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Drinking this crystal-clear liquid accelerates the natural process of healing Constitution damage. Resting for 1 hour after drinking a vial heals the drinker of 1 point of Constitution damage as if the drinker had benefited from a full night's rest. Taking multiple doses in an hour does not increase the rate of healing; as each dose must be taken individually, followed by an hour of rest, for it to have any effect. Using more than 4 doses in 1 day has no effect. | Drinking this crystal-clear liquid accelerates the natural process of healing Constitution damage. Resting for 1 hour after drinking a vial heals the drinker of 1 point of Constitution damage as if the drinker had benefited from a full night's rest. Taking multiple doses in an hour does not increase the rate of healing; as each dose must be taken individually, followed by an hour of rest, for it to have any effect. Using more than 4 doses in 1 day has no effect. | ||
{{EquipmentPageAid|Weapon Blanch (Adamantine)}} | {{EquipmentPageAid|Weapon Blanch (Adamantine)}} |
Revision as of 18:34, 18 March 2023
This is a list of all the alchemical creations available in the game, either for sale, or as craftable items.
Alchemical items are similar to Magic Potions, and Lay Magic, but represent a third option for wondrous items and effects. At the GM's discretion, Alchemical items may be considered either magical or non-magical, to better fit into whatever game world they are crafting.
Regardless of their magical nature (or not), Alchemical items can have very potent effects, and for the most potent, be very expensive. All Alchemical items are expended upon use, and if an Alchemical item has multiple uses listed among its effects, once it has been partially consumed it cannot be used for any purpose that requires a full flask.
Alchemical flasks, when carried by a player or NPC, are considered Attended Objects, and have a Durability of 1, thus being immune to hit point damage. This effect renders them invulnerable to most rough handling while being carried, but if a vast treasure trove of flasks is found unattended, some care is warranted around them if Sunders and Burns and the like are being used.
Alchemical Flasks are often available for purchase from merchants, subject to GM approval.
Acid Flask [edit]
- Cost: 50 gp
- Weight: 1 lbs
You can throw and use as ammunition a flask of acid.
When thrown, it is treated as a splash weapon, making a touch attack to-hit and affecting creatures within a splash radius of adjacent to the targeted square (a 3x3 space). When thrown, the range increment is 10 feet and it can be thrown a maximum of 50 feet.
When used as ammunition, the range increment is based upon the weapon used (sling, slingstaff, stonebow, etc.), the Flask loses its splash properties, but is still counted as a ranged touch attack.
A direct hit deals 1d6 points of acid (energy, common) damage, or more, if it has a Creation Level (CL) greater than 1 (click for details).
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC is an Average skill check for the CL of the item)
Alchemical Glue [edit]
- Cost: 20 gp
- Weight: 0.5 lbs
Alchemical Glue is a small, sturdy flask of syrupy liquid, which can be found in a wide variety of colors and various interesting smells.
Alchemical Glue cannot be used as a weapon, being far too slow-acting to inflict damage during a combat. Alchemical Glue may only be used on unattended objects. No, you may not glue the Orc's weapons to a table or similar shenanigans....unless the GM allows it.
When carefully applied and allowed to cure, the glue forms a strong bond, with more expensive versions being very, very strong indeed.
One flask of Alchemical Glue is sufficient to coat 1 square foot of surface (enough to glue shut a typical door or chest), or (because of waste, spills, and inaccurate application) up to 20 smaller applications of approximately 3 or 4 square inches each (enough to glue shut a scroll case, small cabinet, or book).
As a guideline, the glue becomes tacky after 1 minute and fully cured after 1 hour, and may only be used out of combat. It may be of use in a Skill Challenge, depending upon the GM's discretion.
Pulling apart a large, fully cured, glued surface (at least 1 square foot) requires a Might check against a DC found in the chart below, with a penalty on the roll of -5(!). For tacky glue there is a circumstance bonus to this check of +5. Pulling apart a small glued surface (anything less than 1 square foot) requires the same Might check with a +2 Circumstance bonus to the roll, which will stack with the bonus for tacky (not fully cured) glue.
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC 22)
Alchemical Solvent [edit]
- Cost: 50 gp
- Weight: 0.5 lbs
This bubbling purple gel eats through adhesives. Each vial can affect one large application of Alchemical Glue, or up to 5 small ones. Roll a Maneuver Offense check from the chart at the Alchemical Solvent page against the related Maneuver Defense of the glue being attacked. Note that when being used against Alchemical GLue, this Solvent does not take any penalty to any rolls, since it is not making a Might check.
Alchemical Solvent cannot be used as a weapon in any manner, despite being fairly fast acting. If used out of combat, the Solvent works quickly and effectively, if it works at all. You may apply multiple doses of Solvent to a given patch of Glue, but each application after the first takes a cumulative -1 penalty to the Maneuver Offense roll, unless you use a more powerful (or weaker!) version of the Solvent.
Alchemical Solvent destroys most normal adhesives (such as tar, tree sap, or glue) in a single round but takes 1d4+1 rounds to deal with more powerful adhesives (alchemical glue, tanglefoot bags, spider webbing, and so on). It has no affect on fully magical adhesives, such as sovereign glue.
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC 23)
Alchemist's Fire [edit]
- Cost: base 75 gp
- Weight: 1 lbs
Alchemist Fire is available at nearly any level of power, for a price. Any flask of alchemist's fire can be thrown with a range increment of 10 feet, and it acts as a Touch Attack when used this way. This alchemical creation may also be fired as ammunition from a sling, slingstaff, or stonebow. When used as ammunition, it is treated as a ranged Touch Attack. In no case does Alchemical Fire serve as a splash weapon, it's formula is too gelid for that.
At level 1, a direct hit deals 1d6+2 points of fire (energy, common) damage to the target. If the Alchemist's Fire is at least CL 11, it also inflicts singed on the target, inflicting ongoing fire damage. If it is at least CL 21, it instead inflicts burned on the target. If it is CL 31 or higher, it instead inflicts immolated on the target. A burning target may use a standard action to end the condition inflicted by the Alchemist's Fire (if any). Alternatively, an adjacent ally can expend a move action to remove the condition.
Higher level versions of this item offer improved damage and/or better saves (if applicable), but cost more, as described in the Alchemist's Fire page. The GM has final say over whether higher level versions are available in your location (or campaign).
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC 25)
Alkali Flask [edit]
- Cost: 75 gp
- Weight: 1 lbs
This flask of caustic liquid reacts with nearly any matter with extreme results. You can throw an Alkali Flask as a splash weapon with a range increment of 10 feet, making a touch attack, to a maximum range of 50 feet. You may also use the flask as ammunition, with the range set according to the weapon being used, also acting as a splash weapon.
Against non-ooze creatures, an alkali flask functions as a normal flask of acid with the stats on the Alkali Flask page for the CL it was purchased at. Against oozes and other acid-based creatures, the alkali flask inflicts double damage.
