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Onward to victory!!


Some warriors are ambushers and scouts, ever attacking from stealth. Some warriors are deadly scions of the wilderness, seeking the hidden pathways and newest vistas. Some warriors are driven by red-hot bloody rage to battle their hearts out. Some warriors are skillful paragons, deadly in every way.

And some warriors are leaders.

The Warlord is the Queen of the battlefield. Her armor and weapon are capable, to be certain, but her keen insight and inspirational presence, the way she calls out encouragement, advice, and directions to her allies, those are a Warlords TRUE weapons. Other warriors use weapons on the field of battle, but the Warlord's implements of battle are her allies.

Role: A Warlord is a powerful supporting presence in battle, able to bolster her allies during and after combat just as well as a Cleric does. A Warlord improves every aspect of here party's performance, and will keep a group of adventurer's on their feet and in peak fighting condition as well as anyone in the game.

Alignment: Any.

Hit Die: d10.

Starting Wealth: 5d6 x 10 gp (average: 175 gp)

Class Skills: The warlords class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (Engineering) (Int), Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Knowledge (Logic) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Use Magic Device (Cha) and Warcraft (Special).

Skill Points at Each Level: 7 + Int modifier.

Table: Warlord

Level BAB Fort Refl Will Hold the Line Formation Special
1st +1 2 0 2 - - Inspiration 1d6, Combat Leader +2, Commanding Presence +1, Encouraging Word
2nd +2 3 0 3 -4 to hit, +2 ac, adjacent allies - Hold the Line
3rd +3 3 1 3 -4 to hit, +2 ac, adjacent allies - Inspiration 2d6, Exhortation, Chirurgeon I 1/day
4th +4 4 1 4 -3 to hit, +2 ac, adjacent allies 1d12 Rallying Presence, Formation 1d12
5th +5 4 1 4 -3 to hit, +2 ac, adjacent allies 1d12 Controlled Onrush, Inspiration 3d6, Chirurgeon II 1/day
6th +6/+1 5 2 5 -3 to hit, +3 ac, adjacent allies 1d12 Force Majeure, Combat Leader +3
7th +7/+2 5 2 5 -3 to hit, +3 ac, adjacent allies 1d12 Inspiration 4d6, Chirurgeon III, 1/day
8th +8/+3 6 2 6 -2 to hit, +3 ac, adjacent allies 2d12 Formation 2d12, Commanding Presence +2
9th +9/+4 6 3 6 -2 to hit, +3 ac, adjacent allies 2d12 Inspiration 5d6, On Your Feet!, Chirurgeon IV, 1/day
10th +10/+5 7 3 7 -2 to hit, +4 ac, adjacent allies 2d12 Cry Havoc
11th +11/+6/+1 7 3 7 -2 to hit, +4 ac, adjacent allies 2d12 Inspiration 6d6, Chirurgeon V, 1/day
12th +12/+7/+2 8 4 8 -1 to hit, +4 ac, adjacent allies 3d12 Formation 3d12, Martial Reinforcement
13th +13/+8/+3 8 4 8 -1 to hit, +4 ac, adjacent allies 3d12 Inspiration 7d6, Chirurgeon VI, 1/day
14th +14/+9/+4 9 4 9 -1 to hit, +5 ac, adjacent allies 3d12 Brilliant Leadership, Combat Leader +4
15th +15/+10/+5 9 5 9 -1 to hit, +5 ac, adjacent allies 3d12 Inspiration 8d6, Tactician
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 10 5 10 -0 to hit, +5 ac, adjacent allies 4d12 Formation 4d12, Commanding Presence +3
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 10 5 10 -0 to hit, +5 ac, adjacent allies 4d12 Banner, Inspiration 9d6
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 11 6 11 -0 to hit, +5 ac, allies within 10 feet 4d12 Onward to Victory
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 11 6 11 -0 to hit, +5 ac, allies within 10 feet 4d12 Inspiration 10d6
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 12 6 12 -0 to hit, +5 ac, allies within 15 feet 5d12 Victorious Surge, Combat Leader +5

Class Abilities

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

A warlord is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with light armor, medium armor, and heavy armor, and with light and heavy shields.

