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===Scattering Charge (Su)=== | ===Scattering Charge (Su)=== |
Revision as of 21:52, 8 November 2016
Barbarian rage powers are activated by spending fury points, and may only be activated during combat. You can only spend fury to activate a rage power during your turn, unless the rage power specifically states otherwise.
Fury points spent to activate rage powers are expended and are never refunded, even if the barbarian is unable to use the activated rage power before the start of his next turn.
Rage Powers
Rage Power | Mien | Req'd Lvl | Other Req's | Fury Cost | Benefits |
Ambush Predator | Feral | 1 | Deal precision damage to an unsuspecting enemy. | ||
Arcing Strike | Primal | 1 | Lance a bolt of lightning through several enemies | ||
Avalanche Strike | Primal | 1 | Add bonus damage to your next attack and slide your target if you hit | ||
Battle Madness | Urban | 1 | Become immune to fear and get a bonus to all saves | ||
Beast Heart | Feral | 1 | Gain bonuses to-hit with your second and third attacks in a full attack action. | ||
Berserker | 1 | Add CHA or WIS modifier to attacks you hit with during your turn this round. | |||
Bestial Climber | 1 | You gain Lesser Climb with a speed of 30 | |||
Bestial Leaper | 1 | Gain the ability to make incredible jumps | |||
Bestial Swimmer | 1 | Gain Lesser Swim with a speed of 30 | |||
Blistering Rage | Primal | 1 | Scald the flesh of an adjacent opponent | ||
Bloodfang | Feral | 11 | Change the next Bleed attack you make into a Ruptured attack instead | ||
Bloodspatter | Feral | 1 | Inflict Dazzled on a foe after you hit an adjacent foe | ||
Bloodthirst | Urban | 1 | Add your CHA modifier to your DR and to the damage of your next attack | ||
Bloody Wrath | 1 | Sacrifice hit points to gain to-hit bonuses on attacks. | |||
Body Bludgeon | Urban | 1 | Hit a foe with another foe, dealing damage to both | ||
Born Under A Bad Sign | Superstitious | 1 | Add +1d6 to any one d20 roll you make before the start of your next turn | ||
Buffeting Vortex | Primal | 1 | Pull a creature within 15 feet of you into an adjacent square. | ||
Caustic Froth | Primal | 21 | Cover nearby enemies in acidic froth, preventing stealth | ||
Clear Mind | Urban | 1 | Grant yourself or an ally a bonus Will save to try to shrug off a condition that required a Will save. | ||
Come and Get Me | Urban | 1 | Lower your defenses to get attacks of opportunity on foes who strike at you | ||
Crippling Blow | Urban | 11 | Inflict the Impaired status condition with your next attack | ||
Dead-Eyed Stare | Superstitious | 1 | Make a magic-using enemy Unsteady | ||
Deadly Accuracy | Urban | 1 | Increase your critical multiplier by 1. | ||
Deathless Frenzy | Superstitious | 1 | Gain a bonus attack against undead or constructs | ||
Defy Death | 1 | The next attack made against you deals only half damage. | |||
Desperate Rage | Superstitious | 1 | Add a bonus to-hit equal to the number of magical enemies you are adjacent to | ||
Devastation | 1 | Your next attack decreases the target's AC if it hits | |||
Disruptive | Superstitious | 1 | Increase the DC of Caster Checks to cast defensively on adjacent spell-casting creatures. | ||
Distrustful Gaze | Superstitious | 11 | Gain an immediate save against an illusion, charm, enchantment or mind-affecting effect while raging | ||
Doodlebug | Superstitious | 1 | Know the exact square of a creature regardless of line of sight or line of effect | ||
Downing Strike | Urban | 1 | Add a Trip maneuver to your next attack of opportunity | ||
Eater of Magic | Superstitious | 1 | Save twice against the next spell, spell-like, or supernatural ability that targets you | ||
Elbow Strike | Urban | 1 | Gain a bonus attack during a full attack action | ||
Elemental Strike | Primal | 1 | Empower your attacks with elemental damage | ||
Epic Frenzy | Epic Frenzy (Rage Power) | Epic Frenzy (Rage Power) | Epic Frenzy (Rage Power) | Epic Frenzy (Rage Power) | Epic Frenzy (Rage Power) |
