Sorcerer Feats

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The following feats are especially suitable for sorcerers. This list is by no means everything the sorcerer could select as a feat, merely feats that are specifically good for sorcerers. There are also quite a lot of feats that are good for everyone, including sorcerers, that are listed on the main Feats page.

Courageous Tier (1-5)

Sorcerer-Specific Feats Prerequisites Description
Arcane Strike (Feat) Arcane Caster Level 1 Gain a feat bonus to-hit and damage on weapons you wield
Armor Proficiency, Heavy (Feat) Level 1, Armor Proficiency, Light (Feat), Armor Proficiency, Medium (Feat) No penalties on attack rolls while wearing heavy armor
Armor Proficiency, Light (Feat) Level 1 No penalties on attack rolls while wearing light armor
Armor Proficiency, Medium (Feat) Level 1, Armor Proficiency, Light (Feat) No penalties on attack rolls while wearing medium armor
Black Marketeer (Feat) Level 1, Barter 1 rank, Diplomacy 1 rank, Knowledge (Local) 1 rank Use black market connections to gather illegal/illicit items.
Bolster Damage Reduction (Feat) Level 1, Damage Reduction (from any source) Increase DR against a single attack
Bonded Mind (Feat) Level 1 Communicate with a partner non-verbally, as the Message spell.
Combat Casting (Feat) Caster Level 1 +2 scaling feat bonus on Bailiwick skill check to cast a spell defensively or while grappled.
Combat Expertise (Feat) Level 1, proficient with wielded weapon Trade attack bonus for AC bonus
Combat Reflexes (Feat) Level 1 Make additional attacks of opportunity each round.
Conceal Scent (Feat) Level 1, Stealth 1 rank, Survival 1 rank Creatures cannot track you by scent.
Coordinated Advance (Feat) Level 1 Take a 5-foot step as an immediate action when your partner takes a 5-foot step
Coordinated Shot (Feat) Level 1 +2 to hit with ranged attacks against a creature your partner is threatening
Cosmopolitan (Feat) Level 1 Read and speak two additional languages, gain one new natural talent skill
Covering Fire (Feat) Level 1 Use Aid Another from range to grant an ally +2 to AC versus your target creature
Creator (Feat) Level 1, any Bailiwick skill 1 rank. You are able to create magic items using your Bailiwick skill.
Deadly Aim (Feat) Level 1 You are equally adroit with both melee and ranged attacks.
Defensive Combat Training (Feat) Level 1, Light, medium or no armor (i.e. not heavy armor) Gain a scaling bonus to Maneuver Defense (+1 to +5) if not wearing heavy armor.
Deflect Arrows (Feat) Level 1 Avoid one ranged attack per round
Desert Dweller (Feat) Level 1, Survival 1 rank Starvation, thirst, and extreme heat effects lessened
Diehard (Feat) Level 1, Endurance (Feat) Turn aside the heaviest blows in battle, automatically stabilize and remain conscious below 0 hp
Dilettante (Feat) Level 1 +1 scaling bonus in Knowledge skills with at least one rank.
Distracting Charge (Feat) Level 1 Gain a +4 bonus to attack a creature your partner just successfully charged
Dodge (Feat) Level 1 +1 dodge bonus to AC
Duck and Cover (Feat) Level 1 When adjacent to an ally with this feat, you can share reflex saving throw results with each other.
Eagle Eyes (Feat) Level 1 See much more keenly at distance on visual Perception checks
Elemental Focus (Feat) Caster Level 1 +1 bonus on save DCs for one energy type
Endurance (Feat) Level 1 Reduce the damage you take from environmental effects, and sleep in armor without fatigue.
Eschew Materials (Feat) Level 1 Cast spells without material components
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Feat) BAB +1 No penalty on attacks made with one exotic weapon
Expanded Arcana (Feat) Caster Level 1, see text Add one or two spells to list of spells known
Extend the Bulwark (Feat) Level 1 Grant your partner a +4 to AC by taking a -2 penalty to your own AC.
Friendly Fire Maneuvers (Feat) Level 1 Take only half damage from a chosen ally's attacks, when you are included in those attacks.
Improved Combat Maneuvers (Feat) Level 1 +2 feat bonus to Maneuver Offense and Maneuver Defense, inflict extra damage.
