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Weapons, armor and any other worn or wielded object can be broken. A broken item suffers from the following penalties:

  • Broken weapons (except for implements) inflict a -2 penalty to attack rolls made by the wielder until repaired.
  • Broken implements, while they are technically weapons, instead inflict a -2 penalty to spell and ability save DCs until repaired.
  • Broken armor or a broken shield inflicts a -2 penalty to the wearer's armor class.
  • For each non-weapon, non-implement, non-armor, or non-shield item that gains the broken condition, the wearer suffers one of the following penalties until repaired (chosen by the creature that inflicted the sunder):
  • a -2 penalty to attack rolls
  • a -2 penalty to armor class
  • a -2 penalty to spell or ability save DCs
  • In general, the penalty should approximately match the nature of the item. That is, defensive items should typically inflict armor class penalties, items that boost spells or abilities or only grant special attacks should inflict a save DC penalty, and items that boost attacks in some way should inflict a to-hit penalty. In cases of ambiguity, the creature that inflicted the sunder can just choose the meanest option.
  • If multiple items are broken, all matching penalties stack until the affected items are repaired.
  • Note that all magic items, when broken, continue to do everything they formerly did, they just inflict the stated penalty for being Broken, until repaired.

A broken item typically cannot be destroyed except by some extraordinary means, such as a Mage's Disjunction spell.

Broken non-magical items can be repaired with the Mending cantrip (which requires 10 minutes to cast), or the appropriate Profession skill used to craft the item in question. The DC of the profession skill is an Average DC based on the current campaign level, and requires 4 hours of work. For every difficulty category by which this DC is exceeded (i.e. Challenging, Hard, and Impossible), the time is reduced by 1 hour, to a minimum of 1 hour.

Broken magic items can be repaired using the Make Whole spell (level 2 wizard, sorcerer or cleric), or by using the Creator feat. Use of the Creator feat requires a skill check against the character's Bailiwick skill (Divinity, Reason, Naturalism, Warfare, Spycraft or Spellcraft), with an Average DC based on the current campaign level, and requires 1 full day of work per point of durability repaired, plus an additional point of durability repaired per 5 points that the check exceeds the DC (but there is always a minimum of one full day of work).

Unattended objects, structures (such as doors and portcullises), fortifications (such as walls and towers) and even vehicles can also gain the Broken condition if they are successfully sundered a number of times equal to their listed durability. A broken object is shattered, or otherwise compromised enough to gain access to its contents (if any). A broken structure or fortification is compromised enough that a 5-foot cubic area is reduced from being Blocked terrain to being Impeded terrain. A broken vehicle is no longer able to operate or be steered. In the case of air-based vehicles, they sink to the ground (though the rapidity of this descent is up to the GM; generally, magically buoyant vehicles should descend to the ground somewhat gracefully). For additional details on sundering unattended objects, structures, fortifications and vehicles, see the Breaking Objects rules page.

  • Note: These rules replace the use of hit points and hardness for wielded and worn items, when resisting Sunders.