Erratic Charge | Feral | 1 | Change course during a charge attack action | ||
Expert Throw | Urban | 1 | Use your STR modifier on your next thrown weapon attack | ||
Explosive Charge | Primal | 21 | Deal fire damage to your foes at the end of your charge | ||
Final Stand | 1 | Increase your DR for the round | |||
Ghost Step | Superstitious | 1 | Become incorporeal and take only half damage during your next move action | ||
Gore Hound | Feral | 21 | Slide an enemy into any unoccupied square you threaten | ||
Gutting Wrench | Feral | 11 | Your next attack also inflicts Sickened on your target | ||
Haunt | Superstitious | 1 | Call a haunt to assist you with flanks | ||
Howling Charge | Feral | 1 | Deal sonic damage to your charge target and all creatures adjacent to it | ||
Hurling Charge | 1 | Make a free thrown weapon attack during a charge attack action | |||
Infernal Core | Primal | 1 | Deal a burst of fire damage to all nearby creatures as a free action. | ||
Knuckle Dragger | Urban | 1 | Perform a free Reposition maneuver with your next attack | ||
Land's Obeisance | Primal | 1 | Force rough terrain to become smooth for your passage | ||
Let Them Try | 1 | Make an attack of opportunity against the creature that attacks you next | |||
Magic Bane | Superstitious | 1 | Add your WIS modifier to damage against any magical creatures | ||
Mana's Red Bane | Superstitious | 21 | Suppress a creature's ability to use a spell, spell-like or supernatural ability | ||
Mauler | Feral | 1 | Gain a bonus bite attack when you make a full attack | ||
Menacing Growl | Feral | 1 | Inflict the Humbled condition on the next creature you successfully hit. | ||
Penetrating Blow | Feral | 11 | Your next attack can ignore DR | ||
Primal Soul | Primal | 1 | Gain ER x/- equal to your WIS modifier | ||
Rampage | 1 | Walk 10 feet as a free action after your next attack | |||
Rancor | 16 | Activate multiple rage powers this round without using your Frenzy class feature. | |||
Red Haze of Madness | Superstitious | 1 | Gain a bonus to saves vs. spells, spell-like and supernatural abilities | ||
Relentless | Urban | 11 | Next round, recover a portion of the damage you take this round | ||
Renewed Vigor | 1 | Heal yourself for either your WIS or CHA modifier's worth of hit point damage | |||
Roots of the Mountain | Primal | 1 | Reduce forced movement by 2 squares | ||
Savage Intuition | Urban | 1 | Gain Blindsense in a 5-foot radius | ||
Scattering Charge | Feral | 11 | Slide the target of your charge, and all creatures adjacent to it | ||
Scent | Feral | 1 | Gain Scent with a 30-foot radius | ||
Shatterbones | Primal | 1 | Your next attack decreases the target's AC if it hits | ||
Shoving Shoulder | 1 | Shove one of the enemies you hit this round | |||
Sin Eater | Superstitious | 21 | Reduce the severity of a condition on you or an ally | ||
Slipstream | Primal | 1 | Walk 10 feet as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. | ||
Smasher | 1 | Perform a Sunder combat maneuver as a swift action | |||
Solarian Cloak | Primal | 11 | Become Hardened to (suffering only half damage from) one energy type | ||
Spellbreaker | Superstitious | 1 | Use Sunder maneuver to suppress a spell effect | ||
Sudden Assault | 1 | Gain a +4 bonus when performing a Charge maneuver. | |||
Surprise Accuracy | Urban | 1 | Gain a bonus to-hit on your next attack | ||
The Gods Look Away | Urban | 21 | Your attacks originate from a space other than your own | ||
Threatening Snap | Feral | 1 | Bite an enemy that tries to 5-foot step away | ||
Tirade | Superstitious | 1 | Inflict rugosic (physical, uncommon) damage and Jinxed on a nearby enemy. | ||
Unstoppable Rush | 1 | Increase your movement speed by 10 feet until the start of your next turn. | |||
Untouchable I | Untouchable I (Rage Power) | Untouchable I (Rage Power) | Untouchable I (Rage Power) | Untouchable I (Rage Power) | Untouchable I (Rage Power) |
Untouchable II | Untouchable II (Rage Power) | Untouchable II (Rage Power) | Untouchable II (Rage Power) | Untouchable II (Rage Power) | Untouchable II (Rage Power) |
Vicious Slice | Urban | 1 | Inflict Bleed with your next attack action | ||
Violent Revel | 1 | Perform an attack that hits all enemies within your melee reach. | |||
Whirling Rip | Whirling Rip (Rage Power) | Whirling Rip (Rage Power) | Whirling Rip (Rage Power) | Whirling Rip (Rage Power) | Whirling Rip (Rage Power) |
Scattering Charge (Su)
- Requires: Barbarian 10, Feral Mien
- Fury Cost: 3 points
- Benefit: Once per round as part of a Charge attack action, you can spend 3 points of fury to scatter your foes, demolishing their defensive lines. If your charge attack hits the target, in addition to dealing your normal charge damage, you may also slide your charge target, and/or any other enemy creatures adjacent to your charge target. You may slide these foes a total number of squares equal to your CHA modifier, divided up among the foes you wish to slide. You can apportion out these squares of movement however you wish, including applying all of them to one target, or differing amounts to multiple targets in range, as long as the total number of squares of forced movement you inflict is less than or equal to your CHA modifier. If your charge attack misses, the fury points to activate this power are wasted.
- Scattering Charge cannot be activated in the same charge attack action as another rage power which is activated on a charge attack action.
- Additional Fury: For each additional point of fury you spend, you deal damage to any creature slid equal to 2 points per square each creature is slid by Scattering Charge. The damage dealt to the creature is based on the number of squares you intend to slide it, even if it falls Prone to avoid moving the full distance.
- Progression:
- 10th Level: -
- 20th Level: If your charge attack hits, Scattering Charge can be applied to any creatures within 15 feet of your charge target.
- 30th Level: For each additional point of fury you spend, you deal damage to any creature slid equal to 5 points per square each creature is slid by Scattering Charge (instead of 2). The damage dealt to the creature is based on the number of squares you intend to slide it, even if it falls Prone to avoid moving the full distance.
Scent (Ex)
- Requires: Barbarian 1, Feral Mien
- Fury Cost: 3 points
- Benefit: Once per round as a free action, you may spend 3 points of fury to sharpen your olfactory senses, gaining Scent with a 30-foot radius until the start of your next turn.
- Additional Fury: For each additional point of fury you spend, you reduce your miss chance with Scent by 5 percent.
- Additional Fury: For each additional point of fury you spend, you may increase the radius by five feet.
- Progression:
- 10th Level: The cost to activate the Scent rage power is reduced to 2 points of fury.
- 20th Level: Instead of the Scent sense, activating the Scent rage power now grants you Keen Scent with a radius of 30 feet.
- 30th Level: Instead of Keen Scent, activating the Scent rage power now grants you Perfect Scent with a radius of 30 feet.
Shatterbones (Ex)
- Requires: Barbarian 1, Primal Mien
- Fury Cost: 3 points
- Benefit: Once per round as a free action, you can spend 3 points of fury to cause your next attack to impact your enemy with devastating force. If the attack hits, it inflicts a -2 penalty to the armor class of the creature struck, which persists until the start of your next turn. You must make this attack before the start of your next turn, and the attack must hit the target, or the fury points spent to activate this power are lost. The penalty inflicted by Shatterbones cannot be stacked with itself, even if applied by two different barbarians.
- Additional Fury: For every 2 additional points of fury you spend, your attack inflicts an additional -1 penalty to the armor class of the creature struck, to a maximum of your WIS modifier.
