Celestial Creature
Celestial Creature Pattern (+1 CR)
- Alignment: changes to Pure Good
- Subtype: add Good to subtypes
Celestial Creature is a pattern that can be added to any creature that is a Good variant of a base creature. Silver puddings, Celestial Orcs, good-guy Ogres, and so forth can be created with this pattern. Celestial Creature can be used to widen the variety of bad guys available to a group of Evil Aligned players, or it can be used to flesh out strange alternate Lateral Material Planes where things are topsy-turvy, and mirror images of 'normal' monsters exist. Celestial can also be used to create followers and henchmen for your NPC Constituents. The little old Gnomish Mayor may seem a lot more substantial when the players realize she has a pet Silver Worm that she dotes on....
This creature seems to be empowered by some kind of dangerous celestial might.
- Init: +1 CRs greater than base creature.
- Senses:
- Movement Types:
- Special Defenses:
- Strong Against:
- Weak Against:
- Space / Reach: - / -
- To-Hits: +1 CRs greater than base creature.
- Str: Dex: Con: Int: Wis: Cha:
- Feats:
- Skills:
- creature adds +3 CRs to its Sense Motive skill.
- Languages: