Divine Summoning (Feat)

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You are so in favor with your God's Will, every creature you summon is touched with their Divine power.

Prerequisites: Level 6

Benefit: Whenever you summon a creature (or creatures) with a summon spell you cast yourself (which may include the use of a magic item), the summoned creature(s) may gain a divinely-inspired bonus:

  • Smite Enemy: Once per encounter as a swift action, the summoned creature may choose one monster it can perceive that stands in opposition to its summoner's ethics and goals. Once it has declared its Smite target, each of its attacks made against that target gain a +2 bonus to-hit, and inflict 4 points of bonus damage. Attacks against any other creature besides the designated Smite target (obviously) don't get these bonuses.
The type of this damage is determined by the summoner's alignment, and the alignment of the summoned monster changes to match this damage type:
  • Good: radiant (energy, uncommon) damage
  • Evil: necrotic (energy, uncommon) damage
  • Lawful: stilling (energy, uncommon) damage
  • Chaotic: scouring (energy, uncommon) damage
If your character is aligned with two ethical axes, (such as Lawful Good), you must choose which damage type this feat applies when you take the feat. Once selected, it cannot be changed except through re-selection process.
Smite Enemy persists until the target is dead or the end of the encounter, whichever occurs first.

Generally, there is no limitation on how many Summons-based feats can be applied simultaneously to a summoned creature (or creatures) that you cast yourself, other than the number of Summons-based feats you actually possess. The caster can choose to apply (or not apply) each feat (or all such feats) at the time the summon monster spell is cast. However, some feats specifically list other Summons-based feats that they are incompatible with. In such cases, only one of the conflicting patterns can be applied.