Coursing Creature

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Not just anybody can do this, you know. Well, okay, they can if they have this pattern. But otherwise...

Coursing Creature Pattern (+3 CR)

Subtype: add Coursing to subtypes

Coursing Creature is a pattern that can be added to most creatures, to represent a far-ranging deadly hunter. Forest Elves, fleet-footed Treants, long-running Orcs, fluid oozes, bullet-fast Wasps, all can be modeled with the Coursing Creature pattern.

Coursing Creature is strong in battle, as the +3 CR (challenge rating) adjustment indicates, and makes for fast, wide-ranging, mobile combats.

This dangerous-feeling creature seems wiry, tough, and fast on its feet.


Init: +2 CRs greater than base creature.
Perception: +2 CRs greater than base creature.
Movement Types:
  • Increase all move speeds by 20 ft.


AC: +3 CRs greater than base creature.
Maneuver Defense: +2 CRs greater than base creature.
Hit Points: +2 CRs greater than base creature.
Fort: +1 CRs greater than base creature.
Refl: +1 CRs greater than base creature.
Will: +1 CRs greater than base creature.
Special Defenses:
Strong Against:
Weak Against:


Space / Reach: - / -
To-Hits: +1 CRs greater than base creature.
Damage: +3 CRs greater than base creature.
Maneuver Offense: +2 CRs greater than base creature.
Save DC's: +3 CRs greater than base creature.


Str:     Dex:     Con:     Int:     Wis:     Cha:
  • creature adds +2 CRs to all of its existing skills.
  • creature adds +4 CRs to its Survival skill.

Special Abilities

Coursing Attacks (Ex; Coursing Creature Pattern)

At the start of each round, a Coursing Creature gains a pool of Coursing Dice. Coursing Dice are d6's, and the number of Coursing Dice is equal to 1. At any time, as a free action, it may spend one or more of these D6's to raise a D20 roll by +1 for each die spent, or it may roll one or more of the D6's to increase the damage of a successful attack it just made. This may be used to boost to-hits, saves, and skill rolls, or it may be used to increase the damage of melee or ranged attacks and abilities. All Coursing Dice may only be used once (either spent or rolled) each round, Coursing Dice damage is bonus damage and thus not affected by critical hits, and Coursing Dice damage is inflicted as the same type of damage as the attack it is added to for purposes of bypassing DR and/or ER. If an attack inflicts more than one type of damage, the GM may choose per Coursing Die rolled what damage type it is.

Coursing Dash (Ex; Coursing Creature Pattern)

Once per encounter, a Coursing Creature may perform a Move Action as a Swift Action.

Coursing Stride (Ex; Coursing Creature Pattern)

Out of combat, a Coursing Creature's Overland Travel speed is doubled.