Combat Leader (Ex)

At 1st level, the warlord begins to demonstrate the brilliance of their battlefield leadership. The warlord and all allies the warlord can see gain a +2 martial bonus to initiative. This bonus increases to +3 at 6th level +4 at 14th level, +5 at 20th level, +6 at 24th level, +7 at 30th level and +8 at 34th level.

Commanding Presence (Ex)

The mere appearance of a warlord upon the field of battle has a positive impact among his allies. The warlord and all allies that can see him gain a +1 martial bonus to attack and weapons damage rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 8th level, +3 at 16th level, +4 at 26th level and +5 at 32nd level.

Inspiration (Ex)

At 1st level, during battle, once per round, as a move action, the warlord may inspire his comrades with words of courage and determination. This inspiration affects all allies within a 30-foot radius centered on the warlord, and bestows his CHA modifier plus 1d6 temporary hit points, plus 1d6 additional points for every two warlord levels beyond 1st (2d6 at 3rd, 3d6 at 5th, and so on). These temporary hit points last until the battle ends, or until they are removed through damage. A warlord may inspire a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. This inspiration does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The warlord can choose whether or not to include himself in this effect. Note: This effect is not an aura, and none of the Warlord's other abilities are defined as auras. None of the Warlord's abilities may be enhanced by any feat, power or ability which improves auras.

Encouraging Word (Su)

At 1st level, during battle, as a standard action, the warlord may pronounce an Encouraging Word upon himself or any ally who can hear him speaking and to whom he has line of effect. To gain any benefits from this ability, the recipient must have at least 1 remaining temporary hit point from this Warlord. Encouraging Word heals the affected ally for a number of hit points equal to the Warlord's level plus CHA mod. Encouraging word may be used a number of times per day equal to the Warlord's CHA mod plus 1 additional time per three Warlord levels, +1 use at third level, +2 uses at 6th level, +3 uses at 9th level, and so on. This is a supernatural ability that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Hold the Line (Ex) (stance)

At 2nd level, during battle, the warlord may enter a defensive stance as a swift action. By doing so, he takes a penalty to his attack rolls of -4, but gains a martial bonus to his AC of +2, and grants this same martial bonus to all adjacent allies (but not the attack penalties). This martial bonus to AC is not lost if a character is flat-footed, but it does not add to Touch AC. As he levels up, the warlord's penalties decrease, and the AC bonuses increase, eventually granting no to-hit penalties and a +5 AC bonus to the warlord and his allies. Beginning at level 18, the radius of his stance's effects increases to 10 feet, increases to 15 feet at level 20, and further increases as laid out in #Table: Epic Warlord. Note that this ability may be stacked with defensive fighting and/or combat expertise, though AC bonuses from these actions do not extend to the warlord's allies.

It takes no action to sustain the stance. If the warlord is knocked prone, or suffers a condition which prevents him from taking actions (even a condition which only reduces his number of available actions, such as Rattled), the stance ends. While the warlord can use another swift action to start the stance back up, a stance will end at the start of any of the Warlord's turn in which he is suffering the effects of an action-reducing status condition.

Ending the stance voluntarily requires a swift action. If the warlord voluntarily ends his Hold the Line stance, it requires a standard action to restart it in the same round it was ended (which can be done via an action point, if desired).

Only one stance may be active at a time. (For clarity, defensive fighting and combat expertise are not stances. Stances are class powers or feats that are labeled as stances.)

Exhortation (Su)

Beginning at 3rd level, as a full round action, the Warlord may sit quietly by himself or with a wounded ally, and speak in an uplifting and motivational manner. Once begun, the Warlord may sustain this Exhortation for as long as he wishes, assuming he takes no other actions and is not interrupted. While doing so, he grants either himself or that ally Fast Healing equal to half his Warlord level, round down. Thus, at level 3, the Warlord grants Fast Healing 1, healing 1 point per round, or 10 points per minute. The Warlord may use Exhortation a number of times per day equal to his CHA mod (minimum 1) plus one time per day per three Warlord levels. If either the Warlord or the affected ally take any other actions, or take damage, this effect ends.