Initiative, Improved (Feat) Level 1 Gain a scaling bonus on initiative checks
Intercept Charge (Feat) Level 1 Intercept a charge made against your partner as an immediate action.
Iron Will (Feat) BAB +1 Grants a scaling bonus (+1 to +4) on Will saves
Large Target (Feat) Level 1, Proficient with sling or slingstaff Attacks with slings add +1 bonus to damage for every size category opponent is larger than you.
Maneuver Opus (Feat) Level 1 Perform a combat maneuver with a different skill than it normally requires.
Martial Weapon Proficiency, Single (Feat) Level 1 No penalty on attacks made with a single type of martial weapon.
Martial Weapons Proficiency (Feat) Level 1, <Simple Weapon Proficiency, -OR- a character class which begins play proficient with all simple weapons> No penalty on attacks made with any martial weapon.
Mobility (Feat) Level 1, Dodge (Feat) +4 AC against attacks of opportunity from movement
Narrow Frame (Feat) Level 1, Escape Artist 1 rank You take no penalties when squeezing into a space up to one size too small for you.
Nimble Moves (Feat) Level 1 Ignore 5 feet of difficult terrain when you move
Old Selective (Feat) Level 1 Exclude targets from the effects of a spell, ability, or magic item that normally affects all targets within an area of effect.
Power Attack (Feat) Level 1, Proficiency with your wielded weapon(s) Gain base weapon damage in exchange for a very reasonable-sounding to-hit penalty.
Precise Shot (Feat) Level 1, Weapon Focus (Feat) No penalty for shooting into melee at any range.
Prone Shooter (Feat) BAB +1, Stealth 1 rank Gain +2 AC while Prone.
Quaff (Feat) Level 1 Draw and drink a potion with a single swift action.
Quarterstaff Master (Feat) BAB +1, <Weapon Focus (Feat): Quarterstaff -OR- Weapon Focus (Feat): Mage's Staff> Use a Quarterstaff or Mage's Staff with incredible mastery.
Quick Draw (Feat) BAB +1 Draw weapon as a free action, sheathe weapon as a swift action
Quickpick Master (Feat) Level 1, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Feat) with Quickpick Wielding a quickpick in two hands grants 2x STR mod to damage
Runner (Feat) Level 1 Faster walk speed, do not become flat-footed when running, and gain a bonus to running jumps.
Saboteur (Feat) Level 1 Deal bonus damage with any weapon when dismantling traps as though you are wielding Thieves' Tools.
Shake It Off (Feat) Level 1 Gain +1 to all saving throws per adjacent ally
Shield Proficiency (Feat) Level 1 No penalties on attack rolls when using a buckler, light, or heavy shield.
Shield Use: Tower Shield (Feat) Level 1, <Shield Proficiency (Feat), -OR- a character class that begins play proficient with a buckler or any shield> You are able to use a Tower Shield proficiently
Shield Use: War Shield (Feat) Level 1, <Shield Proficiency (Feat), -OR- a character class that begins play proficient with a buckler or any shield> You are able to use a War Shield proficiently
Skill Expert (Feat) Level 1 +2 feat bonus and improved crit range for one skill.
Skilled Driver (Feat) Level 1, Piloting 1 rank Gain a scaling bonus on Piloting checks
Spell Focus (Feat) Level 1 +2 or more scaling bonus to save DCs for spells you cast
Spiky Shield (Feat) Level 1, Weapon Focus (Feat): Spiked Chain Shield bonus to AC when wielding a spiked chain
Swap Places (Feat) Level 1 Swap places with a willing adjacent ally who has this feat
Toughness (Feat) Level 1 +3 hit points, and +1 per character level beyond 3
Unarmed Strike, Improved (Feat) Level 1 Deal 1d6 base weapon damage with an unarmed strike
War Whip Finesse (Feat) Level 1, Proficiency with War Whip War Whip gains the Finesse weapon quality
Weapon Aficionado (Feat) Level 1, Non-Fighter class Qualify for and use well fighter-centric combat feats.
Weapon Finesse (Feat) Level 1, proficient with a light or finesse weapon Gain a +1 to hit with melee attacks when using a Finesse or Light weapon.
Weapon Focus (Feat) Level 1, proficient with a melee weapon of your choosing, and proficient with a ranged weapon of your choosing. +1 bonus on attack rolls with two weapons you choose and are proficient in, one melee, one ranged.

