Vest of Escape +1
Vest of Escape +1
- Cost: 12,500 gp
- Weight: 5 lbs.
- Family: Vest of Escape
A Vest of Escape is a nicely tailored vest, designed to fit close to the upper torso of the wearer. They tend to be highly decorated, very stylish items of haute couture, and in many circles, a Vest of Escape is as much a fashion accessory as a VERY capable defensive and movement item. Granted, amongst the more...pugnacious...sorts, a Vest of Escape is often viewed as a mark against the character of the wearer, although those who are interested in the particular, and potent, benefits of a Vest tend to reject the crude opinions of such pugnacious sorts out-of-hand.
What could THOSE sorts of brutes know about anything, anyway?
Once attuned, a Vest allows the wearer to maintain a polite distance from all manner of unsavory sorts, the magic of the Vest moving them directly from one spot to another spot of their choosing, at will. This requires an action on the part of the wearer to deliver such a snub, but far more usefully, the Vest may act automatically to protect the wearer from unwanted attention in a martial disagreement.
If the wearer of a Vest is made subject to an attack of opportunity, hit or miss, for any reason, they may choose to activate the power of the Vest as an immediate interrupt either before or after the attack might land. They may teleport the distance they choose, to the place they choose, to the limits of the power of the vest, and once in their new square, they may choose to continue their previous movement (if they have movement left). This can be used to negate such underhanded attacks completely, by moving out of the reach of the attacking thug.
This use of the Vests's power to slight their enemies is a delight, although using it uses up the daily power allotment of the Vest. Alas! There is only so much that may be done to annul the outrageous slings and arrows of importunate fate....
The owner of this magic item must wear it continuously for 24 hours to attune it to their aura, and until that time has passed, it provides no benefits to the wearer.
- Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 30 (10 + double CL)), Pale (tier 2) remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 6,250 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).