Rod of the Battlefield
Rod of the Battlefield
- Cost: 22,500 gp
- Weight: 4 lbs.
This rod is made of wood and steel, and is carved with the fanciful likeness of a bow and arrow. When it is activated, it shudders and creaks in the hand like a hard-drawn bow, and the whistling of arrows and the twang of taut strings fills the air with the melody of death.
Wielders of this rod can utter a command word as a standard action to cast a Bloody Arrows spell, using up one charge from the rod.
The arrows strike unerringly as long as there is line of sight and line of effect to each target, even if the target is in melee combat, so long as it has less than total cover or total concealment. Specific parts of a creature can't be singled out. Objects are not damaged by the spell, and it cannot inflict Sunders.
There is no roll to-hit or saving throw for this effect. (Monsters with the minion role would get a REFL saving throw against this effect, using the saving throw listed below, based on the creator level of the rod.)
If a targeted creature has spell resistance, the wielder of the rod must first make a Bailiwick skill check against the target's Maneuver Defense. If they equal or exceed this number, the spell is resolved against the target as normal. If the check fails, the spell is cast from the rod (using up a charge) but has no effect on the target creature. You can purchase this rod at a higher creator level than the minimum required to cast the spell. Doing so increases the potency of the spell as described above, but also increases the cost, as follows:
Creator Level | Cost | Save DC | Damage Dealt |
- | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - |
7 | 9,375 gp | 24 | - |
8 | 12,000 gp | 25 | - |
9 | 15,000 gp | 25 | - |
10 | 18,750 gp | 26 | - |
11 | 23,250 gp | 27 | - |
12 | 28,125 gp | 28 | - |
13 | 34,125 gp | 29 | - |
14 | 42,000 gp | 30 | - |
15 | 53,250 gp | 32 | - |
16 | 72,375 gp | 33 | - |
17 | 97,500 gp | 33 | - |
18 | 135,000 gp | 34 | - |
19 | 180,000 gp | 35 | - |
20 | 240,000 gp | 36 | - |
Creator Level | Cost | Save DC | Damage Dealt |
21 | 318,750 gp | 37 | - |
22 | 427,500 gp | 38 | - |
23 | 566,250 gp | 39 | - |
24 | 750,000 gp | 40 | - |
25 | 975,000 gp | 41 | - |
26 | 1,312,500 gp | 42 | - |
27 | 1,725,000 gp | 43 | - |
28 | 2,325,000 gp | 44 | - |
29 | 3,075,000 gp | 46 | - |
30 | 4,087,500 gp | 47 | - |
31 | 5,400,000 gp | 49 | - |
32 | 7,087,500 gp | 50 | - |
33 | 9,375,000 gp | 51 | - |
34 | 12,412,500 gp | 52 | - |
35 | 16,537,500 gp | 53 | - |
This magic item does not require an attunement period, and grants its benefits immediately upon being worn or wielded.
- Creation: Creator (Feat), Bailiwick Check (DC 24 (10 + double CL)), Languid (tier 1) remnant, An item symbolic of the enchantment, 11,250 gp (minus cost of symbolic item).