Two-Headed Creature
Two-Headed Creature Pattern (+1 CR)
- Subtype: add Two-Headed to subtypes
Two-Headed Creature is a pattern that adds a head to any creature who already has a head. If applied once, this results in a creature that has two heads. (And yes, this can be applied twice for three-headed monsters, if desired.) This generally works best on creatures that actually HAVE a head, of course, although it certainly can be applied to any creature regardless of anatomy to provide an interesting challenge. Oozes, ghosts, and swarms with Two-Heads can provide an interesting change of pace, and as always, the referee is encouraged to be creative.
Two-Headed is one of the most visually distinctive Patterns, and can be used to indicate weird 'sports' or the nefarious effects of some awful corruptive force. Entire tribes of two-headed gnolls or goblins might exist in out-of-the-way locations, or heck, there might be even entire nations of two-headed people. Weird magical alterations, the influence of some odd two-headed god, heck, there are many ways that this interesting and fun Pattern can be used in the GM's story-telling, so get out there and have fun with it!
This creature looks completely normal, except it has two heads. Aside from that it seems fine, even more dangerous than usual.
- Init: +1 CRs greater than base creature.
- Senses:
- Perception: +3 CRs greater than base creature.
- Movement Types:
- AC: +1 CRs greater than base creature.
- Hit Points: +1 CRs greater than base creature.
- Will: +1 CRs greater than base creature.
- Special Defenses:
- Strong Against:
- Weak Against:
- Space / Reach: - / -
- To-Hits: +1 CRs greater than base creature.
- Damage: +1 CRs greater than base creature.
- Save DC's: +1 CRs greater than base creature.
- Str: Dex: Con: Int: Wis: Cha:
- Feats:
- Skills:
- Languages: