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Condition Severity: Weak

   You have an overwrought sense of self-confidence, and you're not feeling as socially constrained as normal.


  • You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to all Charisma-based skills.
  • You suffer a -2 penalty to all caster checks.
  • You suffer a -1 penalty to all other d20-based rolls (to-hits, saving throws, etc.) except for Acrobatics checks.

Ended By

If the ability, trap, or effect description includes specific directions for how the condition is ended, then that is the primary means of ending this condition. In many cases, it is the only way to end the condition. If nothing is specifically listed for ending the condition, then the following methods can be used to end it, instead:

  • You can spend a swift action taking deep breaths and slapping yourself about the face to bring yourself back to normal until the start of your next turn. This does not end the condition, it only suppresses the effects for a round.
  • If not cleared, the mellow condition automatically ends at the end of the current encounter, the end of the next encounter, or until the start of your next full night's rest, or 24 hours, whichever comes first.

