Heart of Glass (Sorcerer/Wizard Spell)
Revision as of 21:35, 26 March 2019 by Reese (talk | contribs) (Reese moved page Heart of Glass (Spell) to Heart of Glass (Sorcerer/Wizard Spell) without leaving a redirect)
- Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 8
- School: Transmutation
- Casting Time: Standard Action, or as the first attack in a Full Attack Action
- Components: V,S,M (A handful of broken glass, worth 1gp, or 0gp if found.)
- Range: Long (200 ft. + 20 ft./lvl)
- Target or Area: one target creature within spell range
- Duration: Until the end of the current encounter (only castable during combat)
- Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
Save DC: 10 + caster stat modifier + spell level - Spell Resistance: Yes
- The brisk, delicate phrases of this spell sound almost too dainty for verbalization. Upon completion of the fragile declarations of this spell, the caster must choose a target creature within Long range as described above, as well as a single damage class to make the target creature susceptible to, which must be chosen at the time the spell is cast:
- Physical Common (Bludgeoning, Crushing, Piercing, Slashing, Slime)
- Physical Uncommon (Abrasion, Buffeting, Corrosion, Drilling, Falling, Gnashing, Hacking, Poison, Ripping, Rugosic, Winded)
- Physical Rare (Disintegration, Dissolving, Flensing, Fracturing, Interstice, Laceration, Mutilation, Obliteration, Rot, Spindling, Squamous)
- Energy Common (Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Sonic)
- Energy Uncommon (Desiccation, Fictive, Force, Light, Nascent, Necrotic, Negative, Positive, Psychic, Radiant, Scouring, Stilling)
- Energy Rare (Darkfire, Eldritch, Freezacid, Holy, Quiescent, Soul, Stellar, Sunlight, Tenebrous, Threnodic, Thundercrash, Void)
- The target must succeed on a Fortitude save as described above, or become defenseless to all damage types of the selected class. A target that succeeds on their Fort save is instead treated as Vulnerable against the selected damage class (and all damage types therein).
- Synergy: This spell lays a charge upon its target. If they are then subject to another charged effect, as the brittle, crispy energies of this fell dwemomer tear from their forms, they suffer (Circle 9 damage): 1d6+3 points of damage per character level (max 25d6+75 at character level 25) as fracturing (physical, rare) damage.
- This spell lays an arcane or divine charge on its target(s), depending on the caster who is casting the spell. If the targets are something other than you or another creature (such as an object or area), the spell lays an arcane or divine charge on you, the caster. Divine casters lay a divine charge, and arcane casters lay an arcane charge. Targets which already have an arcane or divine charge present must choose which to keep if the new spell has the same charge type. Only one arcane charge and one divine charge can ever be present on a target at a time.
Mana Burn Circle Damage
Spell Circle | Burn Cost | Req'd Char Level | Base Dice | Max Dice |
0 | N/A | N/A | 1d4 per 2 character levels | max of 4d4 at character level 8 |
1 | N/A | 1st | 1d6 per character level | max of 4d6 at character level 4 |
2 | +1 | 3rd | 1d6 per character level | max of 6d6 at character level 6 |
3 | +1 | 5th | 1d6 per character level | max of 10d6 at character level 10 |
4 | +1 | 7th | 1d6+1 per character level | max of 12d6+12 at character level 12 |
5 | +1 | 9th | 1d6+1 per character level | max of 15d6+15 at character level 15 |
6 | +1 | 11th | 1d6+2 per character level | max of 16d6+32 at character level 16 |
7 | +1 | 13th | 1d6+2 per character level | max of 20d6+40 at character level 20 |
8 | +1 | 15th | 1d6+3 per character level | max of 21d6+63 at character level 21 |
9 | +1 | 17th | 1d6+3 per character level | max of 25d6+75 at character level 25 |
10 | +1 | 19th | 1d6+4 per character level | max of 25d6+100 at character level 25 |
11 | +1 | 21st | 1d6+5 per character level | max of 25d6+125 at character level 25 |
12 | +1 | 23rd | 1d6+6 per character level | max of 27d6+162 at character level 27 |
13 | +1 | 25th | 1d6+7 per character level | max of 27d6+189 at character level 27 |
14 | +1 | 27th | 1d6+8 per character level | max of 29d6+232 at character level 29 |
15 | +1 | 29th | 1d6+9 per character level | max of 29d6+261 at character level 29 |
16 | +1 | 31st | 1d6+10 per character level | max of 30d6+300 at character level 30 |
17 | +1 | 33rd | 1d6+11 per character level | max of 30d6+330 at character level 30 |
18 | +1 | 35th | 1d6+12 per character level | max of 30d6+360 at character level 30 |