Eldritch Creature
Eldritch Creature Pattern (+3 CR)
- Alignment: changes to Chaotic Evil
- Subtype: add Eldritch to subtypes
Eldritch Creature is a pattern that can be added to any creature to symbolize that they either hail from the vasty depths of the Deep Dark, or they have been tainted with the staining touch of the Outer Madness...or maybe it means something else entirely!
Weird, terrible, tentacle-laden creatures that have been twisted away from the course of Nature. Monsters touched by Aboleth genes, mutations, un-known horrors, chaos-spawned monstrosities, the results of Alchemical or Sorcerous experiments, all these are things that can be modeled with the Eldritch Creature pattern.
Eldritch Creature is a powerful pattern, and can be used to create eerie, awful things to inhabit time-lost ruins, planets filled with ineffable horrors, and the dross-pits of the Unterwelt.
This scarily strong creature seems weirdly deformed...and is it...whistling?
- Init: +3 CRs greater than base creature.
- Ambush Chance: +2 (worse at ambushes)
- Senses:
- Lifesense 20 ft.
- Movement Types:
- Lesser Teleport 20 ft.
- AC: +2 CRs greater than base creature.
- Maneuver Defense: +1 CRs greater than base creature.
- Hit Points: +3 CRs greater than base creature.
- Fort: +3 CRs greater than base creature.
- Refl: +2 CRs greater than base creature.
- Will: +4 CRs greater than base creature.
- Special Defenses:
- Strong Against:
- Weak Against:
- Space / Reach: - / -
- To-Hits: +3 CRs greater than base creature.
- Damage: +2 CRs greater than base creature.
- Maneuver Offense: +3 CRs greater than base creature.
- Save DC's: +3 CRs greater than base creature.
- Str: 4 Dex: 4 Con: 4 Int: 4 Wis: 4 Cha: 4
- Feats:
- Skills:
- creature adds +3 CRs to all of its existing skills.
- creature adds +5 CRs to its Knowledge (Planes) skill.
- Languages: