Fighter Tactics
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Combat Tactics
Fighters gain a Combat Tactic beginning at 1st level and every second level thereafter. Unless specifically noted, no Combat Tactic may be taken more than once.
Armor Mastery (Ex)
- The fighter takes no movement penalties from wearing medium or heavy armor. She may don most suits of armor in one minute, or hastily don most suits of armor as a full round action. War plate requires two minutes to don, and two full rounds to don hastily. A war shield still requires a full round action to don. In addition, she never suffers to-hit penalties from wearing any armor or shield.
Choke Up (Ex)
- As an immediate action, a fighter can shorten her grip on her reach weapon and use it against adjacent targets, as long as they are subject to her fighters challenge. To return her grip to normal she must spend another immediate action.
Constant Training (Ex)
- The fighter may select a bonus fighter feat that she qualifies for. This combat tactic may be selected more than once.
Create Opening (Ex)
- Once per round as part of his Fighter's Challenge, the fighter may also provide a circumstance bonus equal to half his Combat Edge modifier (rounded down) to the attack rolls of a single ally they can see. Those attacks must be made against a target that the fighter has Challenged. The ally benefiting from this circumstance bonus must be designated when the fighter issues the challenge. Note that this ability has no effect until fighter level 4.
Disciplined Charge (Ex)
- The fighter may take any path he likes during a charge, provided that no square of movement moves him further from the target of his charge. Furthermore, a fighter may declare a charge action against a square in his movement range even if he cannot see or otherwise perceive a target creature in that square. If he's guessed wrong about where that invisible wizard is it's a bit embarrassing, but otherwise no harm done.
Expert Defense (Ex)
- While wearing a shield, the fighter may reduce a full attack action to a single attack at his full BAB, and in exchange, he adds his Combat Edge bonus to his AC until the start of his next turn. This untyped bonus AC applies to all AC numbers including touch AC and may be combined with fighting defensively.
Healers Friend (Su)
- The fighter may add his level to the hit points healed by any instantaneous heal effect. This includes healing spells, healing potions, goodberries, a paladin's lay on hands, a cleric's channel energy, etc. In addition, the fighter adds their level to the temporary hit points granted by any instantaneous effect. This includes aid spells, false life potions, the virtue orison, a warlord's inspiration, a bard's inspire greatness, the Limitless Reserves Epic fighter tactic, etc. Fast Healing, Regeneration or other ongoing healing effects do not trigger the effects of this tactic.
Myopic (Ex)
- A fighter with this tactic that is subjected to an effect which would inflict the Confused, Dazed, Fascinated or Stunned conditions reduces such conditions to the moderate status condition of the status array.
- Dazed becomes Disoriented
- Fascinated becomes Blind
- Nauseated becomes Afflicted
- Stunned becomes Rattled
- The fighter must still make additional saves just as if she were afflicted with the stronger status conditions, and the moderate status condition lasts until all of the effect's conditions would normally be reduced to the weak status condition or cleared.
Punishing Stab (Ex)
- A fighter with this tactic who successfully hits an opponent with the free attack triggered by a Warrior's Challenge inflicts a bleed condition on the struck foe equal to his combat edge modifier, in addition to the damage dealt.
Resolve (Ex)
- A fighter with this tactic that is subjected to an effect which would inflict the Cowering, Frightened or Panicked conditions reduces such conditions to the moderate status condition of the status array.
- The fighter must still make additional saves just as if she were afflicted with the stronger status conditions, and the moderate status condition lasts until all of the effect's conditions would normally be reduced to the weak status condition or cleared.
Tough Hide (Ex)
- While wearing heavy armor, the fighter gains DR/- equal to his Combat Edge bonus. If the heavy armor gains DR/- from a material property such as Adamantine, this DR/- stacks.
Unshakeable (Ex)
- If affected by a mind-affecting spell or ability, the fighter may choose to delay the effects until the end of his next turn. If, during this time, the fighter is hit by another mind-affecting spell or ability he must choose which one affects him immediately and which one is delayed. This ability cannot be used to delay an effect more than once (i.e. you can't perma-delay something by re-delaying it every round; it always takes effect at the end of your next turn).
Vicious Maneuvers (Ex)
- The fighter adds his Combat Edge bonus to his CMB.
Vigilance (Ex)
- The fighter adds his Combat Edge bonus to Perception and Initiative. If the fighter is surprised during a surprise round, he may still take a move action. If he is not surprised on a surprise round, he may take a move action in addition to the standard action he would normally get.
Advanced Combat Tactics
Fighters gain an Advanced Combat Tactic beginning at 11th level and every second level thereafter. Fighters may choose a lower level Tactic of any sort with an Advanced Tactic selection. Unless specifically noted, no Combat Tactic may be taken more than once.
Battlefield Master (Ex)
- Once per round, the fighter may use an immediate action to issue a Fighter's Challenge to any one target he can perceive.
Bulwark Shield (Ex)
- While wearing a shield, the fighter may select one adjacent ally and grant him a circumstance bonus to AC equal to the fighter's Combat Edge bonus. While this does not require an action to activate, this bonus may only be granted one adjacent ally at a time. The fighter may change the selected ally as a free action, but otherwise, the effects expire when the ally is no longer adjacent or combat ends.
Exploit Weakness (Ex)
- The fighter ignores an amount of the target's DR equal to his Combat Edge bonus. If the fighter critically hits a target, he ignores all DR.
Hardened Resolve (Ex)
- Requires: Resolve
- A fighter with Hardened Resolve who is subject to an effect which would inflict the Cowering, Frightened or Panicked condition instead takes the weak status condition for those status arrays. Furthermore, if she is subject any effect, attack or ability which uses the Dazed, Fascinated, Nauseated or Stunned arrays, any moderate status condition affecting her is reduced to the weak status condition as well.
- The fighter still makes additional saves just as if she were afflicted with the stronger status conditions, and the weak status condition lasts until all of the effect's conditions would normally be cleared.
Immovable (Ex)
- If the fighter is subject to any forced movement, he can reduce the amount of forced move by a number of squares equal to half his combat edge bonus (round down). This also reduces the distance of a successful bull rush or reposition attempt against the fighter.
Juggernaut (Ex)
- A fighter with this tactic can use the "Move 5 feet through difficult terrain" action as a move action instead of a full-round action. Additionally, he can add his CON modifier to bull rush attempts and reposition attempts (but not to resist them).
Quickthewed (Ex)
- The fighters carrying capacity doubles, and he gains a permanent +2 Str, +2 Dex and +2 Con.
Resilience (Su)
- The fighter gains Fast Healing equal to his Combat Edge bonus. This ability ceases if the fighter is knocked unconscious.
Shelter Ally (Ex)
- While adjacent to an ally and wearing a shield, if the fighter is targeted by an area-of-effect attack that grants a Reflex save, he and the adjacent ally may choose the best result of both of their saving throws when resolving the attack.
Singular Focus (Ex)
- Requires: Myopic
- A fighter with Singular Focus who is subject to an effect which would inflict the Dazed, Fascinated, Nauseated or Stunned condition instead takes the weak status condition for those status arrays. Furthermore, if she is subject any effect, attack or ability which uses the Dazed, Fascinated, Nauseated or Stunned arrays, any moderate status condition affecting her is reduced to the weak status condition as well.
- The fighter still makes additional saves just as if she were afflicted with the stronger status conditions, and the weak status condition lasts until all of the effect's conditions would normally be cleared.
Stand Up (Ex)
- When knocked prone, the fighter may use a swift action to stand up. This action provokes as normal.
Tar Pit (Ex)
- Enemies adjacent to a fighter must use 10 feet of movement to move 5 feet away from the fighter. This also prevents enemies from using a 5-foot step to move away. This ability does not work on enemies with non-traditional movement types, like climb, burrow or fly.
Unstoppable (Ex)
- When this tactic is selected, the fighter chooses either Fort, Will or Reflex and adds his Combat Edge bonus to that save. This tactic may only be selected once, and once selected, the improved save may not be changed.
