Tide of Iron (Feat)

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Your allies wash over their foes as irresistibly as the sea when you are in their vanguard.

Prerequisites: <Fighter 31 -OR- level 36+>, Thousand Arms (Feat), Ultimate Mastery (Feat), Meisterhau (Feat), Weapon Supremacy (Feat), Weapon Focus, Epic (Feat), Weapon Specialization, Epic (Feat), Weapon Focus, Greater (Feat), Weapon Specialization, Greater (Feat), Weapon Focus (Feat), Weapon Specialization (Feat)

Benefit: Inspired by your legendary mastery, all allies using a weapon to fight within line of sight to you gain a +4 circumstance bonus to AC, to-hit, base weapon damage, and Maneuver Offense when you are also fighting with the weapon(s) you selected for your Weapon Focus feat(s). Note that they do not have to be looking at you, merely having line of sight is sufficient. There is no limit to the number of allies this feat can effect, making it very useful when you are leading an army.