Chirurgeon (Ex)

Beginning at 3rd level, the Warlord may treat the ravaging effects of many poisons, diseases and debilitating spells. By spending 5 minutes and making a Heal skill check against an Average DC, the warlord can use his Chirurgeon ability to grant the following effects:

Chirurgeon I
At third level, grant the effect of a Lesser Restoration spell to himself or an ally. The warlord can use this ability once per day.
Chirurgeon II
At fifth level, grant the effect of a remove disease to himself or an ally. The warlord can use this ability once per day.
Chirurgeon III
At seventh level, grant the effect of a Restoration spell to himself or an ally (must roll against an Average DC). This may be used once per day and consumes 100gp worth of "medical" oils, tools and tinctures.
Chirurgeon IV
At ninth level, grant the effect of neutralize poison to himself or an ally (must roll against an Average DC). This may be used once per day.
Chirurgeon V
At eleventh level, grant the effect of a remove curse to himself or an ally (Must roll against an Average DC). This may be used once per day.
Chirurgeon VI
At thirteenth level, grant the effect of a Greater Restoration to himself or an ally (roll against Average DC). This may be used once per day and consumes 5,000gp worth of "medical" oils, tools and tinctures.

Chirurgeon is a non-magical ability, and probably involves the use of hot coals and lancing needles. And leeches. Definitely leeches. The number of uses per day are for each individual level of Chirurgeon, meaning that a level 7 warlord can use Chirurgeon I, II and III once each in the same day. The Warlord may use any higher level Chirurgeon ability in place of any lower level Chirurgeon ability, as long as he is high enough level to qualify for both. This uses up the higher level Chirurgeon ability for the day.

In all cases, the use of Chirurgeon is a painful and unpleasant experience, with the Warlord muttering about needing a new flensing spoon and lamenting the lack of caustic vitriol and similar unsettling things.

Rallying Presence (Ex)

At 4th level, as an immediate action, the warlord may grant himself or an ally he can see a re-roll to a save. This must be done before the outcome of the save is resolved. The warlord can do this a number of times per day equal to his CHA mod (min 1).

Formation (Ex)

At 4th level, the warlord begins to gain military power which may be used as a free action to increase their damage or that of their allies. As long as there is at least one PC ally (including himself) in the party who has temp hit points granted by one of the warlord's powers, formation dice can be used or gifted. After applying, and while maintaining, temporary hit points on any player character he is allied with, the warlord can apply his formation dice to the damage of any of his successful melee attacks as a free action.

Applying formation dice to rolls may be done once per round per die. The Warlord may choose to give all of his Formation dice to a single roll, or 'spread them around as he wishes, or even hold some in reserve. Formation dice that have already been rolled in a given round may not be used again until all the formation dice refresh at the top of the initiative order. Temp hit points from other sources, including other warlords, do not count for this ability.

At level 4, the size of this dice pool is 1d12, as shown in the table, "Table: Warlord", and it increases by one die each four levels.

The use of formation dice is declared after the attack is determined to be successful, but before damage is rolled.

Alternatively, once per round as a free action, the warlord may 'gift' any or all of the dice in his pool to a PC ally's melee damage roll. Using this ability requires that the Warlord has line of effect to that ally, and must be declared after the attack is successful and before the damage is resolved. In addition, this ally must have remaining temporary hit points granted by the warlord (such as from his Inspiration power) in order to receive this gift.

If the warlord has applied some or all of his formation dice to any of his own attacks, he may not gift those formation dice to an ally this round. No formation die may ever be used more than once per round. For purposes of overcoming DR, when used to boost weapon damage the formation dice are added to the weapon base damage (but not multiplied by level!) and are of the same type of damage as inflicted by the weapon.

Formation dice are a form of precision damage, and thus do not multiply on crits. If gifted to an attack made against a creature who is immune to precision damage, the formation dice are wasted unless there is some ability in play which overcomes or penetrates that immunity.

At level 8, the warlord's Formation dice go up to 2d12. At level 12, it increases to 3d12, up to 4d12 at level 16, etc.