Epic Combat Tactics
Fighters gain an Epic Combat Tactic beginning at 21st level and every second level thereafter. Fighters may choose a lower level Tactic of any sort with an Epic Tactic selection. Unless specifically noted, no Epic Combat Tactic may be taken more than once.
Ant Lion (Ex)
- Requires: Tar Pit
- Ant Lion functions as Tar Pit, except it works against burrowing, climbing, and flying enemies. Ant Lion can be stacked with Tar Pit.
Black Hole (Su)
- Requires: Tar Pit, Ant Lion, Steely Resolve
- Black Hole improves Tar Pit and Ant Lion such that fifteen feet of movement is required to move five feet from the fighter. Even more impressively, if an enemy attempts to move away from the fighter using spells, spell-like abilities, or Extraordinary or Supernatural effects such as Dimension Door, teleport, translocation, improved teleport, shadow step, limited wish, wish, miracle, etc, the fighter may force them to overcome his spell resistance in order to escape.
Bloody Mess (Su)
- Requires: Punishing Stab, Incidental Challenge
- If an enemy is challenged and has a bleed condition which was inflicted by Punishing Stab or Bloody Mess, the Fighter may force that enemy to take the bleed damage again every time she makes a successful attack against it. If any other enemy is adjacent to that enemy when they take forced bleed damage, they also gain the Bleed condition.
Bristling Charge (Ex)
- Requires: Disciplined Charge
- While performing a Disciplined Charge, the Fighter may make a free bonus attack, using his full BAB, against any enemies he passes adjacent to, one attack per enemy. Note that he may be subject to attacks of opportunity from those enemies, and if he has any powers, abilities, or effects which would normally negate a foe's ability to make attacks of opportunity, those powers, abilities, or effects do not function for the duration of his Bristling Charge.
Colossus (Su)
- Requires: Gigantic Presence, Quickthewed, Olympian, Immovable, Tough Hide, Spirit of the Mountain
- While using Gigantic Presence, a Fighter may decide to actually grow larger, rather than just fake it. Growing requires a free action, and grants the fighter all of the benefits of the Righteous Might spell except as follows:
- The fighter gains no DR from this Tactic, instead, the fighter's DR from Tough Hide increases by 3. If the fighter has Improved Armor Mastery as well, that still stacks with Tough Hide.
- Colossus may be used once per encounter, does not stack with Gigantic Presence (it overwrites it), and may be sustained for a number of rounds equal to the Fighters Combat Edge modifier.
Counterattack (Ex)
- Requires: Vigilance, Vivisector, Steel Avalanche
- Once per round, when the fighter is attacked by a foe she has challenged, she may make an attack of opportunity against them.
Destroyer (Su)
- Requires: Vivisector, Exploit Weakness, Bloody Mess, Punishing Stab, Incidental Challenge
- Each time the Fighter successfully strikes an enemy with Damage Resistance, she reduces that Damage Resistance by three points. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter unless healed. Damage Resistance can be reduced to exactly zero in this way, at which point no further reductions in DR accrue. Instead, the Fighters next successful attack inflicts Vulnerability upon the foe to all weapon and unarmed damage. This Vulnerability is added to the damage of all successful attackers using weapons or unarmed attacks. If the enemy receives any magical healing during the encounter all effects of Destroyer are removed, although the Fighter may immediately begin removing their resistance again. If an enemy has no damage resistance, Destroyer does not work against them.
Dull-Eyed Brute (Ex)
- Requires: Unshakable
- If affected by a mind-affecting spell or ability, the fighter may immediately choose to negate or end that effect, once per round.
Extraordinary Durability (Ex)
- Requires: Tough Hide, Resilience, Stonebelly
- The ER/- granted by Stonebelly is increased by the Fighter's Con modifier.
Fixable (Su)
- Requires: Healer's Friend
- The fighter may add triple his level to the hit points healed by any instantaneous heal effect or gained by any instantaneous effect granting temp hit points. Fast Healing, Regeneration or other ongoing healing effects do not trigger the effects of this tactic.