Metamagic Feats Lvl Inc Prerequisites Description
Heighten Spell (Feat) +1 Caster Level 1 Alter the way the save DC of a spell is calculated.
Merciful Spell (Feat) +1 Caster Level 1 Causes a damaging spell to also apply the Secured condition to the target.
Multitarget (Feat) +1 Caster Level 1 Adds an additional target to all spells that affect a fixed number of targets.
Reach Spell (Feat) +1 Caster Level 1 Increase spell range to higher range category
Selective (Feat) +0 to +8 Caster Level 1 Exclude two or more targets from an AOE spell.

Summoning Feats Prerequisites Description
Augment Summoning (Feat) Level 1 Summoned creatures gain +1 damage per two character levels of the summoner.
Moonlight Summons (Feat) Level 1 Summoned creatures now do stilling (energy, uncommon) damage.
Nimble Natural Summons (Feat) Level 1 Creatures you summon move easily in undergrowth, and gain Brachiate.
Summoning Perfection (Feat) Level 1 Summoned creatures gain +1 CR per experience tier of the caster, with a max of the caster's character level.
Sunlight Summons (Feat) Level 1 Summoned creatures are immune to blinding and dazzling effects, and inflict radiant damage.

Intrepid Tier (6-10)

Sorcerer-Specific Feats Prerequisites Description
Arcane Armor Training (Feat) Level 6, Armor Proficiency, Light (Feat) Reduce your arcane spell failure chance by 10% as a swift action
Arcane Vendetta (Feat) Level 6, <Divinity 6 ranks, -OR- Naturalism 6 ranks, -OR- Spellcraft 6 ranks> +1 bonus base weapon damage vs. spellcasters
Babble-Peddler (Feat) Level 6, Barter 6 ranks, Bluff 6 ranks Trick creatures into exchanging valuables for junk, or for Steal and Dirty Trick attempts.
Back to Back (Feat) Level 6, Perception 6 ranks You can't be flanked when adjacent to your partner
Blind-Fight (Feat) Level 6, Perception 6 ranks Ignore partial or total concealment penalties with your melee attacks
Combat Medic (Feat) Level 6, Heal 5 ranks May take 10 and not provoke attacks of opportunity when using Heal Skill
Critical, Improved (Feat) BAB +6, Proficient with chosen weapon Increase the threat range of one weapon
Cypher Magic (Feat) <Level 11 OR Caster Level 6>, Creator (Feat) Gain bonuses to caster level when using scrolls.
Eclectic (Feat) Level 6, at least two character classes Gain the favored class feature of a second character class you possess
Feint Partner (Feat) Level 6 If your partner successfully feints, opponent is also flat-footed against your next attack
Field Repair (Feat) Level 6, Profession 6 ranks You can repair broken items
Grasping Whip (Feat) BAB +6, Weapon Focus (Feat): any whip weapon Snatch unattended small or tiny objects with your whip
Parting Shot (Feat) BAB +6, Dodge (Feat), Mobility (Feat), Weapon Focus (Feat), Shot on the Run (Feat) Make a ranged attack when withdrawing
Prone Slinger (Feat) Level 6 May use a sling while Prone
Rapid Reload (Feat) Level 6, Weapon Focus (Feat): any crossbow Reload your weapon quickly
Rod Whisperer (Feat) Level 6, Use Magic Device 6 ranks Increase the effective Creator Level (CL) of any rod you wield
Second Chance (Feat) BAB +6, Combat Expertise (Feat) Reroll a missed attack or failed combat maneuver
Shot on the Run (Feat) Level 6, Dodge (Feat), Mobility (Feat), Weapon Focus (Feat) Make ranged attack at any point during movement
Spell Penetration (Feat) Caster Level 6 +1 circumstance bonus on caster checks
True Blood (Feat) Level 6 You may select an additional minor racial trait from your race's list of available traits.
Underfoot (Feat) Level 6, Dodge (Feat), Mobility (Feat), Small size or smaller +1 feat bonus to Acrobatics to move past larger foes, and +2 dodge bonus to AC while doing so
Urban Forager (Feat) Level 6, Knowledge (Local) 4 ranks, Survival 4 ranks. You may use the Survival skill to forage and track in urban locations
Volley Fire (Feat) Level 6, Weapon Focus (Feat) Gain a bonus to-hit with ranged or thrown attacks if your partner made a ranged or thrown attack this round.

