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* need to update character class tables to remove the 'natural talent' entries at 1, 11, 21, and 31.  This should be put into the level up table instead.
* swarms need a little clean-up -- something to indicate they always hit anything they can reach, update 'immune to spells that have a limited number of targets' to include abilities that only target one creature (e.g. imperiling jolt)
:* need to update the multi-classing rules to state that class features that occur on the 'level progression' table (like natural talents) are based on total character level, not class level.

* printable character sheet, with worksheets to calculate everything.

* need to talk about action economy of metamagic feats applied to spells which are faster than a standard action (do they become full round actions? what about spells which are immediates and only work as an interrupt?)
* need to add size limitations or modifiers for drag, reposition, bull rush
:* example: Bungle
* added notes to the [[Talk:Injury,_Death_and_Dying]] page - hardcore mode
* added notes to the [[Talk:Character_Retraining]] page - strongholds

* add some notes to the [[Spells]] page, regarding GM's adjudicating 'fluff' vs 'crunch'.  
* need to create wands for the new selective metamagic feat
:* Specific examples are direct damage (crunch) vs. illusions (fluff).  
* need to create wands for the new multi-target feats
:* Rules for bonuses from fluff which give general 'not to exceed' values.
::* plus for caster level (+1 to +3), and plus for creativity (+1 to +2).
* update in-combat skill assist language (no penalty on fail, since it costs a standard action)
* Update any monsters that use [[Grabbed]], [[Grappled]], or [[Pinned]] (find them using the "What Links Here" from each of those pages).
* Consider adding weapon quality that allows better grapple maneuvers
* Consider high-level feat that allows Pinned condition on a particularly good grapple check (maybe change it so it's Grabbed when you equal or beat the DC, Grappled when you beat the DC by 3 or more, and Pinned when you beat the DC by 6 or more? Currently, it's Grabbed when you equal or beat the DC, and Grappled if you beat the DC by 5 or more, with no chance for pinned.)
fix init and skills and "all other skills" values in monster template, when a pattern is applied
* fix the spell template so it substitutes text into the table (will require page rebuilds so table data is actually local)
* add comment in Character Advancement to mention to check Skill Basis increases (every 4 levels) and Maneuver Defense increases (every even level)
* re-write first sentence of Monk Water and Stone to clarify what it applies to (to-hits AND damage? to-hits OR damage?)
=== random thought for class feature ===
* dice as input influencers, instead of output influencers. I.e. roll dice to see what you can do, then do some of those things efficiently (no dice to determine outcome, only dice to determine what is possible). 
===2 new warlord feats===
* formation dice now lay temp hit points on ally and heal them, instead of granting bonus damage to their attack; still requires them to hit an enemy creature first
* (requires first feat) formation dice now do two of the following three things: grant bonus damage, grant temp hit points, heal the target ally; still requires target to hit an enemy creature first. warlord picks this every time they use it.
===New Magic Weapon Properties ===
primarily intended for implement wielders, but are also useful to multi-classers
* '''Runic:''' +1 property that grants the [[Implement (Quality)]] to the weapon it is applied to (one-off)
* '''Excinding:''' +3 property to allow wielder to use their ranged to-hit bonus for melee attacks with that weapon (one-off)
* '''Excising:''' +3 property to allow wielder to use their melee to-hit bonus for ranged attacks with that weapon (one-off)
* +3, +5, +7, +9 properties that lower the level increase caused by metamagic feats applied to spells while that weapon is being wielded (-1 to -4)
:* '''Competent, Professional, Professorial, Authoritative'''
* +2, +4, +6, +8 properties that increases the save DC of spells or class features while it is being wielded (+1 to +4)
:* '''Visceral, Intuitive, Instinctive, Reflexive'''
* '''Spellblade:''' +1 property that lets wielder add the weapon's base weapon damage to any spell damage they inflict while wielding that weapon
:* '''Hexblade:''' +3 property that lets wielder add their full weapon damage (includes any stat bonuses to the weapon's attack type: ranged or melee) to any spell damage they inflict while wielding the weapon
:* '''Baneblade:''' +5 property that lets wielder add bonus damage from class features, such as sneak attack, formation, encroachment, etc, on top of their full weapon damage to any spell they cast while wielding the weapon, if target qualifies for that bonus damage.
=== new magic item ===
* ring that lets you apply magic armor properties, but only if you don't have anything else equipped that can take magic armor properties. (Cost should double the cost of magic armor properties if they were just applied to armor.)
===lore updates?===
* update all the monster template sub-templates (e.g. To-Hit, Save-DC, Special-Standard-Dmg, etc.) so that if "Lore" is in the page title, it replaces the value with "<span style="background:black; color:white">REDACTED</span>"
* then create a new 'full lore' auto-page that shows the basic lore, strong against, weak against, all special abilities, and out-of-combat sections, redacting out all the numerical values.
===miss chance - final thoughts?===
* Concealment / miss chance should apply to combat maneuver (skill) checks, and any skill that has a 'physical manifestation'.
=== Traps ===
* write the actual rules for traps on the Traps and Hazards page
:* create a list of all traps (somewhere)
:* create a list of all complications (somewhere)
* redo all class features related to traps
* find all spells or effects that inflict 'anti-magic', and update them with language that traps are only disabled by these effects until the start of the caster's next turn. (This should also be in the traps page writeup, and maybe even on the trap itself).
* create some traps
* create some complications
* then, FINALLY, ask Ben to make "The ConTRAPtion" (font:
=== Reputation ===
* players get reputation, settlements get influence
:* player reputation can be general (very powerful) or specific (less powerful)
:* reputation is a value from +1 to whatever, and is a straight-up circumstance bonus to any social interaction skill check with the affected party
::* this is why general reputation is so powerful -- it's a permanent skill boost for all social interactions
::* specific reputation (e.g. with a merchant you've had positive business experiences with) makes it easier to get good deals, get quality intel, etc.
::* should generally be rewarded for actual role-playing, as a way to encourage that sort of thing, but can also be given out as a taste of what's possible...
* reputation doesn't have to be positive, of course...
=== Campaign Setting ===
* Something you've done in your campaigns a lot is to use the same setting (Celegia) but set the game in different time periods in its history. This has several advantages:
:* it lets you explore some fairly substantially different settings while still maintaining some familiarity
:* it lets you flesh out the history of the setting more thoroughly through the players' actions
* Once we've settled on a setting (Reist, Celegia, whatever), I think, before we worry about modules, we should establish five 'timeframes' where adventuring within the history of that setting is recommended (let's call them Epochs or something)
:* within each Epoch, we should build a panoply of NPCs that are iconic and important during those times (there may even be crossovers, especially for long-lived races/characters).
:* we should also have a list of adventure hooks for each epoch, to seed the GM with ideas
:* we should have a player's guide to each epoch to paint the picture of what life is like in each, and what sorts of adventures to expect therein.
:* we should then provide some guidance to GMs to allow the outcomes of adventures in one epoch to influence the history of future (or even past) epochs
* once all this is done, we can consider writing a starting module or two
One thing I'd really like to include in whatever setting we use is the notion of a mysterious predecessor race that liked to build complicated things, especially underground.  This wouldn't be the origin of all dungeons, or anything like that, but a source of some rare dungeons that are more likely to hold Potens Machenvar.
===Potens Machenvar===
* On the topic of Potens Machenvar, how would you feel about nearly all of these being (extremely) limited use?
:* Basically, each time you use the PM, you have to roll a d6 to see if it breaks or crumbles to dust.  The less powerful PMs might only crumble on a roll of a 1, but the really good ones would always crumble (i.e. on a 6 or less). 
* This flows well with the 'mysterious predecessor race' theme, where these are ancient devices of uncertain and irreplaceable origin, that still function even after millennia of neglect, but are prone to breaking down.  Since no one knows how to fix them, once broken, they are basically trash (or they could turn into one portion of sellable goods, if we're feeling generous, and want players to just use them like candy).
* By going with a system like this, these things could actually show up in a campaign with some regularity, if a GM so chooses, without upsetting the balance of the game too much.  They'll definitely upset the balance of a single encounter, but that's kind of the whole point, really.
=== Breaking Objects ===
* Sunders against terrain objects (not unattended objects) changes their terrain states: Blocked &rarr; Impeded &rarr; Difficult &rarr; Unobstructed/Clear.  This lets us redo the breaking objects rules to get rid of the language related to the very outdated Abstract Encounter rules, while still maintaining a useful time-scale for doing things like tearing down walls.  Sunder DCs will need to be brought back in line with the Skill DC chart.
:* In general, I think terrain objects should have a very low sunder DC (like 15), since anybody who knows how to swing a pickaxe should be able to make their way through it eventually.  The variable we need to talk about is Durability -- how many rounds would it take a dude with a pickaxe to turn a 5-foot section of castle wall from 'Blocked' terrain to 'Impeded' terrain?  Each state change should, in my opinion, take the same amount of time (mostly for simplicity).
:* We can also talk about things like Assists (possibly mandatory for large-scale works like sapping a castle wall?), and time, and how much effort a non-hero can really put into performing sunders per hour.
::* We already have a rule that you can only perform a single combat maneuver per round, so even level 35 heroes are limited to 1 sunder per 6 seconds, assuming we don't put further limitations on this.
:* We can talk about siege weapons later; I don't think we should factor them into this conversation -- I'd rather make them work organically with the system after the fact.
i think i violently agree with all of this :)  The terrain progression is just awesome, as it makes all sorts of possibilities just happen. (we could have difficult terrain 'splash' from the site of siege attacks, to represent debris fields, for example) the difficulties in the charts were partially converted to 'DC at CR' format already, which I tentatively agree with as our model moving forward.  siege could/should be last, so we can scale those devices properly against DC's, which already should have CR coded into them to gain the proper numbers.  siege and settlements could include a possible vehicle pass as well.
===Notes / To Do===
* random loot generation
* random remnant generation (a built-in roller would be cool)
* We could also consider making 'civilized' versus 'uncivilized' treasure parcels for monsters (could be keyed off of the monster's INT stat, meaning no changes to existing monsters, just changes to the main template), which would affect whether some of the treasure was in coins, gems, trade goods, versus just 'sellable goods' (read: goopy bits).
* treasure idea: in addition to remnants, other currencies could drop (settlement currencies, magic item upgrades, eggs (for mounts), etc.), maps to other locations of interest, a way to spawn specific encounters.  This would also be a good way to put single-use magic items into the game (which could be anything from a bottle of alchemist's fire to a scroll that calls a deific champion to help you for one round, or a genie that grants you a single wish).

* review [[Icy Prison (Spell)]] and [[Icy Prison, Mass (Spell)]].  Too powerful for being the same caster level as Hold Person, but good flavor.
* need to issue guidelines for adapting content from other systems? the heavy/legend roles might need to be emphasized for conversion tasks

== Things to Update (3/24) ==
* revisit the [[Vehicle Combat]] rules. Clean up, simplify, and remove language about multiple piloting skills, stat dependency on ship class, etc. Perhaps vehicles should perform like magic weapons (enhance bonus, properties, dweomermetal) that the pilot 'wields' to attack.  This would allow the use of to-hit rolls, instead of maneuver checks for attacking.  Try to make the system more like traditional combat... maybe figure out a way to remove facing.
* V,S,M spells - Immediate, Move, Standard
:* review metamagic feats in relation to this
* racial abilities - normalize what levels you (might) improve your racial abilities, and add it into the class tables
* legendary skills as super-powers

==Highest Priority Things To Do==
* figure out a way to make the bailiwicks more distinct from their associated knowledge skills.  In some cases, it's not bad (Spycraft vs Know:Local), but in many cases, it's ambiguous (Reason vs. Know:Logic; Naturalism vs. Know:Nature, etc.)
* create new monsters for CR's 18 through 25

* spells pass - rebalance / retool all spells; cut out really terrible / useless spells
* consider cross-referencing all the between adventures into each of the appropriate skills.

* Add Linguistics skill use for 'Identify Accent' to determine ethnicity or origin of a speaker.
* fix tables on [[Between Adventures]] page.

* create a bunch of magic items that are useful for pure caster classes, to give them something to spend money on.
* clean up weapon page tables, adding categories for their weapon groups, handiness, and size.
:* extend duration of spell
:* remove level cap on damage of spell (doesn't change scaling)
:* increase # of targets for spell
:* change shape of AoE of spell (or add an AoE to a spell)

* consider fixing the pricing models for the magic item creation sub-pages.
* update monster template to account for adding a role to a monster with a modified # of attacks

* review equipment bonuses to skills: e.g. masterwork tools, thieves' tools
[[Feats With No Associated Class]] this category serves as a handy reference for old feats to be re-worked into potential magic items
* Add definition of triggered free action

* review 'breaking objects' page, in light of changes to vehicle combat and removal of abstract encounters rules
* siege weapons - how do they work with the vehicle combat rules?
** unless we want siege weapons to continue to be cumulative forces, though it seems like people hated all the dice rolling of the abstract encounters
** right now, vehicles will never penetrate heavy defenses and fortifications; the target DC's are way too high, as are many of the durabilities
* add weights for all doors and such on the 'breaking objects' page, for purposes of the Might skill.

* Make traps more interesting/fun
=== Possible New Feats: ===
* Bard
:* crowd pleaser - the bard may target one additional target with their Bardic Performances.  This feat may be taken more than once, each time increasing the number of affected targets by 1.
* Druid
* Ranger
* Partisan
:* introvert - 6th - add partisan level to healing
:* solipsist - 16th - add partisan tier as dr/er
:* surveillance - 26th - add introspection/introvert/solipsist to allies in aura
:* caltrops - add partisan level in damage against any attacked foe in aura, once per attack, hit or miss

* Redo analysis pass for all character classes
* trap damage table?
:* I'd like to revisit the Brawler's restriction on magic weapons (e.g. Amulet of Mighty Fists). Why? (I forgot)

* feats:
* re-write perform skill to collapse it into a single skill (instead of subskills).
** Warlord - more formation dice
:* [[Perform]]: performance complexity - clarify to setting the CR of the song
** Ranger - more quarry dice
:* same for entertaining an audience
** Ranger - better traps (better action economy, use against an occupied space)
** Prowler - improve save DC for encroaching jolt?
** add a feat to allow "deny saving throw" under [[Heal]] to be non-provoking, and take only a move action (no bonus to check)
** Update/Remove any feats which apply to abstract encounters
** Review barbarian feats again
** Fighter - able to challenge one additional target each round (epic?)

* Add feats per Jeff to boost Dispel Magic, similar to Dimension Door, Lightning Bolt, etc.
* need a note in the ability scores page (and probably the caster pages) that you can't get spells of a higher level than your class level allows, even with a high stat.

:* Counterspell Feedback - When you counter and enemy's magical effect with a counterspell, you gain an effect based on the type of spell used. Effects last to the beginning ot the opponent's next turn unless otherwise specified.
* add new status conditions that inflict a circle penalty (or alter existing conditions to include it)
::* abjuration - gain a +2 to save and AC against the opponent
:* create a "circle 0" and update the various mana burning rules for it.
::* conjuration - move the enemy 5 ft per spell level used
::* divination - enemy insight - gain knowldge of the enemy as if you made a challenging check
::* enchantment - opponent is distracted
::* evocation - do 1d6 damage per spell level
::* illusion - fog senses - everything beyond 5 ft from the opponent has concealment
::* necromancy - unsettled - opponent is shaken
::* transmutation - opponent is slowed

* change death checks to fort save, dc equal to negative hit point total.  
* integrate hustle rules on the [[Types of Movement]] page onto the [[Environmental Effects]] page.
:* three failed saves equals death

* update spells page:
* Update Between Adventures section on Spell Research to clarify language about adding metamagic to a researched spell -- metamagic added /can/ increase the gross spell level above 17, just not be added as research to produce an infinitely metamagicked spell.
:* when we update bonus types, many sections, but in particular the 'stacking effects' section, will need updated
:* descriptor section - should probably be simplified. Monsters don't use many descriptors (we may change this, but for now, it's not widely used, which is a nerf to many abilities which rely on a particular descriptor being present).  

* consider calling out a "Rogues Cheat!" class feature for rogues, which spells out that they always do at least half damage against creatures immune or hardened to precision damage, and they can always flank creatures, even if they cannot normally be flanked.

* [[Perform]]: performance complexity - clarify to setting the CR of the song
* '''Character Sheet:'''
** same for entertaining an audience
:* PDF Character Sheet (Fillable) -- yes, this will happen
:* create sample characters for each class, with planned builds up through level 5

* converting ammo into templates (necessary?)
* converting magic properties - implements / armor / shields into templates
* defining equipment
* magic item crafting rules are only halfway re-written
** need to update rules for magic enchantment of projectile weapons, but not ammo
* continue writing Cosmology of Creation page

* need a page for bonus types, to allow all those broken links to point somewhere.
* '''Monsters:'''
:* create at least 10 per CR.  Still need CR's 19 through 40, but CR's 1 - 18 are done ''enough'' for now. currently working on this effort, but with an emphasis of CR's 1-5 (aiming for 20+ for all those CR's), since the MMM makes higher CR's richly populated by default. still need at least 10 for CR's 19-40

* need to update / create page for monster types and subtypes.
** need to review any broken links to subtypes that we don't actually want to define (e.g. azata)

==blood magic==
* '''Setting:'''
* blood magic - a form of deep magic (true dweomers?) which, in addition to requiring a high level spell slot to cast, also requires a significant hit point cost from its caster. However, this hit point cost can also be paid from the blood of nearby recently-dead creatures, helpless creatures, or willing creatures.  
:* Cosmology of Creation page should be tailored to suit our view of the campaign setting.  If we try to keep it 'generic', it will feel hollow.
:* decide how the many races factor into our default setting. Are all the races treated as normal citizens, or are some discriminated against (half-orcs, for example)? Are non-human races (in particular the oddball ones) sometimes born to human parents, or are they only products of their own purebred lineages?  