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC 17)
Ambrosia [edit]
- Cost: 100 gp
- Weight: 1 lbs
Upon consumption, this heavenly elixir, brewed from holy water and blessed herbs, grants a +2 enhancement bonus on saving throws against Ability Dilution, Ability Damage, Ability Drain, Essence Suppression, Essence Omission, Essence Destruction, and death effects until the end of the current combat, the end of the next combat, or the end of a full night's rest, whichever comes first. As an enhancement bonus, this does not stack with magic items, but if you don't have the right item quite yet, this item is very useful.
In addition, Ambrosia affects undead and evil outsiders as holy water, but costs 50 gold pieces more per vial.
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC 46)
Antiplague Compound [edit]
- Cost: 50 gp
- Weight: 0.5 lbs
If you drink a vial of this foul-tasting, milky tonic, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus on Fortitude saving throws against disease until the end of the current combat, the end of the next combat, or the end of a full night's rest, whichever comes first. As an enhancement bonus, this will not stack with many magic items, but is very useful if you don't have the right item yet.
If already infected, upon drinking this item you may instead make a bonus saving throw immediately, without the +2 bonus. Bonus saves do not increment the disease's effects toward fruition, regardless of whether or not the save is successful.
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC 26)
Antitoxin Compound [edit]
- Cost: 50 gp
- Weight: 0.5 lbs
If you drink a vial of this chalky, sour mixture, you get a +2 enhancement bonus on Fortitude saving throws against poison for 1 hour. Note that as an enhancement bonus, this will not stack with many magic items, but can be very useful if you are lacking the correct item. If already poisoned, you may instead make a bonus saving throw immediately, without the +2 bonus. Bonus saves do not increment the poison's effects toward fruition, regardless of whether or not the save is successful.
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC 26)
Black Fester [Black Fester&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Black Fester
- Weight: Black Fester lbs
- Crafting: Black Fester (DC Black Fester); requires Black Fester
Brewed Reek [edit]
- Cost: 40 gp
- Weight: 1 lbs
Animal musk, spoiled meat, pungent plants, and any other foul-smelling substances on hand go into a batch of brewed reek. When boiled, this mixture becomes a thick alchemical slime that adheres to anything it touches. You can hurl brewed reek as a thrown weapon with a range increment of 10 feet. A creature struck with a direct hit becomes sickened for 1 round (until the start of your next turn). A creature that drinks brewed reek is instead nauseated for 1 round. Creatures immune to poison or disease are also immune to brewed reek.
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC 35)
Candlerod [edit]
- Cost: 1 gp
- Weight: 0.5 lbs
Similar to but weaker than a sunrod, this stick glows like a candle when struck and lasts for 12 hours. It produces dim light in a 30 foot radius. Candlerods have no effect on elemental darkness, or magical darkness, but will change normal darkness to dim light in their radius. Candlerods also have no effect in bright light, nor do they improve areas of dim light to bright light.
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC 23)
Darkflare [edit]
- Cost: 10 gp
- Weight: 0.5 lbs
This alchemical flare explodes in black sparks 1 round after lighting. Any creature in the same square as a darkflare when it explodes must make a DC 14 Fortitude save or be unable to see with darkvision until the end of the current encounter, or the end of the next encounter, whichever occurs sooner. Affected creatures can still see in normal light with no penalty. A darkflare has no effect on creatures without darkvision.
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC 30)
Defoliant [edit]
- Cost: 30 gp
- Weight: 0.5 lbs
This milky fluid can be mixed with water to quickly kill light and medium vegetation. One flask of defoliant kills light brush and small trees in up to ten 5-foot squares. Light vegetation (anything but trees) dies within 1 hour and can be cleared at a rate of 10 minutes per 5-foot square (representing uprooting dead plants and breaking stumps into gravel-sized pieces), leaving barren ground. Medium vegetation (anything but massive trees) dies in 2 hours and can be cleared at a rate of 1 hour per 5-foot square. Massive trees can usually survive being treated with defoliant, and using defoliant doesn't make clearing them any easier.
You can throw a flask of defoliant as a splash weapon with a range increment of 10 feet, but it is only useful against creatures with the 'plant' type or subtype. This alchemical creation may also be fired as a kind of ammunition from a sling, slingstaff, or stonebow.
A direct hit with a defoliant flask deals 1d6 hit points of desiccation (energy, uncommon) damage to the primary target, assuming it has a type or subtype of 'plant'. In addition, up to once per round per affected Plant creature, they automatically suffer 1 point of Constitution damage. Plant creatures within 5 feet of the primary target take half damage from the splash, and suffer no ability damage. A defoliant direct hit or splash has no effect on creatures that do not have the type or subtype of 'plant', other than to make them somewhat sticky.
Higher level versions of this item offer improved damage and/or better saves (if applicable), but cost more, as described in the Defoliant page. The GM has final say over whether higher level versions are available in your location (or campaign).
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC 25)
Deodorizing Agent [edit]
- Cost: 30
- Weight: 1 lbs
Coating a size Medium or Small creature with this milky, completely odorless substance requires only a minute or two out of combat, but cannot be attempted during a combat. Once applied, the Agent lasts until the end of your next full night's rest. A size Large creature requires 4 vials to gain any effect, size Huge eight, gargantuan 16, etc.
Note that Deodorizing Agent can be washed off with the application of a large amount of water, blood, fine sand, etc. A large bucket (five gallons) of such material applied to their person will negate all effects immediately. As such, this Agent is of little use in water. The GM adjudicates all unusual circumstances.
While affected by Deodorizing Agent, the creature has very little to no scent. Up to once per round per creature, any creature that attempts to use any scent-based sense against the coated creature in any way must make a Fortitude Save against the Save DC presented below. If they make this check, they may then roll their senses normally (and they may fail this roll normally). If they fail this check, they may not use their sense again against the coated creature until the current application wears off. Deodorizing Agent has no effect against any other sense (it does not turn you invisible), but it can be very effective when combined with Invisibility, or a Stealth Stance.
Higher level versions of this item offer improved damage and/or better saves (if applicable), but cost more, as described in the Deodorizing Agent page. The GM has final say over whether higher level versions are available in your location (or campaign).
- Crafting: Alchemy (DC 25)
Dimmer Dust [edit]
- Cost: 50 gp
- Weight: 1/2 lbs
This small leather pouch is filled with a faintly glowing powder, with a small percentage of reactants that activate the dust. When used, dimmer dust may be sprinkled in a 5-foot square, which then becomes the center of the dust's effect. All bright or normal light within 30 feet of the activated dust is reduced to dim light, and any creature attempting to cast a spell that inflicts light damage or creates bright light in this area must succeed at a Caster Check versus a DC equal to the Maneuver Defense of the Dimmer Dust on the chart below, or have spell's effect be negated.
Once deployed, Dimmer Dust lasts until the end of the owners next full night's sleep or it is dispersed early. Any Dispel Magic effect instantly removes the effects of Dimmer Dust, and it may also be dispersed early by any creature in or adjacent to the origin space making a Maneuver Offense roll against the Maneuver Defense of the Dust used, taken from the chart on the page linked below.
If dimmer dust is exposed to sunlight, it immediately becomes permanently inert. Each pouch contains enough dust for two applications.
If an application of Dimmer Dust is applied to creature, rather than a space, the alchemical magic interferes with the basic nature of the creatures fundamental makeup, rather than dimming or brightening light in a large area. To apply this Dust, from a space within your reach roll a Maneuver Offense check using the value of the Dust itself (see below) versus the Maneuver Defense of the creature targeted. Instead of dimming or brightening light, this usage instead inflicts points of light (energy, uncommon) damage to the targeted creature as noted below for the CL of the Dimmer Dust used
Higher level versions of this item offer improved damage and/or better saves (if applicable), but cost more, as described in the Dimmer Dust page. The GM has final say over whether higher level versions are available in your location (or campaign).
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC is an Average skill check for the CL of the item)
Elemental Breath [edit]
- Cost: 50gp
- Weight: 1/2 lbs
This vial at first seems to be empty, but when its opened, a rush of wind issues forth from within. When elemental breath is inhaled (using a swift action in combat, or only a moment out of combat, such as in a skill challenge) by an air-breathing creature, that creature does not need to breath air until the end of their current combat, or skill challenge, or for the next minute (or a time decided by GM fiat). A vial of elemental breath must be inhaled immediately upon opening in order to gain this effect. If it is not, the item is wasted.
If a user of this item is subject to a Dispel Magic or other effect, the user of the Dispel effect (or similar) must make a Maneuver Offense check against the Maneuver Defense of the Alchemical effect, as defined below, or the effect remains.
If used as an ammunition by an Alchemical weapon (sling, stonebow, thrown, etc) Elemental Breath inflicts damage as below as winded (physical, uncommon) damage to a single creature. This item has no splash or other effects when used this way.
Higher level versions of this item offer improved damage and/or better saves (if applicable), but cost more, as described in the Elemental Breath page. The GM has final say over whether higher level versions are available in your location (or campaign).
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC is an Average skill check for the CL of the item)
Embalming Fluid [edit]
- Cost: 50
- Weight: 1/2 lbs
This fluid is used to preserve corpses, whether for later dissection, taxidermy, necromancy, or magic such as raise dead. Embalming fluid is technically a poison, and using it makes a corpse unpalatable to most animals and vermin, though corpse-eating undead don't mind the taste.
Treating a size Medium corpse with embalming fluid takes 1 hour and a successful Average skill check with the Heal skill against the CL of the targeted corpse. The embalmed corpse decays at one tenth the normal rate (ten days dead count as one for purposes of Raise Dead and similar magics.) Size Small creatures and smaller also require a full vial. Size Large requires two vials, and the requirement doubles again for size Huge (4 vials) and further doubles for each size category after that. The logistics of moving a Titanic carcass is left to the ingenuity of the players.
A vial of Embalming Fluid can be used to render Undead permanently dead. If a vial of Embalming Fluid with a CL equal to or greater than the CR of an undead monster defeated in battle is expended upon the remains, that monster will not rise again on a timescale less than millennia, and possibly forever.
Lore checks can be made against embalmed monsters at Libraries, a Workspace, or similar environs at bonuses, typically a +1 to +4 circumstance bonus depending upon the quality of the facility (as decided by the GM).
If used as ammunition in an Alchemical weapon, Embalming Fluid inflicts poison (physical, uncommon) damage upon a single target as indicated below, with no splash effect.
Higher level versions of this item offer improved damage and/or better saves (if applicable), but cost more, as described in the Embalming Fluid page. The GM has final say over whether higher level versions are available in your location (or campaign).
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC is an Average skill check for the CL of the item)
Fire Grease [edit]
- Cost: 50
- Weight: 1/2 lbs
Fire Grease ignites sluggishly when it is waved around, such as when it is applied to a weapon used in combat. Note that fire grease will magically ignite and burn even under water, but it burns slowly and is unsuitable for use as a splash weapon or as ammunition in an alchemical weapon.
A creature can apply a flask of fire grease to a weapon as a standard action in combat, wreathing the weapon in dull reddish flames until the end of the combat. If sheathed, the flames die away, but will appear again when the weapon is drawn, and so the grease may be applied between combats if desired.
Fire grease deals 1 point of bonus fire damage per CL of the item on each successful attack made with the weapon until the end of combat. If the grease is applied to a creature's or characters natural weapons or unarmed strikes, the creature or character ALSO takes 1 point of fire damage per CL of the grease each round (though its fire immunity or resistance still applies).
For low level examples, this is a minor effect, but can be extremely useful for applying fire damage to trolls, or burning away webs, for example. If a more deadly effect is required, higher level versions of Fire Grease can be purchased, and since they inflict one point of fire damage per CL of the vial, although this can get expensive quickly...although inflicting dozens of points of bonus fire damage on every hit adds up quickly!
Higher level versions of this item offer improved damage and/or better saves (if applicable), but cost more, as described in the Fire Grease page. The GM has final say over whether higher level versions are available in your location (or campaign).
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC is an Average skill check for the CL of the item)
Gel, Fire Ward [edit]
- Cost: 50
- Weight: 1/2 lbs
When you apply this thin gel to your skin, armor, or clothing, it creates a resistant barrier that protects you from fire or heat damage. You gain fire resistance 5 plus the CL of the alchemical vial.
The gel burns away as it absorbs fire damage; any fire damage which makes it past the resistance above 'burns up' a portion of the gel. When a vial of Fire Gel has absorbed a total of 10 points of fire damage per CL of the item, it is discharged and provides no more protection of any sort. In all cases, Fire Gel expires at the end of your next combat, or after a full night's rest, whichever comes first.
Fire gel does not provide any protection against environmental damage.
Fire ward gel counts as protection from energy for the purpose of stacking multiple fire protection effects. Applying fire ward gel takes 1 minute and must be done out of combat, and it lasts until the end of your next encounter or the end of a full night's rest before losing its potency. Multiple applications of fire ward gel do not stack; applying more while a dose is active merely resets the potential amount of fire damage absorbed to 10 points per CL of the item.
This item cannot be used as ammunition for an Alchemical weapon.
Higher level versions of this item offer improved damage and/or better saves (if applicable), but cost more, as described in the Fire Ward Gel page. The GM has final say over whether higher level versions are available in your location (or campaign).
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC is an Average skill check for the CL of the item)
Gel, Frost Ward [edit]
- Cost: 50
- Weight: 1/2 lbs
When you apply this thin gel to your skin, armor, or clothing, it creates a resistant barrier that protects you from cold or chilling damage. You gain cold resistance 5 plus the CL of the alchemical vial.
The gel evaporates away as it absorbs cold damage; any cold damage which makes it past the resistance above 'flakes away' a portion of the gel. When a vial of Frost Gel has absorbed a total of 10 points of cold damage per CL of the item, it is discharged and provides no more protection of any sort. In all cases, Frost Gel expires at the end of your next combat, or after a full night's rest, whichever comes first.
Frost gel does not provide any protection against environmental damage.
Frost ward gel counts as protection from energy for the purpose of stacking multiple cold protection effects. Applying frost ward gel takes 1 minute and must be done out of combat, and it lasts until the end of your next encounter or the end of a full night's rest before losing its potency. Multiple applications of frost ward gel do not stack; applying more while a dose is active merely resets the potential amount of frost damage absorbed to 10 points per CL of the item.
This item cannot be used as ammunition for an Alchemical weapon.