Metamagic Feats Lvl Inc Prerequisites Description
Burning Spell (Feat) +2 Caster Level 6 Spell inflicts Burned.
Element Spell (Feat) +2 Caster Level 6 You can alter the damage type of a spell to one common energy damage type.
Empower Spell (Feat) +2 Caster Level 6 An empowered spell ignores spell resistance.
Enhance Spell (Feat) +2 Caster level 6 Increase a spell's damage by +1 per die rolled.
Silent Spell (Feat) +1 Caster Level 6 Cast spell with verbal components without making any sound
Still Spell (Feat) +1 Caster Level 6 Cast spell with somatic components without having to move or provoking.

Summoning Feats Prerequisites Description
Aquatic Summons (Feat) Level 6 Summoned creatures gain the ability to see and move easily through a liquid-based environment of the caster's choice.
Divine Summoning (Feat) Level 6 Summoned creatures gain the ability to smite foes in opposition to your ethos or goals.
Guardian Summoning (Feat) Level 6 Summoned creatures have considerably more hit points than normal, and are much harder to kill.
Skeleton Summoner (Feat) Level 6 Summon skeletons instead of living creatures with summon spells.

Heroic Tier (11-15)

Sorcerer-Specific Feats Prerequisites Description
Allied Spellcaster (Feat) Caster Level 11 Automatically overcome enemy creatures' spell resistance when you and your ally both have this feat.
Altitude Affinity (Feat) Level 11, Endurance (Feat) Become unaffected by problems with high altitude and gain a scaling bonus to Survival and Movement at high altitudes.
Arcane Armor Mastery (Feat) Caster Level 11, Arcane Armor Training (Feat), Armor Proficiency, Medium (Feat) As a free action, reduce your arcane spell failure chance by 20%
Arcane Shield (Feat) Arcane Caster Level 11 Sacrifice one or more spells to gain a temporary dodge bonus to AC
Bounding Hammer (Feat) Level 11, <Proficient with Club, Light Hammer, or Mage's Rod> Each attack against the same foe grants a +1d4 cumulative damage bonus
Concentration, Uncanny (Feat) Caster Level 11, Combat Casting (Feat) Don't make concentration checks for violent movement or bad weather, and gain a +2 bonus on all other concentration checks.
Cypher Magic (Feat) <Level 11 OR Caster Level 6>, Creator (Feat) Gain bonuses to caster level when using scrolls.
Deflection, Exceptional (Feat) Level 11, Deflect Arrows (Feat) Deflect any type of ranged attack.
Destructive Dispel (Feat) Level 11, Ability to cast <Dispel Magic OR Greater Dispel Magic> Upon successful dispel, target is also rattled
Dimensional Agility (Feat) Level 11, <Teleport move speed OR Ability to use Monk Inner Gate OR Prowler Uncanny Step OR Dimension Door (Sorcerer/Wizard Spell)> Gain bonuses after using a teleport move, dimension door, inner gate, or uncanny step.
Expert Driver (Feat) Level 11, Skilled Driver (Feat): selected vehicle type Maneuver a vehicle of a selected type as a move action, and you can stop immediately
Exploit Lore (Feat) Level 11 Gain a +1 bonus to attack and base weapon damage when you fully identify a creature
Low-Light Vision, Improved (Feat) Level 11, Low-light vision Range of your low-light vision doubles.
Parting Shot (Feat) BAB +6, Dodge (Feat), Mobility (Feat), Weapon Focus (Feat), Shot on the Run (Feat) Make a ranged attack when withdrawing
Precise Shot, Improved (Feat) BAB +11, Weapon Focus (Feat), Precise Shot (Feat) No cover or concealment chance on ranged attacks
Quick Combat Maneuvers (Feat) Level 11, Improved Combat Maneuvers (Feat) Perform Combat Maneuvers as a swift action, inflict extra damage.
Second Chance, Improved (Feat) BAB +11, Combat Expertise (Feat), Second Chance (Feat) You may reroll up to three misses per encounter.
Seize the Moment (Feat) Level 11 When your partner confirms a critical, you gain an attack of opportunity
Skill Specialist (Feat) Level 11, Skill Expert (Feat), and at least 11 ranks in the chosen skill An additional +2 feat bonus and improved crit range for one skill, and a new special ability based on that skill.
Small But Deadly (Feat) Level 11, Weapon Focus (Feat), Small size or smaller. You can add Str Mod x1.5 damage with a one-handed weapon in your main hand, or Str Mod x2 with a two-handed weapon.
Spell Focus, Greater (Feat) Caster Level 11, Spell Focus (Feat) Another +2 or more bonus on save DCs for spells you cast
Spring Attack (Feat) BAB +6, Dodge (Feat), Mobility (Feat) Move before and after melee attack
Swing About (Feat) Level 11 Move your adjacent partner to any other square you can reach as a swift action.

