16 Monstrous Humanoid
Scythe Tree 16 Plant
Treant 16 Magical Beast
Wraith, Dread 16 Undead

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CR 17

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 17 Blueprint 17
Banshee 17 Undead
Wight, Dire 17 Undead
Bearded Devil 17 Outsider Devil
Dragon, Greater Red (Threat Role) 17 Dragon
Dragon, Fearsome Green (Threat Role) 17 Dragon
Elemental, Puissant 17 Outsider
Dragon, Savage White (Threat Role) 17 Dragon
Minotaur, Feral (Heavy Role) 17 Monstrous Humanoid
Vrock 17 Outsider Demon

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CR 18

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 18 Blueprint 18
Dragon, Fearsome Blue (Threat Role) 18 Dragon
Dragon, Savage Black (Threat Role) 18 Dragon
Giant, Fire 18 Monstrous Humanoid
Golem, Steel 18 Construct
Kyton 18 Outsider Devil
Marilith 18 Outsider Demon
Naga, Dark 18 Magical Beast
Shadow, Greater 18 Undead
Skeleton Champion 18 Undead

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CR 19

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 19 Blueprint 19
Barbed Devil 19 Outsider Devil
Bebilith 19 Outsider Demon
Dragon, Fearsome Red (Threat Role) 19 Dragon
Dragon, Savage Green (Threat Role) 19 Dragon
Dragon, Terrible White (Threat Role) 19 Dragon
Remoraz 19 Magical Beast
Skeleton, Volcanic 19 Undead

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CR 20

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 20 Blueprint 20
Bone Devil 20 Outsider Devil
Dragon, Savage Blue (Threat Role) 20 Dragon
Dragon, Terrible Black (Threat Role) 20 Dragon
Elemental, Terrible 20 Outsider
Giant, Cloud 20 Monstrous Humanoid
Golem, Mithril 20 Construct
Mummy Grand Vizier 20 Undead
Nalfeshnee 20 Outsider Demon
Spectre 20 Undead
Wight, Brute 20 Undead

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CR 21

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 21 Blueprint 21
Dragon, Common Force (Threat Role) 21 Dragon Outsider
Dragon, Elder White Wyrm (Threat Role) 21 Dragon
Dragon, Savage Red (Threat Role) 21 Dragon
Dragon, Terrible Green (Threat Role) 21 Dragon
Glabrezu 21 Outsider Demon
Ice Devil 21 Outsider Devil
Mu Spore 21 Plant
Skeleton Conqueror 21 Undead
Swarm, Undead Raven 21 Swarm Undead
Titan, Hill 21 Monstrous Humanoid

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CR 22

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 22 Blueprint 22
Dragon, Elder Black Wyrm (Threat Role) 22 Dragon
Dragon, Terrible Blue (Threat Role) 22 Dragon
Efreet Fireblade 22 Outsider
Giant, Storm 22 Monstrous Humanoid
Golem, Adamantine 22 Construct
Ha-Naga 22 Aberration
Horned Devil 22 Outsider Devil
Mummy Tomb Pharaoh 22 Undead
Retriever 22 Outsider Demon
Spider, Demonweb Horror 22 Magical Beast

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CR 23

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 23 Blueprint 23
Dragon, Elder Green Wyrm (Threat Role) 23 Dragon
Dragon, Greater Force (Threat Role) 23 Dragon Outsider
Dragon, Terrible Red (Threat Role) 23 Dragon
Lavawight 23 Undead
Titan, Stone 23 Monstrous Humanoid
Winterwight 23 Undead

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CR 24

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 24 Blueprint 24
Balor 24 Outsider Demon
Dragon, Elder Blue Wyrm (Threat Role) 24 Dragon
Efreet Cinderlord 24 Outsider
Elemental, Supreme 24 Outsider
Pit Fiend 24 Outsider Devil
Skeleton Deathbringer 24 Undead
Stone Colossus 24 Monstrous Humanoid

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CR 25

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 25 Blueprint 25
Bonestorm 25 Undead
Dragon, Common Prismatic (Threat Role) 25 Dragon Outsider
Dragon, Elder Red Wyrm (Threat Role) 25 Dragon
Dragon, Fearsome Force (Threat Role) 25 Dragon Outsider
Efreet Flamestrider 25 Outsider
Giant, Death 25 Monstrous Humanoid
Gloom 25 Undead
Golem, Clay Furnace 25 Construct
Titan, Frost 25 Monstrous Humanoid

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CR 26

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 26 Blueprint 26
Efreet Pyresinger 26 Outsider
Helleskrieg Flockling 26 Outsider Aberration
Purple Worm, Greater 26 Magical Beast
Shape of Fire 26 Undead
Skeleton, Smoky Apocalypse 26 Undead
Worm That Walks 26 Undead

