Knuckle Dragger (Rage Power)
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Knuckle Dragger (Ex)
- Requires: Barbarian 1, Urban Mien
- Benefit: Once per round as a free action, you can spend 2 points of fury to augment your next attack with a free Reposition (Combat Maneuver) attempt. You must make an attack before the start of your next turn, and the attack must hit your target, or the fury spent to activate this power is lost. If your attack hits, resolve its damage as normal, and then make a Reposition (Combat Maneuver) check against the same creature's CMD. If the reposition attempt is successful, you deal damage for the combat maneuver as normal and you slide the enemy as described in the Reposition (Combat Maneuver) entry. The reposition attempt from Knuckle Dragger counts as part of the same attack as the attack which was augmented, and does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
- 11th Level: You may choose to provoke an attack of opportunity with Knuckle Dragger, if you wish, even if you possess Reposition, Improved (Feat).
- 21st Level: The cost to activate Knuckle Dragger is reduced to 1 point of fury. (Reduced from 2 points of fury.)
- 31st Level: The damage dealt by Knuckle Dragger, if it hits, is the same as your normal weapon damage (and all modifiers), instead of the damage you deal with combat maneuvers.