- Progression:
- 10th Level: You can activate this power more than once per round, as long as you have sufficient fury points to do so. Each time you activate the power, it applies to a different attack made against a different creature.
- 20th Level: The cost to activate Shatterbones is reduced to 2 points of fury.
- 30th Level: For each additional point of fury you spend, your attack inflicts an additional -1 penalty to the armor class of the creature struck, to a maximum of your WIS modifier. (Reduced from 2 points of fury per -1 additional AC penalty.)
Shoving Shoulder (Ex)
- Requires: Barbarian 1
- Fury Cost: 2 points
- Benefit: Once per round as a free action, you can spend 2 points of fury to activate Shoving Shoulder, allowing you to select one enemy creature you successfully hit this round with a melee attack and push that creature 1 square away from you. You must activate Shoving Shoulder before any attack rolls are made, but you can choose any one of your melee attacks that hit an enemy to apply Shoving Shoulder to, after all of your attacks have been resolved. If the attack you apply Shoving Shoulder to was a critical hit, the enemy creature is instead pushed a number of squares equal to your weapon's critical multiplier. This is forced movement, and you can choose any non-blocked path, as long as each square of movement is further away from you than the creature's previous space.
- Additional Fury: For each additional 2 points of fury you spend, you can increase the forced movement caused by Shoving Shoulder by 1 additional square.
- Progression:
- 10th Level: The base amount of forced movement caused by Shoving Shoulder increases to 2 squares, or to 1 + your weapon's critical multiplier on a critical hit.
- 20th Level: The cost to add additional forced movement to Shoving Shoulder is reduced to only 1 point of fury per additional square of forced movement.
- 30th Level: The base amount of forced movement caused by Shoving Shoulder increases to 3 squares, or to 3 + your weapon's critical multiplier on a critical hit.
Sin Eater (Ex)
- Requires: Barbarian 22, Superstitious Mien
- Fury Cost: 3 points
- Benefit: As a free action, you can spend 3 points of fury to reduce the severity of any condition upon yourself or any ally you can perceive within 20 feet by one step in the status array.
- Additional Fury: For every 3 additional fury points spent, you may reduce a status condition by an additional step in its status array. (E.g. You can reduce a strong condition to a weak condition for a total of 6 points of fury, or reduce a strong condition to nothing for a total of 9 points of fury.)
- Additional Fury: You may activate Sin Eater additional times per round, as long as you have sufficient fury points available to do so, and as long as the target of Sin Eater is different each time.
- Progression:
- 10th Level: -
- 20th Level: -
- 30th Level: You can use Sin Eater on yourself or any ally you can perceive within 50 feet.
Slipstream (Ex)
- Requires: Barbarian 1, Primal Mien
- Fury Cost: 1 point
- Benefit: Once per round as a free action, you can spend 1 point of fury to walk 5 feet. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity, but is not considered a move action, and does not prevent you from taking a 5-foot step this round, nor does it count against your movement speed for the round.
- Additional Fury: For every 3 additional points of fury you spend, you can increase the distance you walk with Slipstream by an additional 5 feet. This additional movement cannot be taken as a separate free action, but is a single action. If you stop moving to perform a different action, such as an attack, any extra movement from Slipstream is lost.
- Progression:
- 10th Level: Add +2d6 points of cold damage to the first attack you make immediately after using Slipstream, as long as that attack occurs before the start of your next turn. Bonus damage is not precision damage, nor is it multiplied on a critical hit. This damage increases by +1d6 per four levels of Barbarian you possess beyond 10th level (drop fractions; e.g. +3d6 at 14th level, +4d6 at 18th level, etc.).
- 20th Level: For every 2 additional points of fury you spend, you can increase the distance you walk with Slipstream by an additional 5 feet. This additional movement cannot be taken as a separate free action, but is a single action. If you stop moving to perform a different action, such as an attack, any extra movement from Slipstream is lost. (Reduced from 3 points of fury per additional 5 feet of movement.)
