Song of Focus (Performance)
Performance Name (Stance; Su)
A bard with this performance can do something cool. Each round that the bard sustains this performance, they may choose a number of their allies (including themselves) to affect with this performance, based on their current Bard level, as described below:
- At Bard levels 1 - 10, the bard may affect up to 3 allies.
- At Bard levels 11 - 20, the bard may affect up to 4 allies.
- At bard levels above 21, the bard may affect up to 5 allies.
All allies chosen to be affected must be within range of the performance (typically within 30 feet of the bard), and must be able to perceive the performance.
No creature may be under the effects of more than one performance, even if they are being performed by different bards.
- Finale: One ally that is affected by this performance at the time the finale is triggered may do something interesting.
Inspire Greatness (Stance; Su)
A bard of 9th level or higher can use his performance to inspire greatness in himself or a single willing ally within range (30 feet), granting extra fighting capability. For every three levels a bard attains beyond 9th, he can target one additional ally while using this performance (up to a maximum of nine at 33rd level). To inspire greatness, all of the targets must be able to see and hear the bard. A creature inspired with greatness gains a +2 competence bonus to to-hit and damage rolls, a +2 competence bonus to Fort saves, +2 temporary hit points per level of the affected target, and the target is counted as being two levels higher when determining the effect of spells that are caster level dependent. Inspire greatness is a mind-affecting ability and it relies on audible and visual components.
- Finale: One Inspired ally may stand up as a free action if prone (this does NOT provoke attacks of opportunity), or immediately end 1 ongoing effect. If the ongoing effect is caused by something that the ally is still being affected by (such as a web spell, a grapple or another bard's performance), the ally must check to see if the negative effect is re-applied at the start of their next turn.