Talk:Epic Path

From Epic Path
Revision as of 18:30, 16 April 2015 by Reese (talk | contribs)
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Using this page for our "Things that still need to be done" notes. I recommend we delete some stuff if we're confident it has been implemented to our satisfaction.

Highest Priority Things To Do

  • Finish Races
    • Race write-ups still needed for: Grippli, Ifrit, Kitsune, Tengu, Tiefling, Undine, Vishkanya
    • Finish Writing Major Racial Traits
      • Replace all traits which grant a bonus attack of some kind; bonus damage is fine
      • Finish Balancing Race Traits against each other
  • Write/Replace All Racial Feats

Lower Priority Things To Do

  • Equipment List
  • Pre-Made Magic Items
  • Vehicle Combat Rules
  • Re-balance dweomermetals
  • Mid-level monsters
  • Finish Cromlech
  • Import Rules Pages from d20pfsrd
  • Import Skills Pages from d20pfsrd
  • Prestige Classes or their replacement (feat trees?)
  • Auramancy
  • True Dweomers


  • Fane Campaign (Level 5, to date) - Characters play-tested:
    • cleric
    • brawler
    • prowler
    • alchemist
    • wizard
  • Windward Marches campaign (level 8 to date) - Characters play-tested:
    • fighter
    • paladin
    • warlord
    • rogue (clever)
    • alchemist
  • The Golden Portal campaign (level 6 to date) - Characters play-tested:
    • prowler
    • bard
    • brawler
    • sorcerer
    • rogue (finesse)
    • cleric
    • barbarian (levels 1-4) ranger (levels 5-6) fighter (levels 6+)


as a comment, the non-proficiency penalties really need a home, and we have a distinct lack of rules pages, to date.

Magic Items

  • new 'labor saving devices' below

Household Chest of Comfort

Household Chests are simple magical devices that perform various magical effects when you either open or close them.

Listed below are some of the most common of these devices:

Cleaning Chest

Place dirty clothes inside, close chest. After one minute, open chest and all clothes are clean, repaired to a new state, perfumed, and neatly folded. Other versions allow you to stand inside them, which cleans both you and your clothes.

To create, requires a prestidigitation cantrip, mage hand cantrip, and a mending cantrip.

Breeze Box

Open the box to fill a room with gentle, cooling breezes.

To create, requires a breeze cantrip.

Light Box

Open the box to light up a room or even several rooms.

To create, requires a dancing lights cantrip.

Music box

Open the box to play pretty music at a comfortable volume

Requires a Ghost Sound cantrip

Fire Extingisher

Open this small chest to pour water on fires anywhere in the dwelling or within a fifty foot circle centered on the chest

Requires a drench cantrip.

Home Defense Chest

Open this heavy chest to kill intruders in your home, as everything they touch gives off deadly electricity

Requires a Jolt cantrip

Whisper Box

When you whisper into this box others will hear you.

Requires a message cantrip to make.

Compass Box

When you open the box, you instantly know which way north is.

Requires a Know Direction cantrip to create.

Box of Restful Repose Open this box to be soothed into sleep.

Requires a lullaby cantrip to create.

Box of Health

When you open the box in the room where you lay down to sleep, you gain +1 hp from any hit points you gain from rest.

Requires a Simple bed cantrip to create.

Magnifying Glass This chest has a glass bottom. Open it and look through to closely examine objects from up to 30 feet away.

Requires a Sift cantrip to create.

Spice Box Open this tiny box when you sit down to eat and your food is delicious.

Requires an Alter taste cntrip to create.

Clock Box This box, when opened, makes you aware of the exact time.

Requires a Timer cantrip to create.

Box of Trifles This box, when opened, always has a new, different picture of somehting interesting. Landscapes, buildings, people, animals, creatures, there's an unlimited number of these images.

Requires a Trifling Image cantrip to create.

Chest of Servants Opening this chest in a room of your house cleans and tidies the room immediately, and places any debris outside the closest door.

Requires an Unseen Attendant cantrip to create.

Food Chest Place cooked food in this chest to keep it fresh and edible forever. Also will fill up any container placed inside with fresh drinking water and warn if any dangerous food or drink is placed inside.