Note: Warlords using formation dice may allow the gifted player to roll the dice, or they may roll the formation dice themselves.

Controlled Onrush (Ex)

At 5th level, before the referee begins to count down the initiative order for the first time in each encounter, the Warlord may exchange his initiative number with any one ally who is receiving his Combat Leader bonus.

Force Majeure (Ex)

Beginning at 6th level, the Warlord adds his CHA modifier to his melee damage rolls.

On Your Feet! (Ex)

At 9th level, the warlord may bring a dead ally (except himself, obviously) back to life as part of a First Aid (Heal) check ( Average DC). This must be performed within 1 minute of the ally's death. If the First Aid check is successful, the warlord rolls his inspiration dice and the ally revives with that number of hit points. This roll does not use up any of the Warlord's uses of inspiration for the day. The revived ally suffers 1 temporary negative level as a result of this trauma, which lasts for 1 day. The warlord can use this ability once per day, and one additional time per day for every 3 levels he gains above 9th.

Cry Havoc (Su)

At 10th level, after the Warlord successfully strikes a target, he may cry havoc as a free action. Until the end of the Warlord's next turn, any attack roll made by the Warlord or any of his PC allies who have temp hit points bestowed by the Warlord, gain a +1 martial bonus to critical threat range and the damage bonus provided by Commanding Presence is tripled. This martial bonus will stack with feats and weapon properties that increase threat range, as well. Further, the Warlord's rolls to confirm critical attacks suffer no penalties from fighting defensively, Hold the Line or combat expertise against a target he has invoked Havoc upon. This ability cannot be stacked with itself, even if multiple warlords can apply the ability; the new application overwrites the existing one. The warlord can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his CHA modifier (minimum 1).

Martial Reinforcement (Su)

At 12th level, the Warlord's skill at firing up his allies during combat improves. Once per round he is able to add his Formation dice to the amount healed by his Encouraging Word, at the cost of not being able to use those dice for any other purpose that round.

Brilliant Leadership (Su)

At 14th level, if the warlord successfully strikes an opponent while using 'Hold the Line', he may grant an ally (other than himself) receiving the 'Hold the Line' martial bonus an immediate opportunity attack against the same opponent. This ability can be used up to once per round.

Tactician (Ex)

At 15th level, the Warlord receives a teamwork feat as a bonus feat. He must meet the prerequisites for this feat. As a move action, the Warlord can grant this feat to an ally who is gaining his Hold the Line martial bonus. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat until the end of the encounter. Allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of these bonus feats. This ability may be used with any teamwork feat the warlord knows, though not with a teamwork feat he has gained through a temporary effect (such as a Ranger's Wolf Pack Tactics class ability). The Warlord can use this ability once per encounter.

At 17th level, a Warlord's martial prowess and leadership on the field demands he assume a higher profile. To make himself stand out in the chaos of battle, the Warlord may carry or display a unique flag, his personal banner. The banner must be at least Small or larger and must be carried or displayed by the Warlord to function. Typically, a banner is attached to his back. A small banner weighs five pounds, a medium one 20 pounds, and a large one 50 pounds. Banners make the Warlord easier to perceive to all senses: If the DM rules that a perception check is needed to perceive the Warlord, a small banner adds +2 to perception rolls, a medium banner adds +5 to perception rolls, while a large banner adds +10 to perception rolls.

While wearing the banner, the warlord is the exact opposite of stealthy and takes a penalty to his stealth skill equal to the perception bonus the banner grants. Donning or doffing a Banner requires a standard action. Banners are not considered items, do not take up a magic item slot, cannot be enchanted, do not interfere with magic items being worn, and are not able to be affected by any combat maneuvers except Steal. If Stolen, the banner's bonuses are lost for the encounter. Wearing a Banner of any size does not change the characters size in any way, though it may cause movement penalties in hampered quarters at the GM's discretion.

While worn by a Warlord, his banner becomes a symbol of inspiration to his allies and companions. As long as the Warlord's banner is perceptible, all allies who can perceive the warlord receive a +2 martial bonus on saving throws against fear.