Metamagic Feats Lvl Inc Prerequisites Description
Coaxing Spell (Feat) +3 Caster Level 11 Your spells nudge those they affect to do your bidding.
Improved Multitarget (Feat) +2 Caster Level 11, Multitarget (Feat) Adds up to two additional targets to all spells that effect one creature or more.
Maximize Spell (Feat) +3 Caster Level 11, Enhance Spell (Feat), Spell Focus (Feat) Variable (dice-based) effects of a spell are maximized instead of rolled.
Quicken Spell (Feat) +4 Caster Level 11 Cast spell as a swift action once per round
Rudiment Spell (Feat) +2 Caster Level 11, Element Spell You can alter the damage type of a spell to one uncommon energy damage type.
Widen Spell (Feat) +3 Caster Level 11, Reach Spell (Feat) Increase spell area

Summoning Feats Prerequisites Description
Bicephalic Summons (Feat) Level 11 Summoned creature can make a bonus melee attack during any round in which it performs an attack or combat maneuver.
Caustic Summons (Feat) Level 11 Summoned creature gains an acidic aura which damages adjacent enemies at the end of each of its turns.
Draconic Summoning (Feat) Level 11 Summoned creature gains lesser flight and a sonic damage area of effect attack.
Dripping Summons (Feat) Level 11 Summoned creatures splatter nearby creatures with acid when hit.
Summoning I, Incredible (Feat) Level 11 Summon up to two monsters per casting.

Undaunted Tier (16-20)

Sorcerer-Specific Feats Prerequisites Description
Accuracy, Uncanny (Feat) Level 16, Precise Shot, Improved (Feat), Perception 16 ranks Ignore the minimum die result required by total concealment.
Acrobatic Steps (Feat) Level 16, Nimble Moves (Feat) Ignore 20 feet or more of difficult terrain when you move
Arcane Blast (Feat) Arcane Caster Level 16 Sacrifice a spell to make a ray attack
Arcane Insight (Feat) Arcane Caster Level 16, Arcane Shield (Feat) Sacrifice one or more spells to gain a larger temporary dodge bonus to AC
Darkvision, Improved (Feat) Level 16, Darkvision Range of your darkvision doubles.
Dimensional Assault (Feat) Level 16, <Teleport move speed OR Ability to use Monk Inner Gate OR Prowler Uncanny Step OR Dimension Door (Sorcerer/Wizard Spell)>, AND Dimensional Agility (Feat) Gain bonuses when you use a teleport speed, dimension door, inner gate, or uncanny step as part of a charge action
Elemental Focus, Greater (Feat) Caster Level 16, Elemental Focus (Feat) +2 bonus on save DCs for one energy type
Friendly Switch (Feat) Level 16, Dodge (Feat), Mobility (Feat), Spring Attack (Feat) Switch places with an ally as part of a 5-foot-step.
Got Your Back (Feat) Level 16 Once per encounter, grant your partner a re-roll on a d20 check.
Paired Opportunists (Feat) Level 16 +4 on attacks of opportunity against a foe you and your partner both threaten
Pinpoint Targeting (Feat) BAB +16, Precise Shot, Improved (Feat), Weapon Focus (Feat), Precise Shot (Feat) As a standard action, make a single ranged touch attack against the target's AC, with +2 threat range.
Second Chance, Improved (Feat) BAB +11, Combat Expertise (Feat), Second Chance (Feat) You may reroll up to three misses per encounter.
Sidestep (Feat) Level 16, Dodge (Feat), Mobility (Feat) Make 5-foot step immediately after an opponent misses.
Spell Penetration, Greater (Feat) Caster Level 16, Spell Penetration (Feat) +1 circumstance bonus on caster checks
Stick Together (Feat) Level 16 Move as an immediate action when your partner moves.
Truemagic Scribe (Feat) Ability to cast Level 10 or higher Spells, Caster Level 16. You learn three, 10th level, True Dweomers.
Truemagic Supplicant (Feat) Ability to cast Level 10 or higher Spells, Caster Level 16, Truemagic Scribe (Feat) You learn three, 10th or 11th level, True Dweomers.