Higher level versions of this item offer improved damage and/or better saves (if applicable), but cost more, as described in the Gel, Frost Ward page. The GM has final say over whether higher level versions are available in your location (or campaign).
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC is an Average skill check for the CL of the item)
Heatstone [edit]
- Cost: 50
- Weight: 1/2 lbs
Alchemically treated to enhance their natural heat-generating properties, these round or ovoid stones of volcanic glass provide enough heat to keep chambers warm in the coldest winter.
Used indoors, one heatstone keeps a 20-foot-square area comfortably warm even in extreme cold, or a 40-foot-square area in 'normal' cold weather.
Used outdoors, one heatstone negates cold-based environmental effects as if it were a campfire.
A single heatstone is activated by striking it against any hard surface, after which point it continues to provide heat for 24 hours or the end of the next full night's sleep. An active heatstone radiates comfortable warmth, but does not give off enough heat to cook food or cause damage.
If used as ammunition in an Alchemical weapon (a sling, a stonebow, etc), a heatstone inflicts damage to a single target (no splash effects) as detailed below, and upon a successful hit, inflicts the Singed condition. This condition does not stack.
Higher level versions of this item offer improved damage and/or better saves (if applicable), but cost more, as described in the Heatstone page. The GM has final say over whether higher level versions are available in your location (or campaign).
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC is an Average skill check for the CL of the item)
Ink, Invisible [edit]
- Cost: base 50 gp
- Weight: 1 lbs
Invisible ink is a staple of spies, rebels, and secret societies everywhere. Messages written with invisible ink only become visible under specific circumstances. Common circumstances involve 'reading by the light of the moon", 'reading by candle light', reading while singing', etc.
More restrictive requirements could be things like 'reading by the light of the last full moon of summer', 'reading by a candle light made of human corpse tallow', or 'reading while singing the hymnal of worship to the Goddess of Light'. The GM is free to interpret and levy any requirement they wish, and players making Alchemical Ink may set any condition they desire. Be wary, though, of setting too dire a condition!
Reading the invisible ink WITHOUT the proper conditions (detailed above) is much more difficult. A successful Linguistics check against the Maneuver Defense number of the Invisible Ink page reveals the message without the proper trigger and takes 1 hour per page.
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC 15 + double the CR of the item.)
Liquid Ice [edit]
- Cost: base 75 gp
- Weight: 1 lbs
Liquid Ice is very similar to Alchemist Fire, except the opposite. Liquid Ice is available at nearly any level of power, for a price. Any flask of liquid ice can be thrown with a range increment of 10 feet, and it acts as a Touch Attack when used this way. This alchemical creation may also be fired as ammunition from a sling, slingstaff, or stonebow. When used as ammunition, it is treated as a ranged Touch Attack. In no case does Liquid Ice serve as a splash weapon, it's formula is too gelid for that.
At level 1, a direct hit deals 1d6+2 points of cold (energy, common) damage to the target. A burning target may use a standard action to end the condition inflicted by the Liquid Ice (if any). Alternatively, an adjacent ally can expend a move action to remove the condition.
Higher level versions of this item offer improved damage and/or better saves (if applicable), but cost more, as described in the Liquid Ice page. The GM has final say over whether higher level versions are available in your location (or campaign).
If targeted at a body of still water (a quiet pond, a still lake or pool, etc) the GM may declare that up to one 5 foot square per CR of the Liquid Ice of the surface is frozen over and becomes available for movement with a Walk speed, with a durability of 1 per square. Since simple walking cannot inflict siege damage, this ice will support any weight...subject to GM fiat. Use carefully. The shape of the frozen surface is set by the GM.
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC 25)
Oil, Lamp [edit]
- Cost: base 75 gp
- Weight: 1 lbs
A pint of lamp oil burns until the end of the full night's rest when poured into a common lantern or lamp. If burned in a lantern or lamp, alchemical Lamp Oil sheds light as described in the item, and illuminates an additional 10 feet per level of the lamp oil above 1, ie, a bonus ten feet for CR2, a bonus 20 feet for CR3, a bonus 90 feet for CR 10, up to a bonus 340 feet for CR 35. High level Lamp Oil is....VERY, VERY, bright...for a ruinous price.
You can also use a flask of lamp oil as a splash weapon when thrown by hand with a range increment of ten feet, treated as a ranged touch attack and doing damage as detailed below, inflicting fire (energy, common) damage.
Lamp Oil can also be fired as ammunition from a sling, slingstaff, or stonebow. When used as ammunition, it is treated as a ranged Touch Attack, but is NOT a splash weapon, the violence of the impact making any splatters too diffuse to cause harm. Upon a successful hit, it inflicts fire (energy, common) damage.
You can pour a pint of Lamp Oil on the ground to cover an area 5 feet square, provided that the surface is smooth. (Stone, cobbles, possibly a water-smoothed cave floor, subject to GM discretion). If lit with a swift action in combat, the oil burns until the end of the current combat and deals points of fire damage according to the table below to each creature that ends its turn in the area.
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC 25)
Oil, Quick Freeze [Oil, Quick Freeze&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Oil, Quick Freeze
- Weight: Oil, Quick Freeze lbs
- Crafting: Oil, Quick Freeze (DC Oil, Quick Freeze); requires Oil, Quick Freeze
Oil, Quick Freeze
- Cost: 50 gp
- Weight: 1 lb
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 30
This bottle of viscous blue oil sublimates slightly when exposed to air. When poured over water, the oil pools on the surface and takes 1 round to spread out from the point of origin in a 20-foot radius. At the end of this round, the oil flash-freezes the surface of the water, creating an ice sheet over the affected area. Any 5-foot square of this ice can support up to 200 pounds of weight. Weight in excess of this amount causes the entire sheet to crack and quickly break up. This ice sheet becomes unstable and breaks up on its own after 1 hour, or 20 minutes in a hot climate. Any creature whose bare skin comes in contact with this oil takes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage each round because of the chemical's volatile nature, but the oil is ineffective as a splash weapon.
Oil, Stink [Oil, Stink&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Oil, Stink
- Weight: Oil, Stink lbs
- Crafting: Oil, Stink (DC Oil, Stink); requires Oil, Stink
Oil, Stink
- Cost: 15 gp
- Weight: 1 lb
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 25
This glass container of foul-smelling oil shatters easily upon impact. You can throw a vial of stink oil as a splash weapon with a range increment of 10 feet. If a creature with the scent ability is standing in the square of impact, it must succeed at a DC 14 Fortitude save or be nauseated for one full round. Any creature with scent in an adjacent square must succeed at a DC 12 Fortitude save or be sickened for 1 round. Creatures without the scent ability are not affected by stink oil.
Ointment, Armor [Ointment, Armor&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Ointment, Armor
- Weight: Ointment, Armor lbs
- Crafting: Ointment, Armor (DC Ointment, Armor); requires Ointment, Armor
Ointment, Armor
- Cost: 30 gp
- Weight: 1 lb
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 30
This thick lubricant makes the joints of armor move more freely. Applying the ointment takes 1 minute and reduces your armor's armor check penalty by 1 (to a minimum of -1) for 8 hours.
Ooze, Grease [Ooze, Grease&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Ooze, Grease
- Weight: Ooze, Grease lbs
- Crafting: Ooze, Grease (DC Ooze, Grease); requires Ooze, Grease
Ooze, Grease
- Cost: 50 gp
- Weight: 1 lb
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 30
This alchemical concoction can be spread over a Medium or Small creature's body as a full-round action. It provides a +5 circumstance bonus on Escape Artist checks, Maneuver Defense checks to avoid a grapple, and Reflex saves to avoid an ooze's improved grab or engulf abilities, but gives a -5 penalty to disarm checks, grapple checks to start or maintain a grapple or pin, and other checks that may be hindered by a loose grip (such as Climb). One application lasts for up to 1 hour and can be removed with soap and water.
Paste, Bone [Paste, Bone&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Paste, Bone
- Weight: Paste, Bone lbs
- Crafting: Paste, Bone (DC Paste, Bone); requires Paste, Bone
Paste, Bone
- Cost: 75 gp
- Weight: 1 lb
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 25
Typically stored in an airtight leather wineskin cured with rare preservative unguents, bone paste is a powerful alchemical sealant with special deteriorative properties. When squeezed out of its container and exposed to air, bone paste quickly hardens, so in order to apply it to a surface or object one must typically squeeze the paste directly onto the material to be affected. Once applied, bone paste cements itself to the object in just seconds, and hardens into a flaky cast. If applied to any unattended organic material or surface (such as wood, paper, hide, or rope), after 1 hour, bone paste undergoes another alchemical reaction and begins to eat away at the material, automatically succeeding on a Sunder check against the object once per round for 1d6+1 rounds, eating away first at the part of the object to which it was applied and spreading briefly to other parts of the object before dissipating and leaving a small amount of residual dust. Bone paste ignores an organic object's Sunder DC, but does not deal damage to inorganic objects or surfaces (such as metal, stone, or ceramic). One pouch of bone paste is enough to cover 1 square foot of surface, or (because of waste and spills) up to 20 smaller applications of approximately 2 square inches each.
Paste, Mending [Paste, Mending&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Paste, Mending
- Weight: Paste, Mending lbs
- Crafting: Paste, Mending (DC Paste, Mending); requires Paste, Mending
Paste, Mending
- Cost: 25 gp
- Weight: 1/2 lb
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 30
You can use this smelly, silvery paste to temporarily repair metal objects. It is sold in a sealed flask and reacts with air, turning solid in 1d6+4 minutes. You must make an appropriate DC 20 Craft check to repair a metal item with the broken condition; success means the object loses the broken condition but gains the fragile condition. Increase the DC by +5 if the broken object is a magic item or by +5 if it is a firearm (add both modifiers if the item is a magical firearm). If the check fails, the mending paste is consumed but you may try again with another flask or conventional repair methods.
Paste, Paper Wall [Paste, Paper Wall&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Paste, Paper Wall
- Weight: Paste, Paper Wall lbs
- Crafting: Paste, Paper Wall (DC Paste, Paper Wall); requires Paste, Paper Wall
Paste, Paper Wall
- Cost: 10 gp
- Weight: 2 lbs
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 15
This jar of thick, gritty paste is made from coarsely ground plant matter, weak epoxy, and bat guano. When exposed to air, the moldable substance quickly creates a thin, paper-like surface, which is ideal for creating false earthen walls. Creating a 5-foot-by-5-foot section of paper wall requires a full-round action. Though this false wall is easy to punch through, it requires a successful DC 13Perception check to identify the wall as a fake. If the creator of the paper wall spends an additional full-round action disguising the wall with dirt and pebbles, the DC increases by 2.
Peptus Salix [Peptus Salix&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Peptus Salix
- Weight: Peptus Salix lbs
- Crafting: Peptus Salix (DC Peptus Salix); requires Peptus Salix
Peptus Salix
- Cost: 30 gp
- Weight: 1/2 lb
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 20
This pink liquid has a horrible chalky taste, but is quite effective at counteracting nausea, indigestion, and diarrhea. A vial taken in small doses during the day, alleviates these symptoms. If you drink an entire vial, for 1 hour you get a +2 circumstance bonus on Fortitude saving throws against effects that inflict the nauseated or sickened condition. If you drink a vial of it while suffering from the nauseated or sickened condition, you may immediately roll another saving throw (with the +2 bonus) against the effect; you may gain this particular benefit only once per day. Drinking a vial (whether over the course of a day or all at once) usually turns your tongue black for about a day, though this is a harmless side effect.
Plaster, Casting [Plaster, Casting&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Plaster, Casting
- Weight: Plaster, Casting lbs
- Crafting: Plaster, Casting (DC Plaster, Casting); requires Plaster, Casting
Plaster, Casting
- Cost: 5 sp
- Weight: 5 lbs
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 15
This white, dry powder mixes with water to form a paste, which hardens over the course of an hour to create a solid material. It can be used to make casts of footprints or carvings, fill in gaps or cracks in walls, or (if applied over a cloth wrapping) create a cast for a broken bone. Hardened plaster has a Sunder DC of 5 and requires 1 success per inch of thickness to break. A 5-pound clay pot of plaster can cover about 5 square feet of flat space to a depth of 1 inch, five Medium forearm or lower-leg casts, two Medium full-arm or full-leg casts, or twice as many casts for a Small creature.
Powder, Flash [edit]
- Cost: base 75 gp
- Weight: 1 lbs
Flash Powder can be bought in small paper packets, and is a completely unremarkable gray, slightly gritty powder that looks exactly like dirt. paper packets may be thrown or used as ammo, but if they get wet, they are ruined. Flash Powder can also be bought in tiny glass vials, in which case they are only useful as a thrown weapon or ammunition, but are immune to water spoilage.
This coarse gray powder ignites and burns almost instantly if exposed to flame, significant friction, or even a simple force such as throwing it against a floor (a standard action). Creatures within the 10-foot-radius burst are blinded for 1 round (Fortitude save against a DC noted below negates this blindness, but the distraction will still allow such actions as entering a Stealth stance against all creatures in the burst).
You can also use a flask of Flash Powder as a ranged touch attack when thrown by hand with a range increment of ten feet, doing damage as detailed below, inflicting light (energy, uncommon) damage. When thrown directly at a foe this way, it has no splash effect, does nothing on a miss, and does not cause blindness, the light effects being concentrated within the body of the victim.
Flash Powder can also be fired as ammunition from a sling, slingstaff, or stonebow. When used as ammunition, it is treated as a ranged Touch Attack, but is NOT a splash weapon, the light-imbuing magic being confined intot he body of a victim. Upon a successful hit, it inflicts light (energy, uncommon) damage.
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC 25)
Powder, Flash
- Cost: 50 gp
- Weight: 1/2 lb
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 20
This coarse gray powder ignites and burns almost instantly if exposed to flame, significant friction, or even a simple force such as throwing it against a floor (a standard action). Creatures within the 10-foot-radius burst are blinded for 1 round (Fortitude DC 13 negates).