Onward to Victory (Su)

At 18th level, once per day as an immediate action, the warlord may grant himself and all allies within 10 feet per point of his CHA mod a move action. These moves are resolved immediately, in initiative order. Ongoing effects such as bleed damage do not 'tick' on this granted action.

Victorious Surge (Su)

At 20th level, once per day as an immediate action, the warlord may grant himself and all allies within 10 feet per point of his CHA mod a standard action. These actions are resolved immediately, in initiative order. Ongoing effects such as bleed damage do not 'tick' on this granted action. Special: This may be used as part of the same immediate action as Onward to Victory.

Epic Warlord

Table: Epic Warlord

Level BAB Fort Refl Will Hold the Line Formation Special
21st +21/+16/+11/+6 13 7 13 -0 to hit, +5 ac, allies within 15ft 5d12 Inspiration 11d6, Greater Rallying Presence
22nd +21/+16/+11/+6 13 7 13 -0 to hit, +5 ac, allies within 15ft 5d12 Greater Tactician
23rd +22/+17/+12/+7 14 8 14 -0 to hit, +5 ac, allies within 20ft 6d12 Inspiration 12d6, Epic Lancing I
24th +22/+17/+12/+7 14 8 14 -0 to hit, +5 ac, allies within 20ft 6d12 Combat Leader +6, Superb Leadership
25th +23/+18/+13/+8 15 9 15 -0 to hit, +5 ac, allies within 20ft 6d12 Inspiration 13d6 , Greater Banner
26th +23/+18/+13/+8 15 9 15 -0 to hit, +5 ac, allies within 20ft 7d12 Victorious Destiny, Comm. Presence +4
27th +24/+19/+14/+9 16 10 16 -0 to hit, +5 ac, allies within 25ft 7d12 Inspiration 14d6, Epic Lancing II
28th +24/+19/+14/+9 16 10 16 -0 to hit, +5 ac, allies within 25ft 7d12 Epic Rallying Presence
29th +25/+20/+15/+10 17 11 17 -0 to hit, +5 ac, allies within 25ft 8d12 Inspiration 15d6, Epic tactician
30th +25/+20/+15/+10 17 11 17 -0 to hit, +5 ac, allies within 25ft 8d12 Combat Leader +7
31st +26/+21/+16/+11 18 12 18 -0 to hit, +5 ac, allies within 25ft 8d12 Inspiration 16d6, Proclamation
32nd +26/+21/+16/+11 18 12 18 -0 to hit, +5 ac, allies within 30ft 9d12 Healing Surge, Commanding Presence +5
33rd +27/+22/+17/+12 19 13 19 -0 to hit, +5 ac, allies within 30ft 9d12 Feat, Inspiration 17d6, Awesome Pennon
34th +27/+22/+17/+12 19 13 19 -0 to hit, +5 ac, allies within 30ft 9d12 Combat Leader +8, Invincible Armies
35th +28/+23/+18/+13 20 14 20 -0 to hit, +5 ac, allies within 30ft 10d12 Feat, Inspiration 18d6
36th Apotheosis!

Epic Class Abilities

Greater Rallying Presence (Ex)

At 21st level, once per round as an immediate action, the warlord may grant himself or an ally a re-roll to a save with a +4 martial bonus to the roll. The recipient must have some temporary hit points that this Warlord has granted him in order for this ability to work. Rallying Presence must be used before the outcome of the save is resolved. The warlord can do this a number of times per day equal to his CHA mod (min 1). This ability replaces Rallying Presence.

Greater Tactician (Ex)

At 22nd level, the Warlord receives an additional teamwork feat as a bonus feat. He must meet the prerequisites for this feat. As a swift action, the Warlord can grant this feat or the feat he gained from Tactician to an ally who is gaining his Hold the Line martial bonus. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat until the end of the encounter and do not need to meet the prerequisites of these bonus feats. The Warlord can use this ability his CHA mod times per day. This ability replaces Tactician.

Epic Lancing I (Ex)

At 23rd level, the warlord's skill with his lancing needles, burning coals and leeches improves. He is able to use Chirurgeon I through Chirurgeon VI one additional time per day for each ability.