==Stateless Time==
IF we decide to go this route, we need to do a full pass to add 'short rest' and 'long rest' mechanics. The long rest is easy, but we'd need to add stuff to most classes. For example, short rest to remove fatigue for a barbarian, short rest to recharge ranger quarry pool, short rest to allow use of smite again, short rest to do a lot of features.

or we could just worry about stateless time for spells, to start, and implement it as needed for any class features which seem to encourage the "how long has it been" behavior.  I don't feel like any of the examples you gave actually do this (except maybe the barbarian's fatigue); they all explicitly state "during combat" or "at the end of the encounter" or "at the start of an encounter". These are clear delineations, and I'm not convinced we need to make any further distinctions than that.
=== Cleanup Tasks===
* Finish moving the following into their respective templates:
:* fighter tactics
:* Equipment pages -- finish them, clean out the stupid stuff
* finish the Designing Skill Challenges section on the [[Game Master's Guide]] page.
* add some notes to the [[Spells]] page, regarding GM's adjudicating 'fluff' vs 'crunch'.
:* Specific examples are direct damage (crunch) vs. illusions (fluff).
:* Rules for bonuses from fluff which give general 'not to exceed' values.
::* plus for caster level (+1 to +3), and plus for creativity (+1 to +2).
* need to update / create page for monster types and subtypes.
:* need to review any broken links to subtypes that we don't actually want to define (e.g. azata)
* create a "tactical" keyword and category that would identify feats, abilities, skill uses, etc. that are very dependent on a map, and wouldn't work well in a 'theater of the mind' game.

correct! sorry, I was unclear. the point I'm trying to make is that we would want to add such mechanics to classes (or racial features, or whatever) so we don't introduce a 'short rest' that only a few people even care about. there should be a reason for most players to be interested in a short rest.  maybe you have to take a short rest before you can get an action point for the next encounter, maybe a short rest is required to clear conditions that currently end at the end of the encounter (which we'd have to clarify with an edit pass), maybe a short rest adds temp hitpoints equal to your Con mod if you're a full BAB class, maybe a short rest restores one spell if you are not a 'full tilt' spellcaster, etc, etc, etc.  If we're going to have the mechanic, then it should be useful to a wide variety of folks, so its a natural and useful part of the gameplay. 
=== Bonus Systems ===
* Settlements and Sieges
* Epic Skill System
* Followers / Leadership / Large-Scale War Rules
* Auramancy / Blood Magic
* Divine Domains (any character class; part of pre-apotheosis)
* True Dweomers
* Prestige Classes
* Artifacts
* Traps (as enemy combatants)
* Remnants

So, I agree that this approach would integrate the concept of a short rest into the game in a compelling enough way to make players care about it (instead of having an orphaned mechanic that only a couple of classes care about)However, I guess my question is, do we actually want to add this mechanic throughout the game? I thought we didn't, unless it was strictly necessary... My suggestion is we could find another way to approach this without creating / integrating a short rest mechanic. For example, the [[Fatigued]] condition is ended by sitting or lying down for 15 minutesThis is identical to the idea of a short rest, but doesn't actually create a mechanic for a short rest.
=== Printable Version ===
* Need some cover art for a book(let)s. Open to suggestions...
* leaning towards a 5.5" x 8" book size as our 'starter guide' for cons, ~80 half-pages, for everything: how to play, character classes, equipment, weapons, low-level magic items, status conditions, basically everything you'd need to play up to level 5-ishInterior will not have art, unless we really want to commission some.
:* Needs to be everything you need to know to play the game (at low levels), without access the internet or the wiki.
::* shouldn't have links or other web-based 'features', and it will need a table of contents and an index.
:* Short appendix that describes some of the other features that are available in the complete game on the wiki.
:* Found some online print sites that will do this for about $10/book, so 20 of these per convention would be about $200 which doesn't seem crazy to me.  
::* will give these out to anyone who plays through the module.
* pre-generated characters on no more than 4 pages each, printed on cardstock?  
:* Will give these out to anyone who played that class through the module.
:* should be designed as a good party mix, rather than just 1 of each class; assume somewhere between 5 and 8 players.
* a module we can run in 4-ish hours that shows off the best parts of our game -- skills, character class uniqueness, dynamic and fun combats, including a 'threat' fight as the finale.  Characters should probably be level 1, but I'm willing to consider up to level 3 if there's a good reason to go there.
:* needs to have good opportunities to role-play, opportunities to use skills in an interesting way, and some fun set pieces for the combat encounters.

== Stolen Ideas Worth Contemplating ==
=== Siege Weapons / Settlements Notes ===
* review 'breaking objects' page, in light of changes to vehicle combat and removal of abstract encounters rules
* siege weapons - how do they work with the vehicle combat rules?
** unless we want siege weapons to continue to be cumulative forces, though it seems like people hated all the dice rolling of the abstract encounters
** right now, vehicles will never penetrate heavy defenses and fortifications; the target DC's are way too high, as are many of the durabilities
* add weights for all doors and such on the 'breaking objects' page, for purposes of the Might skill.

moving these links to here for future re-write/inclusions/expansion, possibly/probably as part of settlement pass
* get rid of flat-footed AC, and just make it a condition that inflicts a static penalty to your AC. This would harm hi-dex characters, and help lo-dex characters, but mostly balance out, I think. 
:* also, have flanking cause the flat-footed condition. this is simple, and makes for consistency in rules (rogues need flat-footed to sneak attack, instead of flat-footed or flanking).
:* tying flanking to flat-footed would also mean a mob can't be both flat-footed AND flanked.  reducing types of stacking bonuses and penalties will simplify combat, which is a good thing.
:* PF2 suggests flat-footed is always a -2 to AC, replacing the +2 to-hit from flanking. Note that the [[Flat-Footed]] condition is a weak in our game, so -2 isn't necessarily too small, since it also affects a bunch of other things (man off and man def, can't make AOO's, susceptible to sneak attacks).

=== Monkeying with AOO's===
* [[Siege Weapons]]
* AOO's require the use of your immediate action.  They are no longer separate.
* [[Siege Gunner (Feat)]]
:* combat reflexes would still give bonus AOO's as free actions usable outside your turn.
* [[ Siege Engineer (Feat)]]
* only martial classes get AOO's, but every class gets something to do with their immediate action.
* [[Master Siege Engineer (Feat)]]
::* non-martial classes might get a bonus to their next action, if an enemy provokes and they burn their immediate (instead of an AOO), or some movement, or whatever.
* [[Siege Commander (Feat)]]
:* fighter's challenge bonus attack, currently an immediate, would be better than a normal AOO. Fighters would still be able to do a normal AOO's with their immediate against unmarked enemies that provoke.
:* the goal would be to make movement during combat more attractive, without also making it too easy for combatants to simply run away all the time.

=== Spell Action Costs===
* I love the notion of PF2's spell casting action economy - a spell requiring a verbal and somatic component requires two actions to cast. A spell which is VSM requires 3 actions.  I like that it makes those components relevant.
:* this could be translated into EP, and merged with the action economy of metamagic to do some neat things.
:* essentially, metamagic becomes a deliberate act of increasing spell casting time to get a greater result from the spell.
::* conversely, some metamagic reduces the action to cast the spell. (Quicken, Still, Silent).

=== Full Attacks===
== Possible New Character Classes ==
* starting at level 1, all classes get two attacks when making a full attack.  The total number of attacks at higher levels doesn't change, we just front-load it.
* (optional) instead of an iterative -5 to each attack after the first, all attacks suffer a -5 penalty to hit when making a full attack.
:* on average, this would not change the to-hit numbers for any characters except full bab characters, after they get their 4th attack.
:* on average, this would lower to-hit numbers for characters that make use of haste, cleave, or other bonus attack methods, used during a full attack.
:* as a result, I don't think this change would require any changes to monster AC's, or feats.  It should just 'work'.

=== Shields===
* '''Physical Adept''' class (Fleshcrafter?) - arcane-powered melee, re-tool eidolon-style abilities as self-buffs?
* AC bonus from shield isn't applied unless you spend an action to bring your shield to bear.
* <strike>Mentat</strike> <strike>Warsage</strike> '''Storm Knight''' class - intelligence-based melee and thrown weapons user.
:* probably a swift? maybe a move? definitely not a standard.
:* can 'game out a fight' -- may declare at any point in a round that they have not yet dealt any damage (even after one or more failed attacks) that they are simply gaming out the fight, forgoing all damage for the remainder of the round.  In exchange, they gain a massive buff in the following round against that opponent.
::* could give different AC's depending on what action type you use
* '''Toxotes''' - high damage ranged attacks, trick shots (possibly just create via new rogue talents?)
:* in addition, when wearing a shield, you can use an immediate action to reduce a single attack's damage as an immediate action
* '''Galvanist''' - sorceror/prowler/alchemist, focus on The Spark as a way to empower things (weaps/armor/potions) with sparks and essence
::* amount of damage reduction based on shield size, but would need to be enough to be 'worth' an immediate action
* '''Seeker''' -  sorceror/ranger/prowler, has 'target/treasures' they are looking for, can have up to five, each treasure/target allows them to activate a diff power/class feature, they have to pick new ones as they find old ones or they lose powers
::* 3 + 1/2 level for buckler, 3 + level for lt shield, 3 + double level for hvy shield (?)
* '''Templar''' - arcane/urban fighter//paladin striker/tank, much stronger if has a place to defend or a crusade to advance. Can use a taunting variant of mirror image (can't attack, but taunts and soaks up a hit or two).
:* shield focus feat would grant a bonus immediate action for the shield block, allowing user to keep their normal immediate action
* '''Effigy''' (Artifact? Vestige?)
::* could shield block more than once per round, but see 'monkeying with AOO's' above for other uses of immediates.
:* the character is an actual artifact, which is intelligent. The actual artifact is /somewhere/, though even the player may not know where. They have extended their consciousness into a remote effigy (moppet?) with which they interact with the world.  look at material for the warforged as inspiration?
:* they can use their experience to augment their effigy, giving it better abilities
:* like a summoner or pet class, except that the master isn't present on the battlefield
* '''Assassin:''' inflicts and spreads bruise/bleeds/ruptures; can end all effects to deal that much damage to all enemies (even non-bleeding ones)
* '''Horolog''' master of clockworks, makes ether-powered devices that do stuff (attacks, defenses, pets, buffs, move, mounts?) the martial-version of an alchemist
* '''Oracle''' divine-powered sorcerer/paladin, has the ability to give blessings, lays curses, has no heal but can absorb damage from allies in a radius and lay on hands. sorcerer/cleric/paladin hybrid with unique damage transfer power+
* '''Jinx:''' can store up and use failed d20 checks (to-hits, saves, etc.) to unleash powerful curses and debuffs.  Encouraged to take wild risks in order to miss more (and have that wild payoff when they don't fail).

