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Revision as of 20:43, 21 February 2019
Level 1 Ranger Poultices
Name | School | Cast Time | Description |
Acid Maw | Transmutation | Std | Do acid damage after a successful Companion or Mounted attack. |
Adhesive Spittle | Conjuration | Std | Spit immobilizing goop at a creature. |
Air Bubble | Conjuration | Std | Creates a small pocket of air around a creature's head or an object, which may burst as an attack. |
Alarm | Abjuration | Std | Wards an area for the night. |
Ant Haul | Transmutation | Std | Increases the carrying capacity of a creature by 10 pounds per character level. |
Anticipate Peril | Enchantment | Std | Targets gain a scaling bonus on their next initiative check. |
Aspect of the Falcon | Transmutation | Std | Gives Arcane Bonuses on Perception checks and ranged attacks. |
Blend | Illusion | Std | Gain a bonus to Stealth, and initiate a Stealth stance without cover or concealment. |
Break | Transmutation | Std | Break an object or creature in range. |
Dancing Lantern | Enchantment | Std | Animates a lantern-flame that follows you and can be used as a ray attack. |
Detect Poison | Universal | Std | Detects poison in a creature or object. |
Embrace Destiny | Universal | Std | Dice with Fate, for good or ill. |
Endure Elements | Abjuration | Std | Exist comfortably in hot or cold regions. |
Feather Step | Transmutation | Std | Ignores the adverse movement effects of difficult terrain. |
Firebelly | Abjuration | Std | A magical fire warms your belly. |
Fog Cloud | Abjuration | Std | Fog obscures vision. |
Goodberry | Transmutation | Std | Creates a berry that serves as a full meal and cures 1 or more hit points of damage. |
Gravity Bow | Evocation | Std | Projectiles do damage as though one size category bigger. |
Horn of Pursuit | Evocation | Std | Create 3 notes that can be heard up to five miles away. |
Hunter's Howl | Necromancy | Std | Treat additional enemies as Quarry (Ex). |
Hydraulic Push | Evocation | Std | Wave of water damages and pushes an enemy one square. |
Jump | Transmutation | Immediate | Subject gains a Vaulting speed for one round. |
Keen Senses | Transmutation | Std | Subjects gain Low-Light Vision and a bonus to Perception checks. |
Know the Enemy | Universal | Std | Gain a scaling bonus on a monster Knowledge check. |
Lead Blades | Transmutation | Std | Melee weapons damage as if one size bigger. |
Liberating Command | Transmutation | Immediate | Restrained target may make an Escape Artist check to escape as an immediate action. |
Life Pact | Necromancy | Std | Affected creatures automatically donate hp to stabilize fallen ally. |
Linebreaker | Transmutation | Std | You gain many scaling bonuses to force your way into enemy lines. |
Longstrider | Transmutation | Std | Your speed with all types of movement you possess increases. |
Magic Weapon | Transmutation | Std | Transform a weapon into a similar sort of weapon that is better suited for yourself or for allies. |
Mud Buddy | Conjuration | Std | You create a Small minion out of mud, and it obeys your commands. |
Poisoned Egg | Transmutation | Std | Transform the contents of a normal egg into a single dose of Simple Venom. |
Read Magic | Universal | Std | Read scrolls and spellbooks. |
Reinforce Armaments | Transmutation | Std | Temporarily mitigates the Fragile (Quality) in targeted weapon or armor. |
Remove Sickness | Conjuration | Std | Grant a bonus save against any of the Sickened, Afflicted, or Nauseated conditions. |
Resist Energy | Abjuration | Std | Ignores a scaling number of points of damage per attack from a specified Common energy type. |
Shillelagh | Transmutation | Std | A bludgeoning (physical, common) or buffeting (physical, uncommon) weapon deals damage as a larger weapon. |
Shock Arrow | Shock Arrow (Ranger Poultice) | Std | Shock Arrow (Ranger Poultice) |