Metamagic Feats Lvl Inc Prerequisites Description
Collateral Spell (Feat) +4 Caster Level 16, Burning Spell (Feat) Causes Sunders against hapless foes, and even can break objects!
Cutting Spell (Feat) +3 Level 16 A spell now inflicts ruptured damage equal to its modified spell level.
Fundament Spell (Feat) +2 Caster Level 16, Element Spell, Rudiment Spell You can alter the damage type of a spell to one rare energy damage type.
Linked Spell (Feat) +3 Caster Level 16, Coaxing Spell (Feat) Force one additional foe to fail their saves.
Metamagic, Improved (Feat) Caster Level 16, any two Metamagic feats Reduce level increase of Metamagic feats by 1.

Summoning Feats Prerequisites Description
Agile Summons (Feat) Level 16 Summoned creatures can move up to 10 feet with a 5-foot step, and gain a bonus attack action once per encounter.
Chivalric Summoning (Feat) Level 16 Summoned creature gains a pool of Coursing Dice each round, with which it may modify d20 rolls or improve its attack damage.
Colossal Summoning (Feat) Level 16 Summoned creatures are larger than normal, and have increased reach.
Ebon Summoning (Feat) Level 16 All of the summoned creature's attacks become touch attacks, and they become immune to critical hits.
Invisible Summons (Feat) Level 16 Summoned creatures begin the next encounter stealthed and under the effects of Greater Invisibility.
Starlight Summons (Feat) Level 16 Summoned creatures ignore miss chance, gain a bonus on Perception and Stealth checks, and do stellar (energy, rare) damage.
Sylvan Summoning (Feat) Level 16 Summoned creature gains the ability to teleport up to 60 feet as a free action once per encounter.

Valorous Tier (21-25)

