Holding Your Breath
Holding Your Breath
You may declare you are holding your breath at the start your turn, or as an immediate action, in order to attempt to avoid the effects of an environmental hazard or creature ability which is triggered by being inhaled. The first round you hold your breath, it costs only a swift action to maintain (this is in addition to any immediate action you may have already spent). The second consecutive round of holding your breath requires a move action to maintain. The third consecutive round you hold your breath requires a standard action to maintain. The fourth consecutive round, and all additional rounds after that, holding your breath requires a full-round action to maintain. During any round in which you expend the appropriate action, you are not subject to the inhaled effect, and may otherwise act normally with your remaining actions.
Creatures may only voluntarily hold their breath a maximum number of rounds equal to their CON modifier, after which point, they must take a breath or gain the Asphyxiating condition. If you elect to gain the Asphyxiating condition, you continue to avoid the effects of the environmental hazard or creature ability which is triggered by being inhaled, at least until you fall unconscious or die.
You can only voluntarily hold your breath by initiating it at the start of your turn, or if you can spend an immediate action to initiate it. If you are surprised, or are unable to take an immediate action (and it's not your turn), you cannot voluntarily hold your breath. In such a case, you resolve the inhaled effect against you as normal. The same is true if you are unable (or unwilling) to expend the action to maintain holding your breath in a given round.
Creatures which do not need to breathe are not subject to these rules. They probably can't enjoy the smell of freshly-baked bread any more, but at least they have this going for them.