- 30th Level: For each additional point of fury you spend, you can increase the distance you walk with Slipstream by an additional 5 feet. This additional movement cannot be taken as a separate free action, but is a single action. If you stop moving to perform a different action, such as an attack, any extra movement from Slipstream is lost. (Reduced from 2 points of fury per additional 5 feet of movement.)
Smasher (Ex)
- Requires: Barbarian 1
- Fury Cost: 3 points
- Benefit: Once per round as a swift action, the barbarian may spend 3 points of fury to make a Sunder combat maneuver check against an enemy creature's equipment or an unattended object. If your weapon does not have the Sunder weapon quality, you cannot affect unattended objects made from, or reinforced with, metal or stone. Using Smasher provokes an attack of opportunity if you do not also have the Improved Sunder feat.
- Additional Fury: For each additional point of fury you spend, you may add +1 to your CMB for the Sunder attempt granted by Smasher. This fury must be spent at the same time that Smasher is activated, before the CMB check is made, and if the check fails, the fury is lost.
- Progression:
- 10th Level: The cost to activate Smasher is reduced to 2 points of fury.
- 20th Level: If the sunder attempt you make with Smasher is successful, the result of your check is treated as being 10 higher for purposes of overcoming the target object's durability. If the check without this bonus is less than the target's CMD or Hardness DC, this bonus is not applied.
- 30th Level: For each additional point of fury you spent to increase your CMB with Smasher, you also add +1 to the damage dealt to the wearer or wielder of the object you are sundering, in addition to the normal damage dealt by the Sunder combat maneuver. If you are targeting an unattended object, this benefit has no effect.
Solarian Cloak (Su)
- Requires: Barbarian 22, Primal Mien
- Fury Cost: 4 points
- Benefit: Once per round as a free action, you can spend 4 points of fury to wrap yourself in an impermeable cloak of primal protection, granting you immunity to one energy type of your choosing until the start of your next turn. You must declare which energy type you are gaining immunity to when you activate the power.
- Additional Fury: For every 2 additional points of fury you spend, you may select an additional energy type to which you are immune until the start of your next turn. You must declare which energy types you are gaining immunity to when you activate the power.
- Progression:
- 10th Level: -
- 20th Level: -
- 30th Level: When you activate Solarian Cloak, you may also choose a single status condition to which you are immune until the start of your next turn. Note that this immunity only extends to conditions which are inflicted by enemies, not by conditions you inflict upon yourself, or are inflicted by an ally. You must declare which status condition you are gaining immunity to when you activate the power. Note that if you are already subject to a status condition, this power will not clear it, it only prevents a status condition from affecting you when first applied.
Spellbreaker (Ex)
- Requires: Barbarian 1, Superstitious Mien
- Fury Cost: 4 points
- Benefit: Once per round as a swift action, you can spend 4 points of fury to make a Sunder combat maneuver against an ongoing spell effect, instead of trying to break a worn, wielded or unattended object. When attempting to break a spell on an enemy creature, the target DC is the creature's CMD. If attempting to break a spell on a non-enemy creature, the target DC is the CMD of the creature who applied the spell effect. If attempting to break a spell on an unattended object, the target DC is 15 + the effect's caster level.
- If successful, you suppress the effect for 1 round. If you exceed the DC by 5 or more, you suppress the effect for 2 rounds. If you exceed the target CD by 10 or more, the effect is dispelled.
- If multiple spell effects are present, the effect which is suppressed or dispelled is determined randomly.
- Additional Fury: For every 2 additional points of fury you spend, you can add a +1 bonus to your CMB for purposes of the Spellbreaker Sunder attempt.
- Progression:
- 10th Level: If multiple spell effects are present, you may decide which effect is suppressed or dispelled on a successful check.
- 20th Level: If you exceed the DC by 5 or more, the effect is dispelled.
- 30th Level: Instead of a swift action, Spellbreaker is now activated as a free action, and is rolled against the next creature you successfully hit with a melee attack. The melee attack is resolved as normal, and you make your CMB check as a free action against the same creature. You must successfully hit a creature with a melee attack before the start of your next turn, or the fury spent on Spellbreaker is lost.