=== Non-Lethal Damage ===
Reminder links to complete additional classes at future date
* Instead of tracking it separately, only the killing blow to a creature (the one which reduces it to 0 hit points or fewer) counts towards lethal/non-lethal.  If a creature's hit points are reduced to 0 or fewer by a non-lethal attack, they are KO'ed instead of killed.  In all other cases, non-lethal damage behaves exactly like damage, and is tracked exactly like damage.
:* this would mean healing would become somewhat weaker in fights where non-lethal is used against players, since it wouldn't be a separate healing stack from regular damage.
:* however, it would greatly simplify the hit point tracking in the game.

=== Skills ===
* [[Pariah]]
* the biggest area of divergence in our skills, the reason our point spreads get so wide, is primarily stats.  We solved this to a degree with natural talents.  However, there are very few natural talents available.
* [[Sharp]]
:* another approach would be to either cap how much of a bonus stats give, or give only a fraction of the stat's mod to a skill. 
:* also, PF2 is going to have 5 levels of skill proficiency: untrained (-2), trained (+0), expert (+1), master (+2), legendary (+3).
::* untrained is default, you have no ranks in the skill, and basically suck at it.
::* trained occurs for free if you put ranks into the skill (PF2 only gives ranks every other level, and has fewer ranks, overall)
::* expert, master, and legendary each require feats placed into the skills.  These proficiency ranks are separate from your actual skill ranks or skill bonus.  They unlock abilities, akin to our epic skill uses.
:::* example, expert in Movement might give you a move speed, at half your walk speed, in a new movement type, just natively.  Master and legendary might let you improve the speed of that move type, or get a different move type, or something else entirely.  Essentially, each skill would have a list of 'feats' associated with gaining a higher proficiency level in it.  This would include the epic skill uses, but could also be even more radical.  Legendary in a skill is meant to be truly super-heroic.
:::* players may only get 1 to 3 legendary level 'things' in their entire career, and some may choose to spread themselves out more generally, and get no legendary proficiencies at all.
:::* without the feat support to get the higher proficiency, you simply cannot use the more advanced skill uses of the skill, even if your ranks are maxed out.

=== Saves & Opposed Checks ===
* PF2 is getting rid of both of these things.  Instead, players will have a target DC that monsters/adversaries will need to beat to do things (like maneuver defense and AC)
:* this ties things like AC, saves, skill checks, combat maneuvers, etc, into a set of defenses that are target DC's.
::* could, theoretically, have a defense number for each skill which is 10 + skill bonus, but allow some feats/class features, etc., to modify just the defense.

=== Crits and Fumbles ===
=== Ideas For Class Features ===
* PF2 declares crits to mean exceeding target value by 10 or more, and critical failure to mean missing the target value by 10 or more.
* Death Attack (Ex) prowler, ranger, partisan, warlord? x times/day perform a magnum-size hit like monk?
:* one assumes natural 20's and natural 1's just mean 'automatic hit' and 'automatic miss', but not necessarily crit or fumble.
* Swift Death (Ex) same classes as candidates, add more times per day
:* fumbles aren't 'you trip over your shoelace and die', but might mean you take 50% more damage from an effect that would deal only normal damage on a normal failure.
* Angel of Death (Ex) use up all death attacks to roll a coup de grace
:* even spells can critical. A monster which fails its save by 10 or more takes more damage or suffers a worse effect from that spell.
:* comparably, crits don't always mean double damage.
:* furthermore, not everything has a crit or a fumble effect (some skills).
:* in other cases, characters (and monsters) might get a special reaction they can only use of an enemy fumbles while adjacent to them.
:* this system makes 20's and 1's slightly less powerful (a good thing, IMO), and makes penalties and bonuses more meaningful.
::* also eliminates the whole 're-roll to confirm' mechanic, which I hate.

* Live to Tell the Tale (Ex) barbarian, partisan, brawler?  x times/day roll maneuver offense vs attackers maneuver defense to negate a hit
* use one or more of their owner's attacks in order to act (one or more times)
:* would allow secondary/tertiary attacks to go as pet's full bab/secondary bab
:* makes balancing pet damage much easier, since it directly subtracts actions/damage from the owner

==Haversacks and Cubic Feet Limits==
* Elaborate Attack (Ex) bard, paladin, rogue, fighter? spend a full BAB attack roll (or any 5-foot step?) to trigger a class feature (finale for bard, smite for pally, sneak for rogue, challenge for fighter?)  
* suggest allowing haversacks to hold anything, as long as the item(s) don't exceed the haversack's weight limit; ignore bulkiness.
:* we could have more than one model of haversack, since they are basically mandatory magic items anyway; interesting choices.
:* we could say that no character can ever have more than one haversack, or we could just make them expensive enough that having more than one is a bit painful.
::* 'normal' haversack - good weight capacity, low actual weight (5 lbs, regardless of what's in it), only a 3' diameter opening -- nothing bigger than 3' in any dimension can be shoved into it.
::* 'wide-mouthed' haversack - slightly less weight capacity, higher actual weight (10 lbs, regardless of what's in it), no limit to size of things you can shove into it, as long as it doesn't exceed weight capacity of bag.
::* 'quick-draw' haversack - x times per day, draw an item from the sack as a free action (instead of swift). lower weight capacity, but otherwise same as 'normal' haversack.
::* 'kidnapper's' haversack - can keep willing (or helpless) living things in the sack, in a state of stasis. 30 lbs actual weight.
::* 'smuggler's haversack - looks like a shirt, takes up chest slot (isn't slotless). 1 lbs actual weight, but less the capacity than a normal one (half?).
* I realize this steps on portable holes and potentially bags of holding.
:* never liked portable holes anyway.
:* bags of holding could still be auxiliary storage, and we could add a consumable trait to them, allowing them to be permanently merged with a haversack to increase it's storage capacity somewhat.
::* this increase would (maybe) get blown away if/when the haversack gets upgraded, so it's a short-term means of bridging the gap to the next haversack model.
::* would need to make it more expensive to tack on enough bags of holding to bring the haversack up to the next equivalent weight class.

==Caster Touch Attacks==
* Spell Critical (Su) sorc, wiz, druid? if confirms a critical with an attack, can cast a spell as a swift action. aimed at rays, but leave open-ended for dual/multi/prestiges
* consider allowing casters to use (low) BAB + pri stat + dex (plus implement bonus) for ranged touch attacks.
:* compare to (med) BAB + dex + enhancement bonus, and (high) BAB + dex + enhancement bonus  
:* This should tighten up to-hits, and make touch AC essentially -10 from base AC (due to low bab delta).

== Energy Damage Types ==
* Inspiring Demeanor (Ex) bard, cleric, fighter, paladin, warlord? roll maneuver offense against the maneuver defense of an ally to upgrade one action to the next higher action x/day
  question for Todd: do we need more than 18 energy types? I know you wanted to leave this door open, but having an undefined, infinite list makes ER x/- the 'no-brainer' option, and that's bad game design. Having a limited list makes single energy type, and single class ER much more viable.

  alternatively, we might say that 'ER x/fire' is equivalent in usefulness to 'ER x/fundament' or 'ER x/rudament'.  This would mean it would take 8 different ER types to equal ER x/-, but it would also mean there could be an infinite, undefined number of fundament and rudament ER types.
* Arcane Pool (Su) sorc, wiz, bard, ranger? 1/2 caster level plus Int mod /day, spend a point from the arcane pool to add +1 to-hit with implement (8th), or, character level to damage done by a spell to one enemy (23, 28, 33) or, +1 to save DC (13), or +1 to spell penetration (18). starts at 1 point/round max, scales to 2, 3, 4, 5. damage feature is multiplicative, 5 points adds 5x level to up to 5 targets (!)

* '''element''' (common energies)
* dismount abilities for mounts -- special attacks that can only be performed as a dismount action.  Think something like a bull rush that immobilizes everyone you manage to push (after the push concludes).
:* fire
:* ice (water)
:* lightning (air)
:* acid (earth)
:* sonic
:* poison <nowiki>[ toxin ]</nowiki>
* '''fundament''' (uncommon energies)
:* necrosis (death)
:* radiance (light)
:* quiescence (stillness)
:* desiccation (dehydration)
:* psychic
* '''rudiment''' (exotic energies)
:* force
:* void
:* soul <nowiki>[ spirit | anima ]</nowiki>
:* stellar <nowiki>[ solar | lunar ]</nowiki>
:* tenebrous <nowiki>[ umbral | shadow ]</nowiki> (darkness)
:* eldritch <nowiki>[ aura | anagogue ]</nowiki>
* '''primal''' (creation energies)
:* irresistible damage type - always bypasses DR and ER.

