Epic Battlefield Harness +7

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Epic Battlefield Harness +7

CL 25 Body Slot Item • Strong Abjuration
Cost: 650,000 gp
Weight: 10 lbs.
Family: Warrior Harness

A Warriors Harness is a complex system of leather straps, sturdy buckles, riveted attachment points, reinforcements, and martial awards and decorations. The Harness has both a practical benefit, in making armor easier to wear, a reconnaissance benefit, boosting the wearer's alertness and ability to spot skulking enemies, and adds to the wearer's fighting spirit, by reminding them that they are ready, TRULY ready, for anything. A Warrior's Harness keeps a hero's most valorous deeds close to mind through the martial decorations that adorn the harness.

When worn with armor that the wearer is proficient with, the harness:
  • Reduces the Armor Check Penalty by 7, and mitigates the Dexterity Penalty to AC by +3, to a maximum of 0. This bonus stacks with Dweomermetal bonuses, and has no effect on non-proficiency penalties. The Armor Check Penalty of any armor can never be reduced to anything better than 0 (i.e. the Armor Check Penalty can never become a bonus).
  • In addition, once per encounter as a standard action, or as part of a Move action, the wearer gains a number of temporary hit points equal to their character level.
  • The Warrior's Harness allows the wearer to perform a Spot Check, once each round, as an immediate action, with a +2 bonus on their Perception skill roll. This may be used to actively oppose an Ambush check once per day.

The owner of this magic item must wear it continuously for 24 hours to attune it to their aura, and until that time has passed, it provides no benefits to the wearer.

Creation: Creator (Feat), Epic Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 60 (10 + double CL)), Intense (tier 4) remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 325,000 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).