Gigantic Presence (Ex)
- The Fighter may choose to dominate the battlefield as if they were one size category larger. This Tactic can be activated as a swift action and does not change their actual size or combat abilities in any way. It does give them a 'virtual size' to all enemies for purposes of combat movement and determination of flanks. On a combat board, a size medium fighter uses a standard one-space figure, but is considered to occupy their space and three others in a 2x2 square. In essence, a size medium Fighter creates three contiguous squares adjacent to themselves which enemies cannot move into without using a combat maneuver or other exceptional means. The Fighter can change where they are within their four-square virtual space once per round at any point as a swift action, often coupled with a five-foot step. They cannot move their virtual space on top of an enemy, although allies ignore it. If a fighter moves in such a way that his virtual space would be squeezed by an enemy, the Tactic ends immediately. A medium sized Fighter using Gigantic Presence could, for example, completely block a ten foot wide corridor by himself, and could even force all enemies to remain five feet away from his front facing. Size large fighters using Gigantic Presence have a virtual space of 3x3, a size huge fighter would have a virtual space of 4x4, etc.
Harrier (Ex)
- Requires: Vigilance
- The Fighter adds his Combat Edge modifier to his Perception checks twice for visual-based detection attempts, and invisibility grants no perception modifiers against him. He also takes no perception check penalties for the first "Combat Edge bonus times ten feet" of range for visual checks. He can issue a Fighters Challenge to a range of sixty feet when using ranged or thrown weapons. Lastly, he ignores the first two range increment penalties for ranged or thrown weapons.
Improved Armor Mastery (Ex)
- Requires: Armor mastery, Tough Hide
- The Fighter adds twice the DR/-, if any, granted by his adamantine armor to the DR/- granted by Tough Hide.
Incidental Challenge (Ex)
- Any time the Fighter Challenges an enemy, she may also Challenge a single additional enemy who is adjacent to that enemy. Note that Challenges never stack.
Invincible Will (Su)
- Requires: Unshakeable, Dull-Eyed Brute
- Once per encounter, the Fighter may ignore the negative effects of any one deleterious effect, including but not limited to, negative level loss, ability damage, bleed, aging, and any normal status condition such as helpless, pinned, or prone, including dying or even dead. Note that, even though the fighter is not taking any penalties from the ignored effect, he still has the effect, and may not even begin to save against it until Invincible Will's duration expires. The Fighter may ignore it for a number of rounds equal to half their combat edge bonus, rounded down. Temporary hit points still apply normally even if the Fighter is at negative hit points. If the fighter chooses to ignore a 'dead' status condition, they may continue to act until they run out of rounds of effect of Invincible Will, or their damage reaches a negative total equal to their maximum hit point total, at which point they are considered destroyed. Note: Even though a Fighter may be aware and moving and talking and acting while dead, they still have the dead condition. Hit point healing will not remove the dead condition, and they will still require a raise dead, resurrection, or similar effect.
Kommandeur (Ex)
- Requires: Vigilance, Battlefield Master
- Once per encounter the Fighter may challenge a number of enemies equal to his Combat Edge bonus divided by two, rounded down. He may issue these challenges as an immediate action at any time, and must be able to see or otherwise perceive an enemy to challenge it. Each enemy challenged must be within thirty feet of him unless he has Harrier, in which case they must be within sixty feet.
Limitless Reserves (Su)
- Requires: Expert Defense, Tough Hide
- At the end of any turn in which the fighter is using Expert Defense, she gets temporary hit points equal to her Combat Edge bonus. As always, temporary hit points cannot be stacked, but if this tactic would provide more temporary hit points than those the fighter currently has, she may replace her current temp hit points with these. Note that because this tactic provides an instantaneous source of temporary hit points, this ability plays really well with the 'Healer's Friend' and 'Fixable' tactics.
Martial Polymath (Ex)
- When this Epic Combat Tactic is taken, the Fighter may pick and use any three Combat Tactics, except for 'Constant Training'. Advanced Combat Tactics may not be selected with this Epic Combat Tactic (See 'Tactical Genius').