Sudden Assault (Ex)
- Requires: Barbarian 1
- Fury Cost: 2 points
- Benefit: Once per round as a free action, you can spend 2 points of fury to activate Sudden Assault until the start of your next turn. While Sudden Assault is active, charge attacks do not immediately end your turn.
- Additional Fury: For each additional point of fury you spend, you can add +2 points of damage to the next charge attack you make while Sudden Assault is active. These points must be spent before the to-hit roll is made, and are considered spent, whether the attack hits or misses.
- Progression:
- 10th Level: You no longer suffer the -2 penalty to armor class from charging, while Sudden Assault is active.
- 20th Level: During any round in which you activate Sudden Assault, you can perform charge attacks as a move action.
- 30th Level: Additional points spent on Sudden Assault to increase the damage of your next charge attack instead apply to all charge attacks you make before the start of your next turn.
Surprise Accuracy (Ex)
- Requires: Barbarian 1, Urban Mien
- Fury Cost: 2 points
- Benefit: As a free action, you may spend 2 points of fury to cause your next attack to bend and contort in unexpected ways, as long as you make the attack before the start of your next turn. An attack augmented by Surprise Accuracy gains a +1 bonus to-hit. This bonus increases by an additional +1 per 8 barbarian class levels you possess (drop fractions; i.e. +2 at 8th level, +3 at 16th level, +4 at 24th level, and a maximum of +5 at 32nd level).
- Additional Fury: For every 2 additional points of fury you spend, you may apply Surprise Accuracy to another attack you make before the start of your next turn.
- Progression:
- 10th Level: If you successfully hit an enemy creature with an attack augmented with Surprise Accuracy, that creature must make a Reflex save vs. a DC of 10 + half your barbarian level + your CHA modifier, or it suffers a -2 penalty to its AC until the start of its next turn.
- 20th Level: For each additional point of fury you spend, you may apply Surprise Accuracy to another attack you make before the start of your next turn. (Reduced from 2 points per additional attack augmented.) The cost to activate Surprise Accuracy in the first place is still 2 points of fury.
- 30th Level: If you successfully hit an enemy creature with an attack augmented with Surprise Accuracy, that creature must make a Reflex save vs. a DC of 10 + half your barbarian level + your CHA modifier, or it gains the Flat-Footed status condition until the start of its next turn. (This replaces, i.e. does not stack with, the AC penalty of the level 10 ability.)
The Gods Look Away (Ex)
- Requires: Barbarian 22, Urban mien
- Fury Cost: 3 points
- Benefit: Once per round as a free action, you may spend 3 points of fury to reach an apogee of temper such that the Gods won't even watch your reckless abuse of reality. Until the start of your next turn, each time you make an attack, you may choose any square within 10 feet of your space and declare that your attack is originating from that square. You may change the square from which you are attacking within this 10-foot radius before each attack you make before the end of your current turn. You may also choose the square from which you are threatening within this 10-foot radius as an immediate action outside your turn. You may only choose unoccupied, unobstructed squares as the space you are attacking from, and you must have line of sight from your actual space (not the space you have chosen to attack from) to any foe you wish to attack when using The Gods Look Away.
- Additional Fury: For every 3 additional points of fury you spend when you activate The Gods Look Away, you can expand the radius of its effect by an additional 5 feet.
- Progression:
- 10th Level: -
- 20th Level: -
- 30th Level: You may select spaces within the radius of The Gods Look Away which are occupied or obstructed, when choosing where you are attacking from.
Threatening Snap (Ex)
- Requires: Barbarian 1, Feral Mien
- Fury Cost: 1 point
- Benefit: Once per round as a free action, you can spend 1 point of fury to activate Threatening Snap. The next creature which makes a 5-foot step to leave a square you threaten (or takes a withdraw action) provokes an attack of opportunity from you. This attack of opportunity is a bite attack, with an attack bonus identical to that of your main hand weapon, including any enhancement bonuses, feat bonuses, etc. If it hits, the bite deals base weapon damage of 1d6 + CHA modifier, plus any enhancement bonuses or feat bonuses your main weapon normally adds to damage. (Remember that base weapon damage increases at levels 8, 15, 22 and 29.) The damage from Threatening Snap's bite attack does not include your STR or CON modifiers. Threatening Snap deals Bludgeoning, Slashing and Piercing damage (like all bite attacks). You must have an attack of opportunity available in order to use this rage power, and, once activated, Threatening Snap must be used before the start of your next turn, or the benefit is lost.