* Steelborne (Ex) cleric, bard, brawler, prowler, warlord, rogue?  Allows the class to count their levels as Fighter levels for qualifying for feats. Differentiate by level acquired (8th for warlord, brawler, prowler, 13th for cleric, 18th for bard?) and by how 'strong' the fighter qualification is (warlod fighter = -5, brawler = -3, bard = -15, etc.)
* ER vs. single energy types: scales to grant 80% resistance to damage from that energy type.
* ER vs. a class (element, fundament, rudiment): scales to grant 60% resistance to damage from those types.
* ER vs. all non-primal energy (ER x/-): scales to grant 40% resistance to all non-primal energy damage.
:* this will encourage single energy-type resistances, while still making communal resistances attractive.

== Bonus Types ==
* Indestructible (Ex) cleric, paladin, warlord, fighter?  Complete immunity from critical hits while wearing heavy armor (c28, w23, f18?)  improves to immunity to precision damage as well five levels later?
There are 29 bonus types:
* Untyped Bonus

* Alchemical Bonus
* Deadly Defense (Ex) rogue, ranger, fighter, warlord, partisan?  Whenever you ready an action to attack a foe outside your current melee reach, add +2 to the threat range of your attack and add your character level to the damage dealt as base damage (!!)
* Armor Bonus
* Armor Enhancement Bonus
* Circumstance Bonus
* Competence Bonus
* Deflection Bonus
* Dodge Bonus
* Enhancement Bonus
* Feat Bonus
* Inherent Bonus
* Insight Bonus
* Integral Bonus
* Level Bonus
* Luck Bonus
* Martial Bonus
* Material Bonus
* Morale Bonus
* Natural Armor Bonus
* Profane Bonus
* Racial Bonus
* Resistance Bonus
* Retraining Bonus
* Sacred Bonus
* Shield Bonus
* Shield Enhancement Bonus
* Size Bonus
* Training Bonus
* Weapon Bonus

Based on current plan for magic redo, the following bonus types might be eliminated:
* Combat Advisor (Ex) bard, cleric, paladin, rogue, warlord? Whenever you miss with a melee attack, (and don't spend an action point) you may designate an ally within 30 feet that can see you to gain a +1 (morale? martial?) bonus on their next attack against that target. improves to next attack against any target, +2 against that target, +2 against any target, +1 to any target until end of the encounter. doesn't stack, of course.
* Alchemical Bonus
* Competence Bonus (?) - ''does a bard's performance count as a "charge"?''
* Insight Bonus
* Luck Bonus
* Martial Bonus (?) - ''does a warlord's battle standard count as a "charge"?''
* Morale Bonus
* Profane Bonus
* Sacred Bonus

to be replaced with:
* Throw Implement (su) sorc, wiz, bard?  x times per day, converts any spell which deals damage with a circle into a single-target ray with a range of 60 feet, embodied as charging the currently wielded implement and throwing it.
* arcane bonus
* divine bonus
* vital bonus (both arcane & divine)

==Item Activation==
* Path to Refuge (sp?) cler, dru, sorc, wiz? x times per week, manaburn 1 spell per hundred miles to return to your 'refuge'. manaburn same x spells per additional person to bring with you. cler 13, dru 18, sorc/wiz 23?
All command word items can still be activated by a standard action.  OR, they may be activated, once per round, by a swift action and by expending hit points equal to 5+ the CL of the item.

(RD) the more I think about this, the more I think it should be a feat, or class feature, or something. It's too powerful, even with the HP lossIt's effectively the Quicken Spell feat for magic items.
* Stored Life (su) barbarian, brawler, fighter, partisan, paladin?  when affected by a status condition, sacrifice a class feature for the remainder of the day to ignore the condition until the end of the encounter. rage power, tactic, type of attack, lay on hands, feat, etc, are all eligible.  
  describe this as [[Essence Omission]]; seems to follow the same rules

==slotless notes==
* Killing Focus (Ex) barbarian, fighter, monk, ranger, rogue, pariah, prowler, brawler? spend a swift action to focus on an opponent. If you then use a full attack action to attack that foe, making the maximum number of attacks, gain +1 to-hit and +1 base weapon damage with all attacks. Note: once gained, persists until the foe dies or you focus on something else, stacks!
* get rid of synergy bonus for multiple enchants on single items.
** instead, first enchant is normal cost, any additional enchants cost double.
* slotless items which are only available as slotless items (e.g. handy haversack, flying carpet, etc.) are normally priced
** items which are normally "slotted" items but are converted to slotless cost triple normal price.

==multi-classing / dual-classing==
* Shadow Double (Su) bard, monk, pariah, prowler, rogue? x-times per day, move so sneakily you seem to be in two places at once. gain a flanking bonus with yourself, or, gain concealment, or, gain mirror image effect.
* if you choose to multi-class or dual-class, you permanently give up the use of action points.
* '''multi-classing:''' commit to no fewer than 5 levels of any class. If you have at least 5 levels in a class, you may choose to start gaining levels in a different class instead, committing to that new class for a minimum of 5 levels.
* '''dual classing:''' pick two classes at character creation. You level up in an alternating pattern, gain 1 level in one, then gain 1 level in the other.  You cannot deviate from this pattern, nor can you choose to multi-class until you have at least 5 levels in BOTH classes.

=== Things to consider for multi-classing / dual-classing ===
* High Strike (Ex) barbarian, brawler, fighter, monk, prowler?  a scaling number of times per day, if you make an attack from higher ground, gain a bonus attack as a swift action (!) this can be triggered by using climb, making a jump, using native sloped terrain, or by having a hover, vault, or fly speed.  
* '''Feat Support:''' We will need to create a fair number of new feats for each character class akin to the [[Shaping Focus (Feat)]].

== magic weapons notes ==
* Inveigle (Su) bard, cleric, pariah, sorcerer, warlord, wizard  a scaling number of times per day, make a maneuver offense or caster check against a target within scaling distance. if you succeed, they no longer count as allied creatures to their former allies, and count as allies of you and your side instead. they provoke, cannot move through their former friends, do not grant flanks, etc. conversely, they now cannot make attacks of opportunity against your side, can be moved through without issue, and can be used to gain flanking.  lasts for 1 round, scaling to end of encounter. can scale to allow multiple creatures to be affected per use of the ability
* remove ability to enchant ammo; only projectile weapon can be enchanted
** update limitless quiver to allow other ammo types, but non-magical.
** ammo also cannot have dweomermetals &mdash; dweomermetal effects are instead conferred by the projectile weapon shooting the ammo.

* create some non-magical ways of adding +to-hit and +damage to weapons/shields/armor/implements
* Everburn (Su) brawler, fighter, paladin, partisan? gain the ability to spend an action point to gain an action even while under the effects of a condition which normally removes the ability to take actions, such as helpless, paralyzed or petrified.
** will not stack with magic, but cannot be suppressed by anti-magic/dispel, etc.
** instead of costing more, I think they just shouldn't go as high as +9
** no properties? (we could, but it would be a lot of work that we don't really need to do right now)
*** quenches of oil, water, brine, blood for +to-hit
*** tempers of single, triple, and seven-fold for +base damage

== Siegemetal Alloys==
* Serendipity (Su): Bard, urban barb, brawler, cleric, prowler, warlord?  When you or one of your allies within 30 feet rolls any d20 check, use this ability as an immediate action before the results of the roll are checked to tweak the odds in their favor, increasing the result of the die roll or check by 1. This CAN turn a normal hit into a critical threat, but it cannot make an attack roll a natural 20. The character can use this ability a number of times per day up to their character level of the class that grants the ability. At intrepid tier (second tier) of the granting class, and every additional tier thereafter, they can increase the die result of the target's roll by an additional 1 by using up more of their daily uses. For example, a 12th-level bard with three tiers of bard has 12 points of serendipity, and can spend up to three points of serendipity to increase an ally's roll by 3 in one immediate action.
* like a dweomermetal - any enhancement bonus or magic properties on weapon (or armor?) become extraordinary instead of magic-based.
:* Tempered Siegemetal - max absolute bonus of +5 (12-10)
:* Annealed Siegemetal - max absolute bonus of +10  (20-10)
:* Quenched Siegemetal - max absolute bonus of +14  (28-10)
:* Forged Siegemetal - max absolute bonus of +18  (35-10)
* DR x/magic works against this weapon, since it is not magic.

== Skill Challenges ==
* candidate for prestige class: mystic theurge is super cool, should be in the running for an early prestige class
* use initiative as a means of controlling who acts when
* check 'vigilante' class for ideas for possible skills expansion pass, might be some interesting ideas in there
* require more skill checks each round than there are players -- make the players decide which parts of the challenge they care about most
* determine what happens if each of the checks isn't made -- consequences are fun. Use the consequences to trigger the event of the next round
* the first round should simply lay out the challenge, and let people know what skill checks exist
** may also want to include mystery checks -- players who don't want to do any of the 'mandatory' checks can try something different
** set the scene -- make sure there's lots of gimmicks, treats, odds & ends to interact with
** determine the timer -- there should be a clearly defined timer -- "if the foe gains ground at least three times, they escape".
* the second round should add a complication or twist, or perhaps a boon (if the players did really well)
* skill challenges should probably be timed to last about 3-4 rounds, just like combat.  This would allow traps to become skill challenges, for example, but also weird things like poisons and disease. Chase scenes, bar brawls, verbal sparring, contests, etc. are all also good examples of skill challenges.

* abstract encounters re-tool -- exceptional success rewards a d6 (or even 2d6) which can be applied to anyone's future checks during the skill challenge.  Bonus dice are additive, and as many as you want can be applied to a single roll.  However, any roll which has bonus dice applied to it cannot gain bonus dice itself.  If you want to accumulate bonus dice, don't get help.