Olympian (Ex)
- Requires: Quickthewed
- The fighters carrying capacity becomes four times normal. His weight increases fifteen percent. He gains a permanent +2 Str and +4 Con. These bonuses stack with those granted by Quickthewed. (Total: Carrying capacity four times greater, +4 Str, +6 Con, +2 Dex.)
Over There (Ex)
- Requires: Choke Up, Reach Out
- The Fighter may immediately perform a Reposition combat maneuver as a free action once per round against an enemy they have just struck in melee. If they have any feats which apply to Reposition maneuvers, they may use those feats on this free action as well.
Perfect Setup (Ex)
- Requires: Create Opening
- Once per round as part of her Fighter's Challenge, the fighter may provide a circumstance bonus equal to her Combat Edge modifier to the attack rolls of a single ally she can see. Those attacks must be made against a target that the fighter has Challenged. The ally benefiting from this circumstance bonus must be designated when the fighter issues the challenge.
- Note: This is a separate tactic from Create Opening, and the Fighter may use Perfect Setup and Create Opening in the same round, as long as she Challenges two or more enemies. She must choose different allies to grant bonuses to, and in no instance may the bonuses from Perfect Setup and Create Opening stack.
Rampart (Ex)
- While adjacent to an ally and wearing a shield, if the fighter and/or the ally is targeted by an attack that grants a Fortitude or Will save, he and the adjacent ally may both roll a saving throw, even if they are not being targeted. They may choose the best result of both of their saving throws when resolving the attack. The attack always affects only the person targeted. This allows a Fighter to 'lend' his high Fort saves to an ally, for example, or 'borrow' an ally's high Will saves.
Reach Out (Ex)
- Requires: Choke Up
- As an immediate action, the fighter may adjust his grip on his reach weapon in such a way that it gains an additional five feet of reach. Unlike Choke Up, the fighter may use this ability to attack enemies that are not already subject to his Fighters Challenge with this Tactic. This tactic adds reach to a weapon that already has reach, and as a result adds 5 feet to the distance attacks can be made, while adding 5 feet to the area around the wielder where attacks cannot be made. Even a weapon with inclusive reach gains 5 feet of area where attacks are impossible, while Reach Out is being used. The fighter may return his grip and the reach of his weapon to normal with another immediate action.
Shunning Shield (Ex)
- While wearing a Heavy or Tower shield, the fighter converts her entire shield bonus to a dodge bonus. This includes the AC bonus for the shield itself, any enhancement bonus, and any other shield bonuses from feats, tactics, abilities, etc. As normal, dodge bonuses stack, and are applied to AC and Touch AC.
Spirit of the Mountain (Ex)
- Requires: Immovable
- If the fighter is subject to any forced movement, he may reduce the amount of the movement by a number of squares equal to his Combat Edge modifier. If he is unmoved after the result is calculated, and he can reach the enemy who attempted to move him with any of his weapons, he may choose to make an attack against them as a free action. This attack is a bonus attack, not an attack of opportunity.
Steel Avalanche (Ex)
- Requires: Vigilance, Vivisector
- Against any enemies who have a lower initiative score than he does, the Fighter may make a bonus attack when he declares a full attack action. This attack is made at his full BAB, and unlike most such attacks, will stack with the extra attack granted by such effects as Haste spells and Speed weapons.
Steely Resolve (Ex)
- Requires: Hardened Resolve.
- The Fighter gains Spell Resistance (SR) equal to his Fighter level plus double his Combat Edge bonus.
Stonebelly (Ex)
- Requires: Resilience, Tough Hide
- The Fighter gains Energy Resistance versus all types of hit point harm (ER/-) equal to her Combat Edge modifier.
Tactical Genius (Ex)
- When this Epic Combat Tactic is taken, the Fighter may pick and use any two Advanced Combat Tactics.