- Additional Fury:
- Progression:
- 10th Level: If you hit with Threatening Snap, you gain 1 point of fury.
- 20th Level: Add your STR modifier to the bite damage caused by Threatening Snap, if it hits.
- 30th Level: Add your CON modifier to the bite damage caused by Threatening Snap, if it hits.
Tirade (Ex)
- Requires: Barbarian 1, Superstitious Mien
- Fury Cost: 2 points
- Benefit: Once per round as a free action, you can spend 2 points of fury and issue a furious stream of biting words and harsh invective at a nearby foe, calling on the spirits to blight his luck. One foe within 15 feet of you must make a saving throw vs. a DC of 10 + half your barbarian level + your WIS modifier or become Jinxed until the start of your next turn.
- Tirade cannot be activated in the same round as any other rage powers capable of inflicting a status condition, unless it inflicts status conditions from the same array (i.e. Jinxed, Hexed or Cursed).
- Additional Fury: For each additional point of fury you spend, you add +1 to the save DC of your Tirade.
- Progression:
- 10th Level: You may spend additional points of fury to increase the radius of Tirade. For each additional point of fury you spend, the radius increases by an additional 5 feet. You may still only target one foe within the radius.
- 20th Level: Tirade now inflicts Hexed, instead of Jinxed, if the creature fails its saving throw. If it lands, the Hexed condition lasts until the start of your next turn.
- 30th Level: Tirade now inflicts Cursed, instead of Hexed, if the creature fails its saving throw. If it lands, the Cursed condition lasts until the start of your next turn.
Unstoppable Rush (Ex)
- Requires: Barbarian 1
- Fury Cost: 1 point
- Benefit: Once per round as a free action, you may spend 1 point of fury to add 10 feet to the speed of any one of your movement types until the start of your next turn.
- Additional Fury: For each additional point of fury you spend, you gain an additional 5 feet of speed to that movement type. This amount does not improve with level.
- Progression:
- 10th Level: The initial activation of Unstoppable Rush adds 15 feet to the speed of any one of your movement types until the start of your next turn.
- 20th Level: The initial activation of Unstoppable Rush adds 20 feet to the speed of any one of your movement types until the start of your next turn.
- 30th Level: The initial activation of Unstoppable Rush adds 25 feet to the speed of any one of your movement types until the start of your next turn.
Untouchable I (Ex)
- Requires: Barbarian 1
- Fury Cost: 4 points
- Benefit: Once per round as a free action, you can spend 4 points of fury to immediately end a single weak status condition that is affecting you.
- Additional Fury: -
- Progression:
- 10th Level: At level 10, the fury cost to activate Untouchable I is reduced to 3 points of fury, instead of 4.
- 20th Level: -
- 30th Level: -
Untouchable II (Ex)
- Requires: Barbarian 10, Untouchable I
- Fury Cost: 4 points
- Benefit: Once per round as a free action, you can spend 4 points of fury to immediately end a single moderate status condition that is affecting you. This rage power can be activated in the same round as Untouchable I. Curing a status condition with Untouchable II does not undo events which have already occurred, such as damage you may have dealt to (or taken from) an ally.
- Additional Fury: -
- Progression:
- 10th Level: -
- 20th Level: The fury cost to activate Untouchable II is reduced to 3 points of fury, instead of 4.
- 30th Level: Once per encounter, you can choose one status condition you have ended with Untouchable I or Untouchable II, and become immune to that condition for the remainder of the encounter, if it is caused by an enemy creature. (Thus, even if you make yourself immune to Prone, this does not make you immune to voluntary prones, since they are not inflicted by enemy creatures but by yourself.)
