Bounding Hammer (Feat)

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You throw a hammer repeatedly at a foe, making a loop of attacks with devastating results.

Prerequisites: BAB +6, Proficiency with Light Hammer or Club, Magical Light Hammer or Club

Benefit: You may throw a magical hammer or club at an opponent within 30 feet. If you hit (whether or not the attack damages the target), the hammer rebounds off of the creature and returns to you.

If your next attack is against the same creature, you gain +1d4 of bonus damage after the first successful hit, then 2d4, then 3d4, etc. This damage bonus continues to stack with every attack you make against the same foe within the same encounter. Needless to say, this ability works very well with a full attack action.

This ability may not work against some creatures or in certain circumstances as determined by the GM; for example, your weapon does not bounce off Incorporeal creatures (unless it has the ghost touch ability), it may stick to creatures with the adhesive ability, the slowing effect of fighting underwater prevents you from using this feat, and so on.

Normal: A thrown weapon drops in the square where it hits your target. A magical thrown weapon returns to the wielder.