Glossary of Terms
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Below is a list of terms which are used frequently in Epic Path, or in d20-based games in general. This is meant as a quick reference guide for players new to Epic Path.
Table: Glossary of Terms
Term | A.K.A. | Definition |
Ability Score | Stat, attribute | One of the six primary statistics defining a character's general attributes. These are Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Constitution (CON), Intelligence (INT), Wisdom (WIS) and Charisma (CHA). Some campaigns feature one or more additional ability scores, though these are campaign specific. See also Ability Scores, Character Creation. |
Ability Modifier | stat mod, mod | The modifier produced by the ability score. This is calculated as (ability score - 10)/2 (round down). Thus, a score of 12 has a modifier of +1, while a score of 14 has a modifier of +2. |
Absolute Bonus | Related to magic weapons, shields and armor. The absolute bonus is the sum of the item's enhancement bonus plus any magic properties, and is used to determine the cost of the item's magical enchantments. Magic properties have a cost described in terms of a plus-number from 1 to 9, just like the enhancement bonus. For example, a Speed magic weapon property is a +3 property. If applied to a weapon with a +2 enhancement bonus, the absolute bonus of the weapon is +5. | |
Base Attack Bonus | BAB | Each character class has a base attack bonus, which increases with your level in that class. This bonus is added to all to-hit rolls when calculating your attack bonus. |
- Damage Resistance
- Energy Resistance
- Hit Points
- Temporary Hit Points
- Non-Lethal Damage
- Instantaneous Healing
- Ongoing Healing
- Ongoing Damage
- At-Risk
- Status Condition
- Status Condition Array
- Precision Damage
- Ability Damage
- Ability Drain
- Energy Drain (level drain)
- Experience Points
- Character Level (class level)
- Campaign Level
- 5-Foot Step
- Difficult Terrain
- Standard Action
- Swift Action
- Move Action
- Immediate Action
- Full-Round Action
- Full Attack Action
- Aid Another (Assist)
- Ally
- Enemy (opponent, target)
- Stance
- Skill Ranks
- Skill Bonus (skill total)
- Ability Check
- Attack Roll (to-hit roll)
- Damage Roll
- Saving Throw
- Bailiwick Skill
- Linked Skills
- Trained Skills
- Class Skills
- Critical Threat
- Critical Hit
- Crit Range
- Crit Multiplier
- Base Land Speed
- Monster Lore
- Auramancy
- True Dweomers
- Dweomermetals
- Traits
- Monster Blueprint
- Monster Template
- Monster Role
- Monster Type
- Lay Magic
- Basic Energy Types
- Exotic Energy Types
- Retraining
- Action Points
- Forced Movement
- Secret Languages
- Alignment
- At-Will
- Armor Class
- Flat-Footed AC
- Touch AC
- Fighting Defensively
- Total Defense
- Combat Maneuver
- Holding an Action
- Readying an Action
- Initiative
- Caster Level
- Caster Level Check
- Concentration Check
- Combat Casting
- Dice
- Difficulty Class (DC)
- Encounter (combat)
- Extraordinary Ability (Ex)
- Supernatural Ability (Su)
- Spell-Like Ability (Sp)
- Feat
- Game Master (GM)
- Hit Dice
- Language-Dependent
- Mind Affecting
- Fear Effect
- Line of Sight
- Line of Effect
- Melee Attack
- Ranged Attack
- Thrown Weapon
- Ray
- Metagaming
- Mindless
- Multiplier
- Natural 1
- Natural 20
- Non-Player Character (NPC)
- Rest
- Round
- Turn
- Minute
- Rounding
- Size
- Stacking
- Take 10
- Take 20
- Total Party Kill (TPK)
- Command Word (on command)
- Stabilize
- Natural Attack
- Primary Attack
- Secondary Attack
- Improvised Weapon
- Non-Proficiency (Weapon)
- Non-Proficiency (Armor/Shield)
Bonus Types
- Armor Bonus to AC
- Shield Bonus
- Natural Armor
- Deflection AC
- Dodge Bonus
- Morale Bonus
- Luck Bonus
- Martial Bonus
- Feat Bonus
- Circumstance Bonus
- Competence Bonus
- Resistance Bonus