Minor Magic (Talent)
You begin to explore the mysteries of the arcane world, tugging upon the magic of the world around you, and forcing it to do your bidding.
Ability Type: Sp
Prerequisites: Rogue 1
Benefit: A rogue with this talent gains the ability to cast one 0-level spell from the sorcerer/wizard spell list an unlimited number of times per day. The spell is cast as a spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to the rogue's class level. The save DC for the spell, if it requires a saving throw, is 10 + half character level + DEX modifier, instead of whatever is listed for the spell.
In addition, the rogue with this talent may put skill ranks into the Spellcraft bailiwick skill. As with any Bailiwick skill, the rogue may map this skill to whichever ability modifier they prefer. If the rogue is required to make any caster checks (such as to cast the spell defensively, to avoid provoking an attack of opportunity), they must resolve it using their Spellcraft skill (not Spycraft).