Stone Shield | Conjuration | Immediate | A tiny runed stone springs into action, interposing itself between you and an opponent of your choice. |
Stumble Gap | Conjuration | Std | Small hole trips creatures. |
Summon Monster I | Universal | Std | Summons one Summoned Monster to fight for you. |
Thorn Javelin | Conjuration | Std | A thorn darts forth as a ray, inflicting damage and the sickened condition if you hit. |
Tireless Pursuit | Transmutation | Std | Ignore damage from hustling and forced marches. |
True Strike | Universal | Immediate | Gain a bonus on your next attack roll. |
Wave Shield | Abjuration | Immediate | Water blunts one incoming physical attack or fire effect as an immediate action. |
Level 2 Ranger Poultices
Name | School | Cast Time | Description |
Air Step | Transmutation | Std | Tread on air, with limitations. |
Barkskin | Transmutation | Std | Grants +2 Arcane Bonus to AC, at the cost of social skills. |
Blade Tutor's Spirit | Conjuration | Std | Attack penalties you choose to suffer are reduced. |
Blood Armor | Transmutation | Std | Your blood hardens when you are wounded, increasing your AC. |
Bloodhound | Transmutation | Std | Grants caster Perfect Scent. |
Chameleon Stride | Chameleon Stride (Ranger Poultice) | Std | Chameleon Stride (Ranger Poultice) |
Companion Polymorph | Transmutation | Std | You transform the target into a smaller, harmless-looking animal of the same approximate body type. |
Cure Light Wounds | Conjuration | Std | Cures 2d8 damage + 1/lvl (max +10). |
Eagle Eye | Universal | Ritual | Creates a magical sensor high above you. |
Effortless Armor | Transmutation | Std | Armor treated no longer slows your speed. |
Endure Elements, Communal | Abjuration | Std | As Endure Elements (Ranger Poultice), but you may protect several creatures you touch. |
False Life | Abjuration | Std | Gain 1d10 temporary hp + 1/lvl (max +20). |
Guiding Star | Universal | Ritual | Know where you used this poultice. |
Hold Animal | Enchantment | Std | Paralyzes one Animal or Magical Beast for a little over a round. |
Hunter's Eye | Hunter's Eye (Ranger Poultice) | Std | Hunter's Eye (Ranger Poultice) |
Hunter's Lore | Hunter's Lore (Ranger Poultice) | Std | Hunter's Lore (Ranger Poultice) |
Icy Prison | Evocation | Std | Thick ice hampers and damages the target. |
Invisibility Sphere | Invisibility Sphere (Ranger Poultice) | Std | Invisibility Sphere (Ranger Poultice) |
Locate Weakness | Locate Weakness (Ranger Poultice) | Std | Locate Weakness (Ranger Poultice) |
Lockjaw | Lockjaw (Ranger Poultice) | Std | Lockjaw (Ranger Poultice) |
Lucky Strike | Evocation | Std | You gain an increasing Arcane Bonus on attack and damage rolls. |
Perceive Cues | Perceive Cues (Ranger Poultice) | Std | Perceive Cues (Ranger Poultice) |
Protection from Energy | Enchantment | Std | Grants 4 temp hit points/lvl, only against one kind of common energy. |
Protective Spirit | Protective Spirit (Ranger Poultice) | Std | Protective Spirit (Ranger Poultice) |
Reinforce Armaments, Communal | Transmutation | Std | As Reinforce Armaments (Ranger Poultice), but you may affect multiple targets. |
Resist Uncommon Energy | Abjuration | Std | Ignores a scaling number of points of damage per attack from a specified Uncommon energy type. |
Ricochet Shot | Evocation | Std | Imbues a projectile or thrown weapon to give it the ability to ricochet. |
River Whip | Conjuration | Std | Create a whip of water that you wield as a weapon. |
Slipstream | Conjuration | Std | Poultice boosts or hampers creature's speed. |
Stone Call | Conjuration | Std | Inflicts damage and difficult terrain to all creatures in area. |
Summon Monster III | Universal | Std | Summons one Summoned Monster to fight for you. |
Vine Strike | Conjuration | Std | Bristles burst from your body, allowing you to deal additional piercing damage with melee attacks. |