* need to work out how xp and treasure would be awarded for skill challenges, especially when they are taking place in the middle of a fight (traps, poisons, contests).  The challenge itself would ideally represent one or more monsters of the same CR as the encounter, but the math seems a little fuzzy.
critical path thoughts:

* common skill challenges (bar brawls, chase scenes) might have a random table of complications for the GM to roll.  Complications don't occur right away -- the players are notified that the complication might occur if they don't take action to prevent it, and are given a round to deal with it (in addition to dealing with all the other skill checks required).
nine primary stats, seven derived stats
** each complication should have a few variants of outcomes, depending on how well the players mitigated it, ranging from "made it worse", to "not as bad", to "didn't happen at all".
Str-ength Physical strength, lift/carry/throw, melee damage, adds to PD, stamina, stun,
Dex-terity Physical quickness, adds to physical hit and dodge, SPD
Bod-y Physical hardiness and toughness, adds to ED, stamina, stun, recovery, stagger

==character sheet changes==
Ego-tism Mental strength, Telekinetic lift/carry/throw, mental damage of all sorts
* include [[might]] skill modifiers to encumbrance
Int-elligence Mental quickness, adds to mental hit and dodge, SPD
* bailiwick skill ranks granted to associated knowledge skill
Wil-lpower Mental hardiness and toughness, adds to DR, stun, stagger
* add button functions from Rick's sheet
* start listing out the possible moving parts relevant to combat in the buffs and debuffs tab

==Lower Priority Things To Do==
Tal-ent Arcane strength, arcane lift/carry/throw, arcane damage of all sorts
* templates:
Cra-ft Arcane quickness, adds to arcane hit and dodge, SPD
** consider redoing rogue talents pages into a template
Abi-lity Arcane hardiness and toughness, adds to DR, stun, stagger
** consider moving fighter tactics into templates/separate pages
** consider moving equipment pages into templates (to pull their data into the master tables)

* Epic Bloodline (archaic bloodline) writeups

* Sorcerer Bloodlines page
* Cleric Domains page

* Auramancy
* True Dweomers

== Character Classes ==
* Sharp (was Gambler) - buff/controller class
* Pariah (was Warlock) - striker/caster
* '''Physical Adept''' class (Fleshcrafter?) - arcane-powered melee, re-tool eidolon-style abilities as self-buffs
* <strike>Mentat</strike> <strike>Warsage</strike> '''Storm Knight''' class - intelligence-based melee and thrown weapons user.
* '''Fanatic''' class - divine melee/unarmed, low heals, light armor, no spells. Lay on Hands that does damage; touch attacks.
* '''Toxotes''' - high damage ranged attacks, trick shots (possibly just create via new rogue talents?)
* Galvanist
* Seeker
* Templar
* '''Effigy''' (Artifact? Vestige?)
:* the character is an actual artifact, which is intelligent. The actual artifact is /somewhere/, though even the player may not know where. They have extended their consciousness into a remote effigy (moppet?) with which they interact with the world.
:* they can use their experience to augment their effigy, giving it better abilities
:* like a summoner or pet class, except that the master isn't present on the battlefield

== Interesting Links ==
== Interesting Links ==
* [ All electronica baby!]
* [ All electronica baby!]
* it hurts me, but I am unable to stop poking at it: [ hexatrigesimal prime numbers]] as words. (whimper)
* it hurts me, but I am unable to stop poking at it: [ hexatrigesimal prime numbers] as words. (whimper)
* Name Generator Site: [ fantasy name generators]
* Name Generator Site: [ fantasy name generators]
* Running combat with [ urgency and exigency].
* Running combat with [ urgency and exigency].
* art link
* weapon names generator

Latest revision as of 00:22, 5 June 2024

  • swarms need a little clean-up -- something to indicate they always hit anything they can reach, update 'immune to spells that have a limited number of targets' to include abilities that only target one creature (e.g. imperiling jolt)

  • need to add size limitations or modifiers for drag, reposition, bull rush
  • need to create wands for the new selective metamagic feat
  • need to create wands for the new multi-target feats

  • update in-combat skill assist language (no penalty on fail, since it costs a standard action)
  • Update any monsters that use Grabbed, Grappled, or Pinned (find them using the "What Links Here" from each of those pages).
  • Consider adding weapon quality that allows better grapple maneuvers
  • Consider high-level feat that allows Pinned condition on a particularly good grapple check (maybe change it so it's Grabbed when you equal or beat the DC, Grappled when you beat the DC by 3 or more, and Pinned when you beat the DC by 6 or more? Currently, it's Grabbed when you equal or beat the DC, and Grappled if you beat the DC by 5 or more, with no chance for pinned.)
fix init and skills and "all other skills" values in monster template, when a pattern is applied
  • fix the spell template so it substitutes text into the table (will require page rebuilds so table data is actually local)
  • add comment in Character Advancement to mention to check Skill Basis increases (every 4 levels) and Maneuver Defense increases (every even level)
  • re-write first sentence of Monk Water and Stone to clarify what it applies to (to-hits AND damage? to-hits OR damage?)

random thought for class feature

  • dice as input influencers, instead of output influencers. I.e. roll dice to see what you can do, then do some of those things efficiently (no dice to determine outcome, only dice to determine what is possible).

2 new warlord feats

  • formation dice now lay temp hit points on ally and heal them, instead of granting bonus damage to their attack; still requires them to hit an enemy creature first
  • (requires first feat) formation dice now do two of the following three things: grant bonus damage, grant temp hit points, heal the target ally; still requires target to hit an enemy creature first. warlord picks this every time they use it.

New Magic Weapon Properties

primarily intended for implement wielders, but are also useful to multi-classers

  • Runic: +1 property that grants the Implement (Quality) to the weapon it is applied to (one-off)
  • Excinding: +3 property to allow wielder to use their ranged to-hit bonus for melee attacks with that weapon (one-off)
  • Excising: +3 property to allow wielder to use their melee to-hit bonus for ranged attacks with that weapon (one-off)
  • +3, +5, +7, +9 properties that lower the level increase caused by metamagic feats applied to spells while that weapon is being wielded (-1 to -4)
  • Competent, Professional, Professorial, Authoritative
  • +2, +4, +6, +8 properties that increases the save DC of spells or class features while it is being wielded (+1 to +4)
  • Visceral, Intuitive, Instinctive, Reflexive
  • Spellblade: +1 property that lets wielder add the weapon's base weapon damage to any spell damage they inflict while wielding that weapon
  • Hexblade: +3 property that lets wielder add their full weapon damage (includes any stat bonuses to the weapon's attack type: ranged or melee) to any spell damage they inflict while wielding the weapon
  • Baneblade: +5 property that lets wielder add bonus damage from class features, such as sneak attack, formation, encroachment, etc, on top of their full weapon damage to any spell they cast while wielding the weapon, if target qualifies for that bonus damage.

new magic item

  • ring that lets you apply magic armor properties, but only if you don't have anything else equipped that can take magic armor properties. (Cost should double the cost of magic armor properties if they were just applied to armor.)

lore updates?

  • update all the monster template sub-templates (e.g. To-Hit, Save-DC, Special-Standard-Dmg, etc.) so that if "Lore" is in the page title, it replaces the value with "REDACTED"
  • then create a new 'full lore' auto-page that shows the basic lore, strong against, weak against, all special abilities, and out-of-combat sections, redacting out all the numerical values.

miss chance - final thoughts?

  • Concealment / miss chance should apply to combat maneuver (skill) checks, and any skill that has a 'physical manifestation'.


  • write the actual rules for traps on the Traps and Hazards page
  • create a list of all traps (somewhere)
  • create a list of all complications (somewhere)
  • redo all class features related to traps
  • find all spells or effects that inflict 'anti-magic', and update them with language that traps are only disabled by these effects until the start of the caster's next turn. (This should also be in the traps page writeup, and maybe even on the trap itself).
  • create some traps
  • create some complications
  • then, FINALLY, ask Ben to make "The ConTRAPtion" (font:


  • players get reputation, settlements get influence
  • player reputation can be general (very powerful) or specific (less powerful)
  • reputation is a value from +1 to whatever, and is a straight-up circumstance bonus to any social interaction skill check with the affected party
  • this is why general reputation is so powerful -- it's a permanent skill boost for all social interactions
  • specific reputation (e.g. with a merchant you've had positive business experiences with) makes it easier to get good deals, get quality intel, etc.
  • should generally be rewarded for actual role-playing, as a way to encourage that sort of thing, but can also be given out as a taste of what's possible...
  • reputation doesn't have to be positive, of course...

Campaign Setting

  • Something you've done in your campaigns a lot is to use the same setting (Celegia) but set the game in different time periods in its history. This has several advantages:
  • it lets you explore some fairly substantially different settings while still maintaining some familiarity
  • it lets you flesh out the history of the setting more thoroughly through the players' actions
  • Once we've settled on a setting (Reist, Celegia, whatever), I think, before we worry about modules, we should establish five 'timeframes' where adventuring within the history of that setting is recommended (let's call them Epochs or something)
  • within each Epoch, we should build a panoply of NPCs that are iconic and important during those times (there may even be crossovers, especially for long-lived races/characters).
  • we should also have a list of adventure hooks for each epoch, to seed the GM with ideas
  • we should have a player's guide to each epoch to paint the picture of what life is like in each, and what sorts of adventures to expect therein.
  • we should then provide some guidance to GMs to allow the outcomes of adventures in one epoch to influence the history of future (or even past) epochs
  • once all this is done, we can consider writing a starting module or two

One thing I'd really like to include in whatever setting we use is the notion of a mysterious predecessor race that liked to build complicated things, especially underground. This wouldn't be the origin of all dungeons, or anything like that, but a source of some rare dungeons that are more likely to hold Potens Machenvar.