Sorcerer-Specific Feats Prerequisites Description
Arcane Savant (Feat) Arcane Caster Level 21 Your caster level continues to improve even if you multi-class to a non-caster class.
Creator, Epic (Feat) Level 21, Creator (Feat), any Bailiwick skill 21 ranks You are able to create epic magic items using your Bailiwick skill.
Critical, Epic (Feat) Level 21, Weapon Focus (Feat), Critical, Improved (Feat) Increase your threat range with your chosen weapons even further.
Damage Reduction (Feat) Level 21 Increases your Damage Reduction by 3/-.
Dimensional Dervish (Feat) Level 21, <Teleport move speed OR Ability to use Monk Inner Gate OR Prowler Uncanny Step OR Dimension Door (Sorcerer/Wizard Spell)>, AND Dimensional Agility (Feat), Dimensional Assault (Feat) During a full attack action, you may teleport between each attack
Endurance, Epic (Feat) Level 21, Endurance (Feat) Significantly increases your resistance to environmental damage.
Escape Route (Feat) Level 21 Provoke no attacks of opportunity when moving through squares threatened by your partner
Impeccable Pedigree (Feat) Level 21 You may select an additional major racial trait from your race's list of available traits.
Initiative, Superior (Feat) Level 21, Initiative, Improved (Feat) Gain a +4 training bonus on all initiative checks.
Master Staff (Feat) Caster Level 21, Creator (Feat) Use spell slot instead of staff charge to cast spell from a staff.
Pinpoint Targeting (Feat) BAB +16, Precise Shot, Improved (Feat), Weapon Focus (Feat), Precise Shot (Feat) As a standard action, make a single ranged touch attack against the target's AC, with +2 threat range.
Skill Prodigy (Feat) Level 21, Skill Expert (Feat), Skill Specialist (Feat), and at least 21 ranks in the chosen skill An additional +1 feat bonus and improved crit range for one skill, and a new special ability based on that skill.
Spell Focus, Epic (Feat) Caster Level 21, Spell Focus, Greater (Feat), Spell Focus (Feat) Gain a stacking +1 bonus to Save DC's, and once per round, force a creature who saved against a spell you cast to fail the save instead.
Spell Knowledge (Feat) Spontaneous Caster Level 21 Learn three new spells of any level.
Spell Opportunity (Feat) Caster Level 21, Combat Casting (Feat), Combat Reflexes (Feat), Quicken Spell (Feat) Cast any touch spell as an attack of opportunity.
Spell Penetration, Epic (Feat) Caster Level 21, Spell Penetration (Feat), Spell Penetration, Greater (Feat) +1 circumstance bonus to caster checks.
Toughness, Epic (Feat) Level 21, Toughness (Feat) You gain +3 hit points per character level.
Truemagic Ordinate (Feat) Ability to cast Level 12 or higher Spells, Caster Level 21, Truemagic Scribe (Feat), Truemagic Supplicant (Feat) You learn six, 10th, 11th or 12th level, True Dweomers.

Metamagic Feats Lvl Inc Prerequisites Description
Greater Multitarget (Feat) +4 Caster Level 21, Multitarget (Feat), Improved Multitarget (Feat) Adds up to three additional targets to all spells that effect one creature or more, may allow a creature to be attacked twice.
Heighten Spell, Improved (Feat) +1 Caster Level 21, Heighten Spell (Feat) Alter the way the save DC of a spell is calculated.
Quicken Spell, Automatic (Feat) Caster Level 21, Quicken Spell (Feat) Apply Quicken Spell metamagic feat for free to certain spells.
Silent Spell, Automatic (Feat) Caster Level 21, Silent Spell (Feat) Apply Silent Spell metamagic feat for free to certain spells.
Still Spell, Automatic (Feat) Caster Level 21, Still Spell (Feat) Apply Still Spell metamagic feat for free to certain spells.

Summoning Feats Prerequisites Description
Summoning, Superior (Feat) Level 21, at least one Teamwork Feat Your summoned creature knows a teamwork feat that you know.
Summoning II, Incredible (Feat) Level 21, Summoning I, Incredible (Feat) Summon up to three monsters per casting.

Mythic Tier (26-30)

Sorcerer-Specific Feats Prerequisites Description
Combat Casting, Improved (Feat) Caster Level 26, Combat Casting (Feat) Once per round, you can take 20 on any Caster Check to Concentrate.
Dimensional Maneuvers (Feat) Level 26, <Teleport move speed OR Ability to use Monk Inner Gate OR Prowler Uncanny Step OR Dimension Door (Sorcerer/Wizard Spell)>, AND Dimensional Agility (Feat), Dimensional Assault (Feat), Dimensional Dervish (Feat) Gain +4 on combat maneuver checks while using Dimensional Dervish, have a chance to inflict heavy interstice (physical, rare) damage.
Dimensional Savant (Feat) Level 26, <Teleport move speed OR Ability to use Monk Inner Gate OR Prowler Uncanny Step OR Dimension Door (Sorcerer/Wizard Spell)>, AND Dimensional Agility (Feat), Dimensional Assault (Feat), Dimensional Dervish (Feat) Occupy and provide flanking from all squares you teleport out of from when using Dimensional Dervish (Feat)
Infinite Deflection (Feat) Level 26, Combat Reflexes (Feat), Deflect Arrows (Feat), Deflection, Exceptional (Feat) Spend attacks of opportunity from Combat Reflexes to deflect ranged attacks.
Mass Combat Maneuvers (Feat) Level 26, Improved Combat Maneuvers (Feat) Perform Combat Maneuvers against multiple foes, +1 bonus on Combat Maneuvers, inflict your full melee damage.
Outflank (Feat) Level 26 Flanking bonus becomes +4 with an ally that also has this feat
Truemagic Nominate (Feat) Ability to cast Level 14 or higher Spells, Caster Level 26, Truemagic Scribe (Feat), Truemagic Supplicant (Feat), Truemagic Ordinate (Feat) You learn six True Dweomers of any level.

