Summoning, Superb (Feat)
Your incredible talent at calling for creatures to serve you means you bring forth only the most mighty when you cast your spells.
Prerequisites: Level 26, Summoning Perfection (Feat)
Benefit: Any time you summon a creature, regardless of the listed base CR of the summoning spell you are using, it has a CR equal to your Character Level + 1.
The effects of this feat replace (do not stack with) the effects of the Summoning Perfection feat. This feat explicitly allows you to break the rule against ever summoning a monster with a CR greater than your level, but only up to one CR higher than your level. Any other effects which alter the listed CR of a summoned monster cannot be stacked with this feat, and are subject to the "can't be higher than your level" rule, as normal (and thus, this feat will always be superior to those mewling imitators.)