Shredding (Melee Weapon Magic Property)
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- Price: +5 bonus
- Aura strong evocation; CL 26th; Weight —
A shredding weapon exhibits a ragged, toothy, appearance, being covered with teeth and barbs, all supernaturally sharp. A shredding weapon usually smells of blood.
A shredding weapon deals 1d6 points of bleed damage when it hits a creature, every time it hits a creature. Multiple hits from a shredding weapon increase the bleed damage, each successive hit stacking the amount of bleed. Bleeding creatures take the bleed damage at the start of their turns. Bleeding can be stopped by a successful DC 15 Heal check or through the application of any spell that cures hit point damage. Each bleed inflicted by a shredding weapon is additive and is considered a single bleed, so one heal check or heal will remove all of it. A critical hit does not multiply the bleed damage.
NOTE: Creatures immune to critical hits are not immune to the bleed damage dealt by this weapon. Instead, creatures that are normally immune to bleed suffer a smaller degenerative bleed effect, 1 point per strike instead of 1d6.
- Craft Magic Arms and Armor, blade barrier