Metamagic Feats Lvl Inc Prerequisites Description
Perfect Spell (Feat) +6 Caster level 26, Enhance Spell (Feat), Maximize Spell (Feat) Variable effects of a spell are maximized and boosted, area of effect is increased, and number of targets increases by one.
Stealth Spell (Feat) +5 Caster Level 26, Spell Focus (Feat), Silent Spell (Feat), Still Spell (Feat) Magical effects of the spell are invisible.
Vast Spell (Feat) +6 Caster level 26, Reach Spell (Feat), Widen Spell (Feat) Spell area increased by x10 in all dimensions, though range is not increased

Summoning Feats Prerequisites Description
Prolonged Summons (Feat) Level 26, Summoning Perfection (Feat) Summoned creatures persist for a full day unless destroyed or banished, and fully heal between encounters.
Summoning, Superb (Feat) Level 26, Summoning Perfection (Feat) Any time you summon a creature, its CR is always equal to your Character Level + 1.

Legendary Tier (31-35)

Sorcerer-Specific Feats Prerequisites Description
Combat Reflexes, Improved (Feat) Level 31, Combat Reflexes (Feat) No limit to the number of attacks of opportunity you can make in one round.
Pack Attack (Feat) Level 31 When your partner attacks an enemy creature, you may make an immediate 5-foot step.
Pinpoint Targeting (Feat) BAB +16, Precise Shot, Improved (Feat), Weapon Focus (Feat), Precise Shot (Feat) As a standard action, make a single ranged touch attack against the target's AC, with +2 threat range.
Sidestep, Improved (Feat) Level 31, Dodge (Feat), Mobility (Feat), Sidestep (Feat) Sidestep a second time per round as long as you are missed by attacks
Skill Virtuoso (Feat) Level 31, Skill Specialist (Feat), Skill Prodigy (Feat), Skill Expert (Feat), at least 31 ranks in all chosen skills Apply the bonuses of Skill Specialist (Feat), Skill Prodigy (Feat), and Skill Expert (Feat) to two new skills.
Truemagic Heirophant (Feat) Ability to cast Level 14 or higher Spells, Caster Level 31, Truemagic Scribe (Feat), Truemagic Supplicant (Feat), Truemagic Ordinate (Feat), Truemagic Nominate (Feat) You learn nine True Dweomers of any level.

Metamagic Feats Lvl Inc Prerequisites Description
Absolute Spell (Feat) +8 Caster level 31, Enhance Spell (Feat), Maximize Spell (Feat), Perfect Spell (Feat) Make a spell much more powerful in many ways.
Perfect Multitarget (Feat) +6 Caster Level 31, Multitarget (Feat), Improved Multitarget (Feat), Greater Multitarget (Feat) Adds up to four additional targets to all spells that effect one creature or more, may allow creatures to be attacked twice.
Unseen Spell (Feat) +8 Caster Level 31, Spell Focus (Feat), Stealth Spell (Feat), Silent Spell (Feat), Still Spell (Feat) An illusion is put in place to hide the spell effects.

Summoning Feats Prerequisites Description
Summon Companion (Feat) Level 31, Summoning Perfection (Feat), Prolonged Summons (Feat) Once per encounter, summoned creature(s) have a full set of actions for one round, and are friendly and loyal.
Summoning III, Incredible (Feat) Level 31, Summoning I, Incredible (Feat), Summoning II, Incredible (Feat) Summon up to four monsters per casting.