Powder, Foaming [Powder, Foaming&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Powder, Foaming
- Weight: Powder, Foaming lbs
- Crafting: Powder, Foaming (DC Powder, Foaming); requires Powder, Foaming
Powder, Foaming
- Cost: 10 gp
- Weight: 1 lb
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 20
When you add this 1-pound bag of green powder to a gallon of water, the two combine to form 50 cubic feet of thick green foam. Unless contained, in 1 round the foam fills a 5-foot-square to a depth of 2 feet. When multiple pounds of powder are used, the foam expands at a rate of one 5-foot square per round. Ground covered with the foam is treated as difficult terrain, but is otherwise harmless. After 1 hour, the foam hardens to form a buoyant material roughly the density of honeycomb. The cured foam is easy to cut, with a Sunder DC of 5, plus 5 per foot of thickness, requiring only 1 success to break. The cured foam breaks down over a few days, and even faster if exposed to water. Casting transmute mud to rock on uncured foam converts it into a soft, pumice-like stone (Sunder DC of 10, requiring 1 success per inch of thickness).
Powder, Itching [Powder, Itching&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Powder, Itching
- Weight: Powder, Itching lbs
- Crafting: Powder, Itching (DC Powder, Itching); requires Powder, Itching
Powder, Itching
- Cost: 60 gp
- Weight: 2 lbs
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 25
This fine gray powder causes targets to suffer from uncontrollable itching until they spend at least 1 round washing it off. Throwing a packet of itching powder is a splash attack with a range increment of 10 feet. Anyone standing on the square of impact must succeed on a DC 12 Fortitude save to resist the powder, while those in adjacent squares must make a DC 8 Fortitude save. Creatures that fail the save take a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.
Powder, Normal [Powder, Normal&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Powder, Normal
- Weight: Powder, Normal lbs
- Crafting: Powder, Normal (DC Powder, Normal); requires Powder, Normal
Powder, Normal
- Cost: 1 cp
- Weight: 1/2 lb
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 5
Powdered chalk, flour, and similar materials are popular with adventurers for their utility in pinpointing invisible creatures. Throwing a bag of powder into a square is an attack against AC 5, and momentarily reveals if there is an invisible creature there. A much more effective method is to spread powder on a surface (which takes 1 full round) and look for footprints.
Powder, Rusting [Powder, Rusting&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Powder, Rusting
- Weight: Powder, Rusting lbs
- Crafting: Powder, Rusting (DC Powder, Rusting); requires Powder, Rusting
Powder, Rusting
- Cost: 60 gp
- Weight: -
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 30
This flaky brown powder derived from rust monster fluids causes iron and similar metals to corrode and fall apart. If you apply a dose of rusting powder to a metal lock as part of using the Disable Device skill, you gain a +5 circumstance bonus to open the lock. After the skill check is resolved, the mechanism is destroyed and cannot be used afterward. A destroyed lock remains in whatever position it was in (locked or unlocked) when it was destroyed, and cannot be altered without breaking it (likely via a Sunder maneuver).
Rusting powder is sold in a paper tube; you apply it by tearing the ends off the tube and blowing the flakes into the target device. Rusting powder easily affects iron and steel, but does not affect non-ferrous metals, such as mithril, gold or adamantine.
Repellent, Vermin [Repellent, Vermin&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Repellent, Vermin
- Weight: Repellent, Vermin lbs
- Crafting: Repellent, Vermin (DC Repellent, Vermin); requires Repellent, Vermin
Repellent, Vermin
- Cost: 5 gp
- Weight: 1/2 lb
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 20
This vile-smelling white paste keeps vermin at bay if spread on the skin. Normal-sized (Fine) vermin avoid you. Swarms of vermin must make a DC 15 Fortitude saving throw in order to enter your square. Once applied, vermin repellent remains effective for 4 hours or until you spend 1 round washing it off.
Salve, Stonechipper [Salve, Stonechipper&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Salve, Stonechipper
- Weight: Salve, Stonechipper lbs
- Crafting: Salve, Stonechipper (DC Salve, Stonechipper); requires Salve, Stonechipper
Salve, Stonechipper
- Cost: 150 gp
- Weight: 1 lb
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 40
This gritty, gray ointment weakens rocky materials. When applied to an object made of stone, it reduces the object's Sunder DC by 5 for 10 minutes. As a standard action, a creature can apply the paste to affect one 5-foot-square or a sized-medium or smaller unattended object. The paste only affects the objects Sunder DC, not damage reduction or similar defenses, nor does it reduce the number of successes required to break the object.
Shadowcloy [Shadowcloy&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Shadowcloy
- Weight: Shadowcloy lbs
- Crafting: Shadowcloy (DC Shadowcloy); requires Shadowcloy
- Cost: 25 gp
- Weight: 1 lb
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 35
This thin black liquid is stored in airtight flasks because it evaporates quickly when exposed to air. Its cloying vapors cling to a target, obscuring vision for a short period of time. You can throw a shadowcloy flask as a splash weapon with a range increment of 10 feet. A direct hit means the target treats the ambient light as one category darker than normal, with a creature already in natural darkness treating it as supernatural darkness. This effect lasts for 1 round. A thrown shadowcloy flask has no effect on adjacent creatures or if it misses.
Shunting Orb [edit]
- Cost: base 125 gp
- Weight: 5 lbs
This shiny black orb is 7 inches in diameter and is activated by slamming it onto a hard surface suitable for Walk or Climb movement (a standard action in combat). The using character may place it in one of their occupied squares, or, in any adjacent square.
Rather than shattering or cracking, the Orb sticks in place and begins to slowly dissolve from the bottom up. Attacking the Orb once activated has no effect, but it may be Sundered as normal, using the Maneuver Defense listed below, and any damage ends the effect.
This Orb lasts until the end of the current combat, and during that time, any teleportation which occurs within a 25 foot radius of the dissolving orb must succeed on a Caster Check against a Maneuver Defense found below, or fail and the action and any items uses, etc, are lost to no effect.
Higher level Orbs are more effective, adding 5 feet to the radius per CL of the Orb above CL5. (For example: 30 foot radius at CL6, 35 foot radius at CL7, 60 foot radius at CL12, up to a 175 foot radius at Cl35.)
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC 25)
Shunting Orb
- Cost: 5,000 gp
- Weight: 2 lbs
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 60
This shiny black orb is 7 inches in diameter and is activated by slamming it onto a hard surface. Rather than shattering or cracking, it begins to slowly dissolve from the bottom up. This process lasts for 1d6+1 rounds, and during that time, any teleportation which occurs within a 60 foot radius of the dissolving orb must succeed on a Caster Check against a DC equal to a Challenging Skill Roll for the Caster Level of the CL of the shunting orb, or fail. If the teleportation effect was created by a spell, failing this check also results in losing the spell. Once the orb fully dissolves, it is inert and useless. And gooey.
Smoke Pellet [Smoke Pellet&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Smoke Pellet
- Weight: Smoke Pellet lbs
- Crafting: Smoke Pellet (DC Smoke Pellet); requires Smoke Pellet
Smoke Pellet
- Cost: 25 gp
- Weight: -
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 20
This small clay sphere contains two alchemical substances separated by a thin barrier. When you break the sphere, the substances mingle and fill a 10-foot cube with a cloud of foul but harmless yellow smoke. You may throw a smoke pellet as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet.