Vicious Slice (Ex)
- Requires: Barbarian 1, Urban Mien
- Fury Cost: 2 points
- Benefit: As a free action, you can spend 2 points of fury to activate Vicious Slice. The next attack you make before the start of your next turn, if it hits, inflicts a Bleed on your target, equal to your CHA modifier, in addition to dealing normal damage. Note that bleeds do not stack; only the largest bleed is applied to a target, replacing any smaller ones which might be present.
- Vicious Slice cannot be activated in the same round as any other rage powers capable of inflicting a status condition, unless it inflicts status conditions from the same array (i.e. Bruised, Bleed or Punctured).
- Additional Fury: For each additional point of fury you spend, you can apply bleed damage to a different attack you make before the start of your next turn.
- Progression:
- 10th Level: For each additional point of fury you spend, you can add +1 to the bleed damage inflicted by Vicious Slice. This fury must be spent at the same time that Vicious Slice is activated, but it applies to all attacks you make before the start of your next turn which are augmented by Vicious Slice.
- 20th Level: Attacks augmented by Vicious Slice now inflict Punctured instead of Bleed, equal to your CHA modifier, in addition to dealing normal damage. Additional fury points spent to increase the Bleed damage (the 10th level ability) instead increase the Punctured damage.
- 30th Level: The cost to activate Vicious Slice is reduced to 1 point of fury. (Reduced from 2 points of fury.)
Violent Revel (Ex)
- Requires: Barbarian 1
- Fury Cost: 3 points
- Benefit: Once per round as a free action, you can spend 3 points of fury to activate Violent Revel. Violent Revel causes your next attack, assuming it is made before the start of your next turn, to provoke attacks of opportunity from each enemy who can reach you. Each enemy that attacks you (assuming it has an attack of opportunity available and wishes to attack you), improves your next attack by +1 to hit, and +2 to damage. (E.g. if 3 enemies attack you, your attack gains +3 to hit and +6 to damage). This is in addition to any fury generated by the attacks made against you. The bonus to attack and damage only applies to your next attack, and is only generated by attacks of opportunity made when you provoke with the attack (i.e. not from other actions you've performed prior to this which also provoked).
- Additional Fury: -
- Progression:
- 10th Level: You can activate Violent Revel more than once per round, assuming you have enough fury available to do so. Each additional time it is activated, it applies to a different attack you are about to make, and the bonus is reset prior to each attack. You must make any attack before the start of your next turn, however, or the benefits of Violent Revel are lost.
- 20th Level: The cost to activate Violent Revel is reduced to 2 points of fury.
- 30th Level: Every attack of opportunity made against you that is provoked as a result of Violent Revel is applied as a bonus to each of your attacks before the start of your next turn.
Whirling Rip (Su)
- Requires: Barbarian 1
- Fury Cost: 2 points
- Benefit: Once per round as a free action, you can spend 2 points of fury to apply Whirling Rip to the next attack you make before the start of your next turn. If the attack hits, it is resolved as normal against your target, but it also deals your base weapon dice at level 1 to a second target within your reach. There is no attack roll for the second target, it simply hits (so the second target does not count as a second attack for purposes of generating Fury if you are able to do so). If the attack against the first target is a critical hit, you instead deal your base weapon dice at level 1 times your weapon's critical multiplier to the second target. You must activate Whirling Rip before you make your attack, and if you fail to make an attack before the start of your next turn, or if the attack augmented by Whirling Rip misses, the benefit is lost.
- Additional Fury: For each additional point of fury you spend, Whirling Rip deals an additional +1 damage to the secondary target.
- Progression:
- 10th Level: Add your Strength modifier to the damage you deal to your secondary target. This is multiplied like the base weapon dice, if your attack against the first target is a critical hit.
- 20th Level: Add your Constitution modifier to the damage you deal to your secondary target. This is multiplied like the base weapon dice, if your attack against the first target is a critical hit.
- 30th Level: The damage caused by Whirling Rip against a secondary target is instead applied to all creatures within your reach, including your original target.