Ride the Lightning (Sorcerer/Wizard Spell)
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- Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 9
- School: evocation [electricity]
- Elemental School: metal 9
- Casting Time: 1 swift action
- Components: V, S
- Range: personal
- Target or Area: you
- Duration: 1 rnd/lvl (D)
- Saving Throw: FORT negates (harmless)
Save DC: - - Spell Resistance: Yes
- You may transform into lightning as a standard action and instantly travel in a straight line to a distance of up to 120 feet, re-materializing in the new location as a free action. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Creatures in this line take 10d6 points of Electricity Damage and are staggered for 1 round (a successful REFL save halves the damage and negates the staggered condition, Spell Resistance applies). Objects in your path are damaged as well, with combustible objects being set ablaze and metals with low melting points melted. If your path is interrupted by a barrier or otherwise deflected, you materialize short of your final destination in the nearest open space; targets in the line to that point take damage as normal. You are immune to Electricity while this spell lasts.
Mana Burn Circle Damage
Spell Circle | Burn Cost | Req'd Char Level | Base Dice | Max Dice |
0 | N/A | N/A | 1d4 per 2 character levels | max of 4d4 at character level 8 |
1 | N/A | 1st | 1d6 per character level | max of 4d6 at character level 4 |
2 | +1 | 3rd | 1d6 per character level | max of 6d6 at character level 6 |
3 | +1 | 5th | 1d6 per character level | max of 10d6 at character level 10 |
4 | +1 | 7th | 1d6+1 per character level | max of 12d6+12 at character level 12 |
5 | +1 | 9th | 1d6+1 per character level | max of 15d6+15 at character level 15 |
6 | +1 | 11th | 1d6+2 per character level | max of 16d6+32 at character level 16 |
7 | +1 | 13th | 1d6+2 per character level | max of 20d6+40 at character level 20 |
8 | +1 | 15th | 1d6+3 per character level | max of 21d6+63 at character level 21 |
9 | +1 | 17th | 1d6+3 per character level | max of 25d6+75 at character level 25 |
10 | +1 | 19th | 1d6+4 per character level | max of 25d6+100 at character level 25 |
11 | +1 | 21st | 1d6+5 per character level | max of 25d6+125 at character level 25 |
12 | +1 | 23rd | 1d6+6 per character level | max of 27d6+162 at character level 27 |
13 | +1 | 25th | 1d6+7 per character level | max of 27d6+189 at character level 27 |
14 | +1 | 27th | 1d6+8 per character level | max of 29d6+232 at character level 29 |
15 | +1 | 29th | 1d6+9 per character level | max of 29d6+261 at character level 29 |
16 | +1 | 31st | 1d6+10 per character level | max of 30d6+300 at character level 30 |
17 | +1 | 33rd | 1d6+11 per character level | max of 30d6+330 at character level 30 |
18 | +1 | 35th | 1d6+12 per character level | max of 30d6+360 at character level 30 |