Water Walk | Transmutation | Std | Subject treads on water as if solid. |
Wind Wall | Wind Wall (Ranger Poultice) | Std | Wind Wall (Ranger Poultice) |
Level 3 Ranger Poultices
Name | School | Cast Time | Description |
Battle Trance | Enchantment | Std | Targets gain bonus damage to attacks while under the effects of the poultice. |
Blade Snare | Abjuration | Std | Blades damage and hinder all creatures around you. |
Bloody Arrows | Conjuration | Std | Conjure deadly arrows that strike unerringly. |
Burst of Speed | Transmutation | Immediate | Immediately take a move action for free, and increase Walk speed until the end of the encounter. |
Chameleon Stride, Greater | Chameleon Stride, Greater (Ranger Poultice) | Std | Chameleon Stride, Greater (Ranger Poultice) |
Cloak of Winds | Abjuration | Std | Creates a whirling screen of strong wind around you. |
Cure Moderate Wounds | Conjuration | Std | Cures 4d8 damage +1/lvl (max. +20). |
Diamond Spray | Conjuration | Std | You blast a ray of diamond slivers at a target in range. |
Feather Step, Mass | Transmutation | Std | As Feather Step (Ranger Poultice), but multiple creatures. |
Life Bubble | Abjuration | Std | Protects creatures from some types of sustained environmental effects. |
Longstrider, Greater | Transmutation | Std | As Longstrider (Ranger Poultice), plus the speeds of other movement modes increase. |
Neutralize Poison | Conjuration | Std | Immunizes subject against poison, or detoxifies poison in or on subject. |
Protection from Energy, Communal | Abjuration | Std | As Protection from Energy (Ranger Poultice), but you may affect several creatures. |
Remove Disease | Conjuration | Std | Attempts to cure a disease in the target. |
Resist Energy, Communal | Abjuration | Std | This poultice functions like Resist Energy (Ranger Poultice), except the holder can protect several creatures. |
Resist Rare Energy | Abjuration | Std | Ignores a scaling number of points of damage per attack from a specified Rare energy type. |
Strong Jaw | Transmutation | Std | Grant Immunity to some conditions, and expend the spell to inflict mutilation (physical, rare) damage with a Bite.. |
Summon Monster V | Universal | Std | Summons one Summoned Monster to fight for you. |
Tireless Pursuers | Transmutation | Std | As Tireless Pursuit (Ranger Poultice), but affects many targets rather than one. |
Vex Giant | Vex Giant (Ranger Poultice) | Std | Vex Giant (Ranger Poultice) |
Water Walk, Communal | Transmutation | Std | As Water Walk (Ranger Poultice), but you may affect multiple creatures. |
Level 4 Ranger Poultices
Name | School | Cast Time | Description |
Acidic Spray | Conjuration | Std | Deals heavy Acid damage and inflicts the Singed condition. |
Ball Lightning | Evocation | Std | Flying ball of lightning deals heavy Electricity damage. |
Blight | Necromancy | Std | Inflicts heavy Necrotic damage, to which Animals and Plants have a penalty. |
Bow Spirit | Bow Spirit (Ranger Poultice) | Std | Bow Spirit (Ranger Poultice) |
Burrow | Transmutation | Std | Target gains a burrow speed of 15. |
Cure Serious Wounds | Conjuration | Std | Cures 6d8 damage + 1/lvl (max +30). |
Freedom of Movement | Abjuration | Std | Subject moves, despite impediments to restrict movement. |
Grove of Respite | Conjuration | Ritual | Creates trees and a small spring on a Material Plane. |
Master's Escape | Conjuration | Immediate | Switch places with one summoned creature the holder controls. |
Rain of Arrows | Conjuration | Std | The holder conjures a cloud of magical arrows that rain down on any creatures and objects in an area. |
Summon Monster VII | Universal | Std | Summons one Summoned Monster to fight for you. |
Tar Ball | Transmutation | Std | Ray of sizzling tar injures and slows the target |
Tree Stride | Conjuration | Std | Gain brachiating while passing through a forest. |