Swarm of Arrows (Feat)

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You strike a clout stance and let loose in all directions. Every nearby foe is attacked.

Prerequisites: Level 16, Weapon Focus (Feat) with selected weapon

Related: Deadly Swarm (Feat)

Benefit: As a full-attack action, you may use a projectile weapon of any type you have chosen with your Weapon Focus feat, on every enemy creature within 30 feet. All creatures are attacked once, and all attacks are made at your full BAB. You may choose which creatures you wish to attack, and which ones you do not wish to attack. Each attack is calculated separately as regards terrain, cover, concealment, etc. Once all attacks are resolved, roll damage once and apply it to all targets that were struck. You may not apply precision damage to any of these attacks.

Special: This feat attacks all foes, even ones you cannot see or are even unaware of at all. If an enemy figure is within range of this feat, they are attacked.