Red Haze of Madness (Rage Power)
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Red Haze of Madness (Su)
- Requires: Barbarian 1, Superstitious Mien
- Benefit: Once per round as a free action, you can spend 1 point of fury to gain a +2 bonus on any saving throws against any spell, spell-like or supernatural ability until the start of your next turn.
- 11th Level: When you succeed on a saving throw against a spell, spell-like or supernatural effect while Red Haze of Madness is active, you inflict 3d6 points of psychic damage against the creature that caused you to make the save. This psychic damage increases by +1d6 per four barbarian levels you possess above level 10 (drop fractions; e.g. 4d6 at level 14, 5d6 at level 18, etc.).
- 21st Level: Red Haze of Madness applies to all saving throws, not just those made against spell, spell-like or supernatural abilities.
- 31st Level: For each additional point of fury you spend, you gain an additional +1 bonus to any saving throws against any effect until the start of your next turn. This fury must be spent when Red Haze of Madness is activated. (Reduced from 2 points of fury per +1 bonus to saves.)