The smoke fills a 10-foot cube and obscures all sight-based senses, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. When using sight-based senses to target creatures within the effect, any creature within 5 feet has partial concealment of its perceiver, while creatures farther away have total concealment.
Any dispersing effect, including natural winds or gusts greater than 10 mph, can immediately end the effect in whichever squares the dispersing effect is applied. Otherwise, the cloud persists until the end of the encounter, or for 1 minute, whichever is sooner.
Spider Sac [Spider Sac&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Spider Sac
- Weight: Spider Sac lbs
- Crafting: Spider Sac (DC Spider Sac); requires Spider Sac
Spider Sac
- Cost: 30 gp
- Weight: 1 lb
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 20
Despite their name, spider sacs have nothing to do with spiders but rather are alchemical devices with a unique delivery system. Used for climbing as well as combat, these grayish, gourd-like pouches are made of a specially grown fungus with a tough but rubbery exterior. The fungoid is carefully harvested, pierced at one end, hollowed out, and then injected with a strong alchemical adhesive that hardens to a fibrous material almost instantly when exposed to air. When squeezed, a spider sac's adhesive shoots out to a maximum range of 10 feet and sticks to whatever it strikes, whereupon the strand dries instantly into a durable fibrous rope. For the purposes of climbing, treat a spider sac as a grappling hook except that all surfaces are AC 5. A spider sac can also be used as a lasso except with AC 10, 4 hit points, and a DC 24 Strength check to burst. A spider sac is a single-use item.
Sunrod [edit]
- Cost: base 75 gp
- Weight: 1 lbs
This 1-foot-long, gold-tipped iron rod glows brightly when struck. When purchased at CRs of 1 to 10, it takes a standard action to ignite a Sunrod. When purchased at CRs between 11 to 20, it takes a swift action to activate a Sunrod. When purchased at CRs 21 to 30, it requires an immediate action to activate a Sunrod. At CRs of 31 and higher, activating a Sunrod is a free action.
When activated, any Sunrod sheds bright light. Sunrod's light up a minimum of a 20-foot radius, plus 10 feet to the bright light radius per CR of the Rod. Thus, a CR1 Sunrod provides bright light for 30 feet; a CR5 Sunrod provides bright light for 70 feet; a CR 15 Sunrod provides bright light for 170 feet; up to a CR 35 Sunrod, which provides bright light for 370 feet.
Sunrods do not produce any area of dim light, due to their affinity to the sun, and, also, magic. Similarly, a sunrod does not increase the light level in bright light.
Once activated, a Sunrod glows until the end of the next Full Night's Rest, after which the gold tip is burned out and worthless.
- Crafting: Profession (Alchemist) (DC 25)
Tanglefoot Bag [Tanglefoot Bag&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Tanglefoot Bag
- Weight: Tanglefoot Bag lbs
- Crafting: Tanglefoot Bag (DC Tanglefoot Bag); requires Tanglefoot Bag
Tanglefoot Bag
- Cost: 50 gp
- Weight: 4 lbs
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 40
A tanglefoot bag is a small sack filled with tar, resin, and other sticky substances. When you throw a tanglefoot bag at a creature (as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet), the bag comes apart and goo bursts out, entangling the target and then becoming tough and resilient upon exposure to air. An entangled creature takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls and a -4 penalty to Dexterity and must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be glued to the floor, unable to move. Even on a successful save, it can move only at half speed. Huge or larger creatures are unaffected by a tanglefoot bag. A flying creature is not stuck to the floor, but it must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be unable to fly (assuming it uses its wings to fly) and fall to the ground. A tanglefoot bag does not function underwater.
A creature that is glued to the floor (or unable to fly) can break free by making a DC 17 Strength check or by dealing 15 points of damage to the goo with a slashing weapon. A creature trying to scrape goo off itself, or another creature assisting, does not need to make an attack roll; hitting the goo is automatic, after which the creature that hit makes a damage roll to see how much of the goo was scraped off. Once free, the creature can move (including flying) at half speed. If the entangled creature attempts to cast a spell, it must make Caster Check with a DC of 15 + double the spell's level or be unable to cast the spell. The goo becomes brittle and fragile after 2d4 rounds, cracking apart and losing its effectiveness. An application of alchemical solvent to a stuck creature dissolves the alchemical goo immediately.
Tea, Meditation [Tea, Meditation&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Tea, Meditation
- Weight: Tea, Meditation lbs
- Crafting: Tea, Meditation (DC Tea, Meditation); requires Tea, Meditation
Tea, Meditation
- Cost: 30 gp
- Weight: -
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 20
Drinking this cloudy tea has a soothing effect that clarifies your thoughts. For 10 minutes after drinking the tea, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus against mind-affecting effects. If you drink meditation tea while suffering from a mind-affecting affect, you may immediately roll another saving throw (with the +2 bonus) against the effect; you may gain this particular benefit only once per day.
Tea, Tansy [Tea, Tansy&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Tea, Tansy
- Weight: Tea, Tansy lbs
- Crafting: Tea, Tansy (DC Tea, Tansy); requires Tea, Tansy
Tea, Tansy
- Cost: 1 sp
- Weight:-
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 10
This frothy tea made from the bone-white, triangular leaves of the night tea plant renders a humanoid female temporarily sterile if drunk every day.
Thunderstone [Thunderstone&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Thunderstone
- Weight: Thunderstone lbs
- Crafting: Thunderstone (DC Thunderstone); requires Thunderstone
- Cost: 30 gp
- Weight: 1 lb
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 40
You can throw this stone as a ranged attack with a range increment of 10 feet. When it strikes a hard surface (or is struck hard), it creates a deafening bang that is treated as a sonic attack. Each creature within a 10-foot-radius spread must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or be deafened for 1 hour. A deafened creature, in addition to the obvious effects, takes a -4 penalty on initiative and has a 20% chance to miscast and lose any spell with a verbal component that it tries to cast.
Since you don't need to hit a specific target, you can simply aim at a particular 5-foot square. Treat the target square as AC 5.
Tindertwig [Tindertwig&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Tindertwig
- Weight: Tindertwig lbs
- Crafting: Tindertwig (DC Tindertwig); requires Tindertwig
- Cost: 1 gp
- Weight: -
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 15
The alchemical substance on the end of this small, wooden stick ignites when struck against a rough surface. Creating a flame with a tindertwig is much faster than creating a flame with flint and steel (or a magnifying glass) and tinder. Lighting a torch with a tindertwig is a standard action (rather than a full-round action), and lighting any other fire with one is at least a standard action.
Twitch Tonic [Twitch Tonic&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Twitch Tonic
- Weight: Twitch Tonic lbs
- Crafting: Twitch Tonic (DC Twitch Tonic); requires Twitch Tonic
Twitch Tonic
- Cost: 45 gp
- Weight: 1/2 lb
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 30
This thick syrup is extracted from bitter herbs and enhanced by alchemy to ward against sleep, paralysis, and the staggered condition. If you drink twitch tonic, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on saving throws made against these effects for the next hour. If you drink twitch tonic while suffering from any of these effects, you may immediately roll another saving throw against the effect (with the +2 bonus); you may gain this particular benefit only once per day. You can administer twitch tonic to an unconscious or paralyzed creature as a full-round action, similar to administering a potion.
