Dripping Summons (Feat)

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Your summoned allies appear with messy extras.

Prerequisites: Level 11

Benefit: Whenever you summon a creature or creatures with a summon spell you cast yourself (which may include the use of a magic item), the summoned creature(s) gains the following benefits:

  • Splattering Riposte: Up to once per round as a free action, when the summoned creature with this feat applied to it is struck by an attack, it splatters acidic goo in all squares within 10 feet of itself. The damage inflicted is equal to 2d6 points of Acid (energy, common) per 5 full CRs of the summoned creature, dropping fractions (i.e. 2d6 at CRs 1-5, 4d6 at levels 6-10, 6d6 at CRs 11-15, 8d6 at CRs 16-20, 10d6 at CRs 21-25, 12d6 at CRs 26-30, and 14d6 at CRs 31 and above). This damage is applied to all creatures in the affected area, friend and foe alike. However, the summoned creature may elect to cut the damage in half, and only affect enemies within the affected area, instead, if they prefer. This ability may never be used more than once per round, even with the use of action points. This ability can be triggered even if the attack which triggered it kills the summoned monster, as long as it hasn't already been triggered this round.
With GM approval, the energy type caused by this feat can instead be any one common energy type (instead of acid; Common (Acid,  Cold,  Fire,  Lightning,  Sonic)), though this must be declared when the feat is first taken, and cannot be changed, except through the Reselection rules. This flexibility can be used to ensure the summoned creature's 'theme' is consistent, if that sort of thing is important to you.

Generally, there is no limitation on how many Summons-based feats can be applied simultaneously to a summoned creature (or creatures) that you cast yourself, other than the number of Summons-based feats you actually possess. The caster can choose to apply (or not apply) each feat (or all such feats) at the time the summon monster spell is cast. However, some feats specifically list other Summons-based feats that they are incompatible with. In such cases, only one of the conflicting patterns can be applied.