Superb Leadership (Su)

At 24th level, if the warlord successfully strikes an opponent while using 'Hold the Line', he may grant an ally (other than himself) receiving the 'Hold the Line' bonus an immediate opportunity attack against the same opponent. This may not occur more than once per round. Note, however, that this is a separate ability from Brilliant Leadership, and may be used in the same round as that ability to grant two different allies opportunity attacks.

Greater Banner (Ex)

At 25th level, the Warlord's banner becomes a rallying symbol for his allies. All allies who can perceive the warlord receive a +4 martial bonus on saving throws against fear, and a +2 martial bonus on all other saves. In addition, once per day while his banner is displayed, the Warlord can spend a standard action to wave the banner through the air, and cancel one negative effect on all allies that can perceive him including himself.

Victorious Destiny (Su)

At 26th level, the Warlord may now use 'Victorious Surge' and 'Onward to Victory' up to once per encounter, as long as they are always used together.

Epic Lancing II (Ex)

At 27th level, the warlord's skill with his lancing needles, burning coals and leeches improves again. He is able to use Chirurgeon I through Chirurgeon VI one more time per day for each ability, for a total of three uses of each.

Epic Rallying Presence (Ex)

At 28th level, once per round as an immediate action, the warlord may grant up to four allies (which may include the warlord) a re-roll to a save with a +4 martial bonus to the roll. All of these allies must be making a save for the same attack or effect. Each ally must have some temporary hit points that the Warlord has granted him in order for this ability to work. Epic Rallying Presence must be used before the outcome of the save is resolved. The warlord can do this a number of times per day equal to his CHA mod (min 1). This ability replaces Greater Rallying Presence.

Epic Tactician (Ex)

At 29th level, the Warlord receives a third teamwork feat as a bonus feat. He must meet the prerequisites for this feat. As a swift action, the Warlord can grant this feat or either of the two lower level Tactician feats he has to all allies who are gaining his Hold the Line martial bonus. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat until the end of the encounter. Allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of these bonus feats. The Warlord can use this ability up to his CHA mod times per day. This ability replaces Greater Tactician.

Epic Reinforcement

At 30th level, the Warlord's skill at firing up his allies improves again. Once per round he is able to add his Formation dice to the amount healed by his Encouraging Word, at the cost of not being able to use those dice for any other purpose that round. When he performs this Epic Reinforcement, his Formation Dice are counted as being maximized.

Proclamation (Su)

At 31st level, the Warlord's Exhortation ability can affect up to two allies per use. Furthermore, the Warlord may use Exhortation on any number of allies adjacent to him, as long as he spends the appropriate number of uses to do so (at a 2:1 cost). Exhortation is still a sustained, full-round action for the warlord and those gaining its benefits. Anyone who takes any action other than participating in the Exhortation immediately ceases to gain its benefits. Participants also cease gaining benefits if they take any damage during the Exhortation.

Healing Surge (Su)

At 32nd level whenever the Warlord uses 'Victorious Destiny' he may also roll his Inspiration dice and apply this to all eligible allies as either healing or temporary hit points (but not a combination of both), at the Warlord's discretion, per ally. IE, the Warlord can heal all allies who are below their maximum and grant temp hit points to all those who do not need or want healing. Any temp hit points the Warlord sees fit to dispense count for activating his other powers. Doing so consumes two uses of his Inspiration ability for the day.

Awesome Pennon (Su)

At 33rd level, a Warlord's banner has become a powerful rallying point to his allies, and a bane to his foes. Whenever his banner is visible the Warlord emanates the effect of a Prayer spell to a radius of 50 feet. This Prayer effect is a martial condition rather than a luck condition. In addition, allies who can perceive the Warlord gain immunity to fear effects, and a +3 martial bonus on all other saves.

Invincible Armies (Su)

At 34th level, if the warlord successfully strikes an opponent while using 'Hold the Line', he may grant an ally (other than himself) receiving the 'Hold the Line' martial bonus an immediate opportunity attack against the same opponent. This may not occur more than once per round. Note, however, that this is a separate ability from Brilliant Leadership, or Superb Leadership and may be used in the same round as those abilities to grant three different allies opportunity attacks.