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CR 27

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 27 Blueprint 27
Dragon, Greater Prismatic (Threat Role) 27 Dragon Outsider
Dragon, Savage Force (Threat Role) 27 Dragon Outsider
Faerie Ring 27 Plant
Fomaiorian 27 Monstrous Humanoid
Gibbering Orb 27 Aberration
Golem, Stone Furnace 27 Construct
Helleskrieg, Superior Flockling 27 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg Separator 27 Outsider Aberration
Skeleton Desecrator 27 Undead
Titan, Fire 27 Monstrous Humanoid

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CR 28

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 28 Blueprint 28
Efreet Karadjin 28 Outsider
Elemental, Invincible 28 Outsider
Helleskrieg Manipulator 28 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, True Flockling 28 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, Superior Separator 28 Outsider Aberration
Wight, Doom 28 Undead

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CR 29

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 29 Blueprint 29
Demi-Lich 29 Undead
Dragon, Fearsome Prismatic (Threat Role) 29 Dragon Outsider
Dragon, Terrible Force (Threat Role) 29 Dragon Outsider
Helleskrieg, Majestic Flockling 29 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, True Separator 29 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, Superior Manipulator 29 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg Taiga 29 Outsider Aberration
Titan, Cloud 29 Monstrous Humanoid

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CR 30

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 30 Blueprint 30
Atropal 30 Outsider Undead
Golem, Iron Furnace 30 Construct
Helleskrieg, Majestic Separator 30 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, True Manipulator 30 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, Superior Taiga 30 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg Verdant 30 Outsider Aberration
Skeleton, Hellknight 30 Outsider Undead

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CR 31

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 31 Blueprint 31
Blood Pudding 31 Ooze
Bonefield 31 Undead
Dragon, Elder Force Wyrm (Threat Role) 31 Dragon Outsider
Dragon, Savage Prismatic (Threat Role) 31 Dragon Outsider
Helleskrieg, Majestic Manipulator 31 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, True Taiga 31 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, Superior Verdant 31 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg Frostbound 31 Outsider Aberration
Skeleton, Smoky Annihilation 31 Undead
Swarm, Shadow 31 Swarm Troop

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CR 32

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 32 Blueprint 32
Elemental, Overlord 32 Outsider
Helleskrieg, Majestic Taiga 32 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, True Verdant 32 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, Superior Frostbound 32 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg Inferno 32 Outsider Aberration
Skeleton, Hellknight Charioteer 32 Outsider Undead
Titan, Storm 32 Monstrous Humanoid

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CR 33

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 33 Blueprint 33
Dragon, Terrible Prismatic (Threat Role) 33 Dragon Outsider
Golem, Steel Furnace 33 Construct
Helleskrieg, Majestic Verdant 33 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, True Frostbound 33 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, Superior Inferno 33 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg Juggernaut 33 Outsider Aberration
Twilight Mushrooms 33 Plant

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CR 34

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 34 Blueprint 34
Helleskrieg, Majestic Frostbound 34 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, True Inferno 34 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, Superior Juggernaut 34 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg Denizen 34 Outsider Aberration
Phaethon (Threat Role) 34 Outsider
Wight, Star Stricken 34 Undead Outsider

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CR 35

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 35 Blueprint 35
Dragon, Elder Prismatic Wyrm (Threat Role) 35 Dragon Outsider
Golem, Mithril Furnace 35 Construct
Helleskrieg, Majestic Inferno 35 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, True Juggernaut 35 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, Superior Denizen 35 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg Pinioned 35 Outsider Aberration
Skeleton, Hellknight Vanquisher 35 Outsider Undead
Titan, Death 35 Monstrous Humanoid

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CR 36

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 36 Blueprint 36
Helleskrieg, Majestic Juggernaut 36 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, True Denizen 36 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, Superior Pinioned 36 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg Slumberer 36 Outsider Aberration
Skeleton, Smoky Hecatomb 36 Undead

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CR 37

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 37 Blueprint 37
Elemental, Absolute 37 Outsider
Helleskrieg, Majestic Denizen 37 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, True Pinioned 37 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, Superior Slumberer 37 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg Wormking 37 Outsider Aberration

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CR 38

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 38 Blueprint 38
Golem, Adamantine Furnace 38 Construct
Helleskrieg, Majestic Pinioned 38 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, True Slumberer 38 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, Superior Wormking 38 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg Worldshadow 38 Outsider Aberration
Skeleton, Hellknight Lord 38 Outsider Undead

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CR 39

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 39 Blueprint 39
Helleskrieg, Majestic Slumberer 39 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, True Wormking 39 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, Superior Worldshadow 39 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg Lord 39 Outsider Aberration

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CR 40

Creature Name CR Type Subtype
*CR 40 Blueprint 40
Helleskrieg, Majestic Wormking 40 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, True Worldshadow 40 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, Superior Lord 40 Outsider Aberration
Helleskrieg, Tyrant 40 Outsider Aberration
Primordial Phage 40 Undead

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