Vitus Flask [Vitus Flask&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Vitus Flask
- Weight: Vitus Flask lbs
- Crafting: Vitus Flask (DC Vitus Flask); requires Vitus Flask
Vitus Flask
- Cost: 80 gp
- Weight: 1/2 lb
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 25
Drinking this crystal-clear liquid accelerates the natural process of healing Constitution damage. Resting for 1 hour after drinking a vial heals the drinker of 1 point of Constitution damage as if the drinker had benefited from a full night's rest. Taking multiple doses in an hour does not increase the rate of healing; as each dose must be taken individually, followed by an hour of rest, for it to have any effect. Using more than 4 doses in 1 day has no effect.
Weapon Blanch (Adamantine) [Weapon Blanch (Adamantine)&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Weapon Blanch (Adamantine)
- Weight: Weapon Blanch (Adamantine) lbs
- Crafting: Weapon Blanch (Adamantine) (DC Weapon Blanch (Adamantine)); requires Weapon Blanch (Adamantine)
Weapon Blanch (Adamantine)
- Cost: 100 gp
- Weight: 1 lb
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 30
These silver, alchemical powders have a gritty consistency, appearing at first glance to be simple metal shavings. When poured on a weapon and placed over a hot flame for a full round, however, they melt and form a temporary coating on the weapon. The blanching gives the weapon the ability to bypass one kind of material-based damage reduction, such as adamantine, cold iron, or silver. The blanching remains effective for 1d4 successful attacks of the weapon (roll when the blanching is applied). Each dose of blanching can coat one weapon or up to 5 pieces of ammunition. Blanching on ammunition is only effective the first time the ammunition is fired. Only one kind of weapon blanch can be on a weapon at one time, though a weapon made of one special material (such as adamantine) can have a different material blanch (such as silver), and counts as both materials for the first successful hit. A blanching's efficacy fades 24 hours after applying it, even if the weapon is never used in combat.
Weapon Blanch (Cold Iron) [Weapon Blanch (Cold Iron)&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Weapon Blanch (Cold Iron)
- Weight: Weapon Blanch (Cold Iron) lbs
- Crafting: Weapon Blanch (Cold Iron) (DC Weapon Blanch (Cold Iron)); requires Weapon Blanch (Cold Iron)
Weapon Blanch (Cold Iron)
- Cost: 50 gp
- Weight: 1 lb
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 25
These silver, alchemical powders have a gritty consistency, appearing at first glance to be simple metal shavings. When poured on a weapon and placed over a hot flame for a full round, however, they melt and form a temporary coating on the weapon. The blanching gives the weapon the ability to bypass one kind of material-based damage reduction, such as adamantine, cold iron, or silver. The blanching remains effective for 1d4 successful attacks of the weapon (roll when the blanching is applied). Each dose of blanching can coat one weapon or up to 5 pieces of ammunition. Blanching on ammunition is only effective the first time the ammunition is fired. Only one kind of weapon blanch can be on a weapon at one time, though a weapon made of one special material (such as adamantine) can have a different material blanch (such as silver), and counts as both materials for the first successful hit. A blanching's efficacy fades 24 hours after applying it, even if the weapon is never used in combat.
Weapon Blanch (Ghost Salt) [Weapon Blanch (Ghost Salt)&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Weapon Blanch (Ghost Salt)
- Weight: Weapon Blanch (Ghost Salt) lbs
- Crafting: Weapon Blanch (Ghost Salt) (DC Weapon Blanch (Ghost Salt)); requires Weapon Blanch (Ghost Salt)
Weapon Blanch (Ghost Salt)
- Cost: 200 gp
- Weight: 1 lb
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 35
These silver, alchemical powders have a gritty consistency, appearing at first glance to be simple metal shavings. When poured on a weapon and placed over a hot flame for a full round, however, they melt and form a temporary coating on the weapon. The blanching gives the weapon the ability to bypass one kind of material-based damage reduction, such as adamantine, cold iron, or silver. The blanching remains effective for 1d4 successful attacks of the weapon (roll when the blanching is applied). Each dose of blanching can coat one weapon or up to 5 pieces of ammunition. Blanching on ammunition is only effective the first time the ammunition is fired. Only one kind of weapon blanch can be on a weapon at one time, though a weapon made of one special material (such as adamantine) can have a different material blanch (such as silver), and counts as both materials for the first successful hit. A blanching's efficacy fades 24 hours after applying it, even if the weapon is never used in combat.
Weapon Blanch (Rust-Proof) [Weapon Blanch (Rust-Proof)&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Weapon Blanch (Rust-Proof)
- Weight: Weapon Blanch (Rust-Proof) lbs
- Crafting: Weapon Blanch (Rust-Proof) (DC Weapon Blanch (Rust-Proof)); requires Weapon Blanch (Rust-Proof)
Weapon Blanch (Rust-Proof)
- Cost: 15 gp
- Weight: 1 lb
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 15
These silver, alchemical powders have a gritty consistency, appearing at first glance to be simple metal shavings. When poured on a weapon and placed over a hot flame for a full round, however, they melt and form a temporary coating on the weapon. The blanching makes the weapon immune to rust, including monster attacks which corrode the weapon such as those caused by rust monsters and oozes. The blanching remains effective for the first 1d4 successful attacks made against the weapon (roll when the blanching is applied). Each dose of blanching can coat one weapon, but rust-proof blanching is not usable on ammunition. Only one kind of weapon blanch can be on a weapon at one time, though a weapon made of one special material (such as adamantine) can have a different material blanch (such as silver), and counts as both materials for the first successful hit. A blanching's efficacy fades 24 hours after applying it, even if the weapon is never subjected to a corrosive force or monster.
Weapon Blanch (Silvered) [Weapon Blanch (Silvered)&action=edit edit]
- Cost: Weapon Blanch (Silvered)
- Weight: Weapon Blanch (Silvered) lbs
- Crafting: Weapon Blanch (Silvered) (DC Weapon Blanch (Silvered)); requires Weapon Blanch (Silvered)
Weapon Blanch (Silvered)
- Cost: 10 gp
- Weight: 1 lb
- Craftable? Yes
- Skill: Craft (Alchemy)
- Check DC: 20
These silver, alchemical powders have a gritty consistency, appearing at first glance to be simple metal shavings. When poured on a weapon and placed over a hot flame for a full round, however, they melt and form a temporary coating on the weapon. The blanching gives the weapon the ability to bypass one kind of material-based damage reduction, such as adamantine, cold iron, or silver. The blanching remains effective for 1d4 successful attacks of the weapon (roll when the blanching is applied). Each dose of blanching can coat one weapon or up to 5 pieces of ammunition. Blanching on ammunition is only effective the first time the ammunition is fired. Only one kind of weapon blanch can be on a weapon at one time, though a weapon made of one special material (such as adamantine) can have a different material blanch (such as silver), and counts as both materials for the first successful hit. A blanching's efficacy fades 24 hours after applying it, even if the weapon is never used in combat.