Potens Machenvar

  • On the topic of Potens Machenvar, how would you feel about nearly all of these being (extremely) limited use?
  • Basically, each time you use the PM, you have to roll a d6 to see if it breaks or crumbles to dust. The less powerful PMs might only crumble on a roll of a 1, but the really good ones would always crumble (i.e. on a 6 or less).
  • This flows well with the 'mysterious predecessor race' theme, where these are ancient devices of uncertain and irreplaceable origin, that still function even after millennia of neglect, but are prone to breaking down. Since no one knows how to fix them, once broken, they are basically trash (or they could turn into one portion of sellable goods, if we're feeling generous, and want players to just use them like candy).
  • By going with a system like this, these things could actually show up in a campaign with some regularity, if a GM so chooses, without upsetting the balance of the game too much. They'll definitely upset the balance of a single encounter, but that's kind of the whole point, really.

Breaking Objects

  • Sunders against terrain objects (not unattended objects) changes their terrain states: Blocked → Impeded → Difficult → Unobstructed/Clear. This lets us redo the breaking objects rules to get rid of the language related to the very outdated Abstract Encounter rules, while still maintaining a useful time-scale for doing things like tearing down walls. Sunder DCs will need to be brought back in line with the Skill DC chart.
  • In general, I think terrain objects should have a very low sunder DC (like 15), since anybody who knows how to swing a pickaxe should be able to make their way through it eventually. The variable we need to talk about is Durability -- how many rounds would it take a dude with a pickaxe to turn a 5-foot section of castle wall from 'Blocked' terrain to 'Impeded' terrain? Each state change should, in my opinion, take the same amount of time (mostly for simplicity).
  • We can also talk about things like Assists (possibly mandatory for large-scale works like sapping a castle wall?), and time, and how much effort a non-hero can really put into performing sunders per hour.
  • We already have a rule that you can only perform a single combat maneuver per round, so even level 35 heroes are limited to 1 sunder per 6 seconds, assuming we don't put further limitations on this.
  • We can talk about siege weapons later; I don't think we should factor them into this conversation -- I'd rather make them work organically with the system after the fact.
i think i violently agree with all of this :)  The terrain progression is just awesome, as it makes all sorts of possibilities just happen. (we could have difficult terrain 'splash' from the site of siege attacks, to represent debris fields, for example)  the difficulties in the charts were partially converted to 'DC at CR' format already, which I tentatively agree with as our model moving forward.  siege could/should be last, so we can scale those devices properly against DC's, which already should have CR coded into them to gain the proper numbers.  siege and settlements could include a possible vehicle pass as well.

Notes / To Do

  • random loot generation
  • random remnant generation (a built-in roller would be cool)
  • We could also consider making 'civilized' versus 'uncivilized' treasure parcels for monsters (could be keyed off of the monster's INT stat, meaning no changes to existing monsters, just changes to the main template), which would affect whether some of the treasure was in coins, gems, trade goods, versus just 'sellable goods' (read: goopy bits).
  • treasure idea: in addition to remnants, other currencies could drop (settlement currencies, magic item upgrades, eggs (for mounts), etc.), maps to other locations of interest, a way to spawn specific encounters. This would also be a good way to put single-use magic items into the game (which could be anything from a bottle of alchemist's fire to a scroll that calls a deific champion to help you for one round, or a genie that grants you a single wish).
  • need to issue guidelines for adapting content from other systems? the heavy/legend roles might need to be emphasized for conversion tasks
  • revisit the Vehicle Combat rules. Clean up, simplify, and remove language about multiple piloting skills, stat dependency on ship class, etc. Perhaps vehicles should perform like magic weapons (enhance bonus, properties, dweomermetal) that the pilot 'wields' to attack. This would allow the use of to-hit rolls, instead of maneuver checks for attacking. Try to make the system more like traditional combat... maybe figure out a way to remove facing.
  • figure out a way to make the bailiwicks more distinct from their associated knowledge skills. In some cases, it's not bad (Spycraft vs Know:Local), but in many cases, it's ambiguous (Reason vs. Know:Logic; Naturalism vs. Know:Nature, etc.)
  • consider cross-referencing all the between adventures into each of the appropriate skills.
  • clean up weapon page tables, adding categories for their weapon groups, handiness, and size.
  • update monster template to account for adding a role to a monster with a modified # of attacks

Feats With No Associated Class this category serves as a handy reference for old feats to be re-worked into potential magic items

Possible New Feats:

  • Bard
  • crowd pleaser - the bard may target one additional target with their Bardic Performances. This feat may be taken more than once, each time increasing the number of affected targets by 1.
  • Druid
  • Ranger
  • Partisan
  • introvert - 6th - add partisan level to healing
  • solipsist - 16th - add partisan tier as dr/er
  • surveillance - 26th - add introspection/introvert/solipsist to allies in aura
  • caltrops - add partisan level in damage against any attacked foe in aura, once per attack, hit or miss
  • trap damage table?
  • re-write perform skill to collapse it into a single skill (instead of subskills).
  • Perform: performance complexity - clarify to setting the CR of the song
  • same for entertaining an audience
  • need a note in the ability scores page (and probably the caster pages) that you can't get spells of a higher level than your class level allows, even with a high stat.
  • add new status conditions that inflict a circle penalty (or alter existing conditions to include it)
  • create a "circle 0" and update the various mana burning rules for it.
  • Update Between Adventures section on Spell Research to clarify language about adding metamagic to a researched spell -- metamagic added /can/ increase the gross spell level above 17, just not be added as research to produce an infinitely metamagicked spell.

  • Character Sheet:
  • PDF Character Sheet (Fillable) -- yes, this will happen
  • create sample characters for each class, with planned builds up through level 5

  • Monsters:
  • create at least 10 per CR. Still need CR's 19 through 40, but CR's 1 - 18 are done enough for now. currently working on this effort, but with an emphasis of CR's 1-5 (aiming for 20+ for all those CR's), since the MMM makes higher CR's richly populated by default. still need at least 10 for CR's 19-40

  • Setting:
  • Cosmology of Creation page should be tailored to suit our view of the campaign setting. If we try to keep it 'generic', it will feel hollow.
  • decide how the many races factor into our default setting. Are all the races treated as normal citizens, or are some discriminated against (half-orcs, for example)? Are non-human races (in particular the oddball ones) sometimes born to human parents, or are they only products of their own purebred lineages?

Cleanup Tasks

  • Finish moving the following into their respective templates:
  • fighter tactics
  • Equipment pages -- finish them, clean out the stupid stuff
  • finish the Designing Skill Challenges section on the Game Master's Guide page.
  • add some notes to the Spells page, regarding GM's adjudicating 'fluff' vs 'crunch'.
  • Specific examples are direct damage (crunch) vs. illusions (fluff).
  • Rules for bonuses from fluff which give general 'not to exceed' values.
  • plus for caster level (+1 to +3), and plus for creativity (+1 to +2).
  • need to update / create page for monster types and subtypes.
  • need to review any broken links to subtypes that we don't actually want to define (e.g. azata)
  • create a "tactical" keyword and category that would identify feats, abilities, skill uses, etc. that are very dependent on a map, and wouldn't work well in a 'theater of the mind' game.

Bonus Systems

  • Settlements and Sieges
  • Epic Skill System
  • Followers / Leadership / Large-Scale War Rules
  • Auramancy / Blood Magic
  • Divine Domains (any character class; part of pre-apotheosis)
  • True Dweomers
  • Prestige Classes
  • Artifacts
  • Traps (as enemy combatants)
  • Remnants

Printable Version

  • Need some cover art for a book(let)s. Open to suggestions...
  • leaning towards a 5.5" x 8" book size as our 'starter guide' for cons, ~80 half-pages, for everything: how to play, character classes, equipment, weapons, low-level magic items, status conditions, basically everything you'd need to play up to level 5-ish. Interior will not have art, unless we really want to commission some.
  • Needs to be everything you need to know to play the game (at low levels), without access the internet or the wiki.
  • shouldn't have links or other web-based 'features', and it will need a table of contents and an index.
  • Short appendix that describes some of the other features that are available in the complete game on the wiki.
  • Found some online print sites that will do this for about $10/book, so 20 of these per convention would be about $200 which doesn't seem crazy to me.
  • will give these out to anyone who plays through the module.
  • pre-generated characters on no more than 4 pages each, printed on cardstock?
  • Will give these out to anyone who played that class through the module.
  • should be designed as a good party mix, rather than just 1 of each class; assume somewhere between 5 and 8 players.
  • a module we can run in 4-ish hours that shows off the best parts of our game -- skills, character class uniqueness, dynamic and fun combats, including a 'threat' fight as the finale. Characters should probably be level 1, but I'm willing to consider up to level 3 if there's a good reason to go there.
  • needs to have good opportunities to role-play, opportunities to use skills in an interesting way, and some fun set pieces for the combat encounters.

Siege Weapons / Settlements Notes

  • review 'breaking objects' page, in light of changes to vehicle combat and removal of abstract encounters rules
  • siege weapons - how do they work with the vehicle combat rules?
    • unless we want siege weapons to continue to be cumulative forces, though it seems like people hated all the dice rolling of the abstract encounters
    • right now, vehicles will never penetrate heavy defenses and fortifications; the target DC's are way too high, as are many of the durabilities
  • add weights for all doors and such on the 'breaking objects' page, for purposes of the Might skill.

moving these links to here for future re-write/inclusions/expansion, possibly/probably as part of settlement pass

Possible New Character Classes

  • Physical Adept class (Fleshcrafter?) - arcane-powered melee, re-tool eidolon-style abilities as self-buffs?
  • Mentat Warsage Storm Knight class - intelligence-based melee and thrown weapons user.
  • can 'game out a fight' -- may declare at any point in a round that they have not yet dealt any damage (even after one or more failed attacks) that they are simply gaming out the fight, forgoing all damage for the remainder of the round. In exchange, they gain a massive buff in the following round against that opponent.
  • Toxotes - high damage ranged attacks, trick shots (possibly just create via new rogue talents?)
  • Galvanist - sorceror/prowler/alchemist, focus on The Spark as a way to empower things (weaps/armor/potions) with sparks and essence
  • Seeker - sorceror/ranger/prowler, has 'target/treasures' they are looking for, can have up to five, each treasure/target allows them to activate a diff power/class feature, they have to pick new ones as they find old ones or they lose powers
  • Templar - arcane/urban fighter//paladin striker/tank, much stronger if has a place to defend or a crusade to advance. Can use a taunting variant of mirror image (can't attack, but taunts and soaks up a hit or two).
  • Effigy (Artifact? Vestige?)
  • the character is an actual artifact, which is intelligent. The actual artifact is /somewhere/, though even the player may not know where. They have extended their consciousness into a remote effigy (moppet?) with which they interact with the world. look at material for the warforged as inspiration?
  • they can use their experience to augment their effigy, giving it better abilities
  • like a summoner or pet class, except that the master isn't present on the battlefield
  • Assassin: inflicts and spreads bruise/bleeds/ruptures; can end all effects to deal that much damage to all enemies (even non-bleeding ones)
  • Horolog master of clockworks, makes ether-powered devices that do stuff (attacks, defenses, pets, buffs, move, mounts?) the martial-version of an alchemist
  • Oracle divine-powered sorcerer/paladin, has the ability to give blessings, lays curses, has no heal but can absorb damage from allies in a radius and lay on hands. sorcerer/cleric/paladin hybrid with unique damage transfer power+
  • Jinx: can store up and use failed d20 checks (to-hits, saves, etc.) to unleash powerful curses and debuffs. Encouraged to take wild risks in order to miss more (and have that wild payoff when they don't fail).

Reminder links to complete additional classes at future date

Ideas For Class Features

  • Death Attack (Ex) prowler, ranger, partisan, warlord? x times/day perform a magnum-size hit like monk?
  • Swift Death (Ex) same classes as candidates, add more times per day
  • Angel of Death (Ex) use up all death attacks to roll a coup de grace
  • Live to Tell the Tale (Ex) barbarian, partisan, brawler? x times/day roll maneuver offense vs attackers maneuver defense to negate a hit
  • Elaborate Attack (Ex) bard, paladin, rogue, fighter? spend a full BAB attack roll (or any 5-foot step?) to trigger a class feature (finale for bard, smite for pally, sneak for rogue, challenge for fighter?)
  • Spell Critical (Su) sorc, wiz, druid? if confirms a critical with an attack, can cast a spell as a swift action. aimed at rays, but leave open-ended for dual/multi/prestiges
  • Inspiring Demeanor (Ex) bard, cleric, fighter, paladin, warlord? roll maneuver offense against the maneuver defense of an ally to upgrade one action to the next higher action x/day
  • Arcane Pool (Su) sorc, wiz, bard, ranger? 1/2 caster level plus Int mod /day, spend a point from the arcane pool to add +1 to-hit with implement (8th), or, character level to damage done by a spell to one enemy (23, 28, 33) or, +1 to save DC (13), or +1 to spell penetration (18). starts at 1 point/round max, scales to 2, 3, 4, 5. damage feature is multiplicative, 5 points adds 5x level to up to 5 targets (!)
  • dismount abilities for mounts -- special attacks that can only be performed as a dismount action. Think something like a bull rush that immobilizes everyone you manage to push (after the push concludes).
  • Steelborne (Ex) cleric, bard, brawler, prowler, warlord, rogue? Allows the class to count their levels as Fighter levels for qualifying for feats. Differentiate by level acquired (8th for warlord, brawler, prowler, 13th for cleric, 18th for bard?) and by how 'strong' the fighter qualification is (warlod fighter = -5, brawler = -3, bard = -15, etc.)
  • Indestructible (Ex) cleric, paladin, warlord, fighter? Complete immunity from critical hits while wearing heavy armor (c28, w23, f18?) improves to immunity to precision damage as well five levels later?
  • Deadly Defense (Ex) rogue, ranger, fighter, warlord, partisan? Whenever you ready an action to attack a foe outside your current melee reach, add +2 to the threat range of your attack and add your character level to the damage dealt as base damage (!!)
  • Combat Advisor (Ex) bard, cleric, paladin, rogue, warlord? Whenever you miss with a melee attack, (and don't spend an action point) you may designate an ally within 30 feet that can see you to gain a +1 (morale? martial?) bonus on their next attack against that target. improves to next attack against any target, +2 against that target, +2 against any target, +1 to any target until end of the encounter. doesn't stack, of course.
  • Throw Implement (su) sorc, wiz, bard? x times per day, converts any spell which deals damage with a circle into a single-target ray with a range of 60 feet, embodied as charging the currently wielded implement and throwing it.
  • Path to Refuge (sp?) cler, dru, sorc, wiz? x times per week, manaburn 1 spell per hundred miles to return to your 'refuge'. manaburn same x spells per additional person to bring with you. cler 13, dru 18, sorc/wiz 23?
  • Stored Life (su) barbarian, brawler, fighter, partisan, paladin? when affected by a status condition, sacrifice a class feature for the remainder of the day to ignore the condition until the end of the encounter. rage power, tactic, type of attack, lay on hands, feat, etc, are all eligible.
describe this as Essence Omission; seems to follow the same rules 
  • Killing Focus (Ex) barbarian, fighter, monk, ranger, rogue, pariah, prowler, brawler? spend a swift action to focus on an opponent. If you then use a full attack action to attack that foe, making the maximum number of attacks, gain +1 to-hit and +1 base weapon damage with all attacks. Note: once gained, persists until the foe dies or you focus on something else, stacks!
  • Shadow Double (Su) bard, monk, pariah, prowler, rogue? x-times per day, move so sneakily you seem to be in two places at once. gain a flanking bonus with yourself, or, gain concealment, or, gain mirror image effect.
  • High Strike (Ex) barbarian, brawler, fighter, monk, prowler? a scaling number of times per day, if you make an attack from higher ground, gain a bonus attack as a swift action (!) this can be triggered by using climb, making a jump, using native sloped terrain, or by having a hover, vault, or fly speed.
  • Inveigle (Su) bard, cleric, pariah, sorcerer, warlord, wizard a scaling number of times per day, make a maneuver offense or caster check against a target within scaling distance. if you succeed, they no longer count as allied creatures to their former allies, and count as allies of you and your side instead. they provoke, cannot move through their former friends, do not grant flanks, etc. conversely, they now cannot make attacks of opportunity against your side, can be moved through without issue, and can be used to gain flanking. lasts for 1 round, scaling to end of encounter. can scale to allow multiple creatures to be affected per use of the ability
  • Everburn (Su) brawler, fighter, paladin, partisan? gain the ability to spend an action point to gain an action even while under the effects of a condition which normally removes the ability to take actions, such as helpless, paralyzed or petrified.
  • Serendipity (Su): Bard, urban barb, brawler, cleric, prowler, warlord? When you or one of your allies within 30 feet rolls any d20 check, use this ability as an immediate action before the results of the roll are checked to tweak the odds in their favor, increasing the result of the die roll or check by 1. This CAN turn a normal hit into a critical threat, but it cannot make an attack roll a natural 20. The character can use this ability a number of times per day up to their character level of the class that grants the ability. At intrepid tier (second tier) of the granting class, and every additional tier thereafter, they can increase the die result of the target's roll by an additional 1 by using up more of their daily uses. For example, a 12th-level bard with three tiers of bard has 12 points of serendipity, and can spend up to three points of serendipity to increase an ally's roll by 3 in one immediate action.
  • candidate for prestige class: mystic theurge is super cool, should be in the running for an early prestige class
  • check 'vigilante' class for ideas for possible skills expansion pass, might be some interesting ideas in there

critical path thoughts:

nine primary stats, seven derived stats Str-ength Physical strength, lift/carry/throw, melee damage, adds to PD, stamina, stun, Dex-terity Physical quickness, adds to physical hit and dodge, SPD Bod-y Physical hardiness and toughness, adds to ED, stamina, stun, recovery, stagger

Ego-tism Mental strength, Telekinetic lift/carry/throw, mental damage of all sorts Int-elligence Mental quickness, adds to mental hit and dodge, SPD Wil-lpower Mental hardiness and toughness, adds to DR, stun, stagger

Tal-ent Arcane strength, arcane lift/carry/throw, arcane damage of all sorts Cra-ft Arcane quickness, adds to arcane hit and dodge, SPD Abi-lity Arcane hardiness and toughness, adds to DR, stun, stagger




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