Requires a purify food and drink cantrip, a create water cantrip, and a detect poison cantrip

Character Classes

  • Physical Adept class - arcane-powered melee, re-tool eidolon-style abilities as self-buffs
  • Mentat Warsage Storm Knight class - intelligence-based melee and thrown weapons user.
  • Warden class (Sentinel? Guardian?) (stance-based, lots of forced movement, gets tougher the longer they stay in the same square)
  • When wardens stance, they create a warded zone around them
  • Enemies in the zone are considered marked
  • The zone gets bigger every round
  • Marked enemies can be pulled as a swift action
  • the warded zone starts as a 3x3, but the warden does not have to be in the center of it.
  • feats make the warded zone bigger, and higher level wardens have larger zones
  • warden pulls can knock things prone, applied staggered, shaken, etc
  • wardens can make terrain difficult for enemies only
  • get bonuses against prone foes
  • Warlock class - arcane-powered pact magic, movement and close attacks
  • Fanatic class - divine melee/unarmed, low heals, light armor, no spells. Lay on Hands that does damage; touch attacks.
  • Gambler class - uses a deck of fate, with variant of hi/lo.
  • draws a card at start of session. Prior to each attack, calls 'high' or 'low' and draws a new card. If card is as called, gets a bonus of some kind on the attack. If the call is wrong, gets a penalty of some kind. May also declare a flat draw to replace the card, for no buff or penalty.
  • gets powers which are only usable based on the card currently in play, depending on elements like value, suit, even/odd/face
  • class is primarily a controller/buffer/debuffer, but capable of doing damage via some basic "Harmony" (bard) style attack. The interesting part of the class comes from their options based on the hi/lo card draw for the round.
  • Toxotes - high damage ranged attacks, trick shots (possibly just create via new rogue talents?)
  • warcraft
  • fighter
  • brawler
  • warlord
  • spycraft
  • rogue
  • bard
  • prowler
  • gambler
  • spellcraft
  • wizard
  • sorcerer
  • bard
  • reason
  • alchemist
  • monk
  • storm knight
  • naturalism
  • ranger
  • druid
  • barbarian
  • divinity
  • cleric
  • paladin
  • fanatic


Core Races

  • Dwarf - First Draft Done!
  • Elf - First Draft Done!
  • Gnome - First Draft Done!
  • Halfling - First Draft Done!
  • Half-Elf - First Draft Done!
  • Human - First Draft Done!

Exotic Races

  • Arborian - First Draft Done!
  • Barani - First Draft Done!
  • Changeling - First Draft Done!
  • Gata - First Draft Done!
  • Grippli
  • Half-Orc - First Draft Done!
  • Ifrit
  • Kitsune
  • Mallori - First Draft Done!
  • Nagdyr - First Draft Done!
  • Oread - First Draft Done!
  • Sylph - First Draft Done!
  • Tengu
  • Tiefling
  • Undine
  • Vanx - First Draft Done!
  • Vishkanya


  • Review all knowledge skills
  • Create epic rules for skills - better uses for skills at higher level (e.g. crouching tiger, hidden dragon stuff from acrobatics/climb)
  • Import rules for all skills from d20pfsrd

New Systems

  • Prestige-class replacement system (feat trees?)
  • True Dweomers - data compilation begun

10th Corrupt Dweomers: Target a foe, any items they have no longer give them a bonus until the end of the encounter. If the items have a CL of 20 or below, there is no roll. If the items have a CL of 21 or higher, make a caster level check vs a target of 10+ the CL of each item. If it succeeds, the item no longer gives a bonus until the end of the encounter. If it fails, there is no effect.



13th Accursed Dweomers: As Corrupt Dweomers, except any affected items inflict a penalty equal to their normal bonus until the end of the encounter.


Truemagic Feats
    • Truemagic Scribe - learn one new true dweomer of 10th level
    • Truemagic Supplicant - learn two new true dweomers of 10th or 11th levels
    • Truemagic Ordained - learn three new true dweomers of 10th thru 12th levels
    • Truemagic Nominate - learn four new true dweomers of 10th thru 13th levels
    • Truemagic Magus - learn five new true dweomers of 10th thru 14th levels

  • Auramancy - basic system defined, early stages of conversion

The Celestial Interlace

In the lands around a Veil, there is no longer a Celestial Cascade in the purest sense. Long, long ago, in the First Realm, the Northern Sorcerers sought to take the power of the Celestial Sphere and channel it into themselves, stealing the power of the gods and taking it for themselves.

They failed.

As they watched their efforts begin to unravel, those age-ago geniuses quickly redirected their rapidly-unwinding magical travesty and stood up the First Veil, a chaotic destructive force, in which a shattered Celestial Sphere competes with a mirror of itself, a Geomantic Sphere, in unceasing, high-frequency resonance. The First Veil stands to this day, seeming eternal. All other Veils are gentler, tamer copies of it, more tractable, more controllable, but terrible nonetheless.

The Northern Sorcerers had dared to pluck a perfect string - the Celestial Sphere, and the string had shattered in twain. Two opposing, infinite, strands of resonating force, perfectly out of sync with one another, but always mirrors. The vibrating frequencies, strongest at the Veil, are too intense for life to exist.

But as these frequencies diminish, as one travels away from the First Veil, an interesting side effect occurs - Geomantic Auras. Blood magic, aura magic.


  • Run through all heroic feats to re-add all the 'removed from game' feats, calling out that they were 'removed from game'. - Done!
  • Run through all the racial feats to remove races no longer in game, and rebuild feats for remaining and new races.