Upheaval (Ex)
- As part of the same move action in which the Fighter stands up from being knocked prone, she may attack all enemies adjacent to her, once each, at her full BAB. As part of these attacks, the Fighter may also perform a Trip as a free action against all adjacent enemies. Note that the fighter must be wielding a weapon which is capable of making attacks against adjacent enemies in order to perform this Tactic. Even if the fighter is wielding a weapon with inclusive reach, however, the Tactic only affects adjacent enemies, not all enemies in reach. Special: If the Fighter also has Stand Up, this Tactic may be used as part of the swift action to stand up from prone instead.
Utter Juggernaut (Su)
- Requires: Juggernaut
- When making a Bull Rush, Charge or Overrun attempt, the fighter with this tactic can make a check to push his way through solid obstacles (such as castle walls, adamantine gates or mountains) or rough terrain and continue the maneuver. The check to attempt this is the fighter's STR mod + CON mod (due to the Juggernaut tactic) + Combat Edge bonus + a d20. The DC of the check is the hardness of the obstacle the fighter is attempting to push through. The object's hit points are irrelevant. If the fighter is merely attempting to push through rough terrain, the DC is 15. If the check succeeds, the fighter destroys a 5'x5'x5' cube of the structure and may move into or through that square as though it were normal terrain. For every 10 that the fighter exceeds the DC of the check, he may push through an additional 5 feet. Obstacles the fighter pushes through are destroyed and and become rough terrain after the fighter leaves the space. Structures can be weakened to the point of collapse by this tactic, so the fighter should be careful not to cave in a dungeon on himself and his friends. Assuming the fighter's Bull Rush, Charge or Overrun is not interrupted by obstacles, the maneuver is resolved as normal. Fighters with this tactic may use any of these maneuvers to specifically target obstacles instead of enemies, if they wish, and the maneuver check is resolved as though the Fighter were doing siege damage. Note that none of the fighter's other attacks are capable of siege damage, unless the fighter has some other ability which grants that.
Vivisector (Ex)
- By taking this Combat Tactic, the Fighter permanently alters how her attacks are calculated. Whenever she declares a full attack action and then makes multiple attacks, the first attack with each hand is made at a -5 penalty, the second is taken as normal, the third attack receives a +2 bonus to hit, and the fourth attack receives a +7 bonus to hit. Thus, if her normal attacks were calculated as: +25, +20, +15, +10, after she takes Vivisector, they become +20, +20, +17, +17. All subsequent modifications to her attack rolls during a full attack are made using these adjusted numbers as her base to-hit numbers. If she is ever granted an additional attack during a full attack, as by a haste spell, sword of speed, or any other effect, that additional attack is made at her full, unmodified BAB. All other attacks, such as attacks of opportunity, attacks granted by feats, attacks granted by class features, attacks granted by spells or effects, standard attacks, etc, are all made at her full unmodified BAB.
New Fighter Tactics
Battlecry (Ex)
- As a standard action, a fighter with this tactic can unleash an inspiring battle cry. All allies within 30 feet who hear the cry gain the Fighter's Combat Edge bonus to their to-hit rolls, damage, and CMD for one round.
Battlefield Clarity (Ex)
- Once per day as an immediate action, whenever a fighter with this tactic fails a saving throw against any strong status condition, he may attempt that saving throw again with a +4 insight bonus on the roll.
Battle Sight (Ex)
- Whenever a fighter with this tactic rolls for initiative, he can roll twice and take either result.
Deadly Technique (Ex)
- A fighter with this tactic increases his weapon's base damage by 1 point.
Heroic Speed (Ex)
- A fighter with this tactic gains a +10 foot bonus to any move score he has, whether innate or gained by an item, spell, magic, etc. This tactic may only be taken once. This bonus will stack with any racial or class adders to speed.
Gut Shot (Ex)
- A fighter with this tactic can, once per encounter, make a melee or ranged attack against an opponent as a standard action. If he hits, he does full normal damage and the target is Afflicted for one round.
Leaden Armor (Ex)
- A fighter with this tactic gains energy resistance (ER) equal to his fighter level plus his Combat Edge to one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) while he is wearing heavy armor. The energy type is chosen when this tactic is selected and it cannot be changed. This tactic can be selected more than once; each time it applies to a different energy type. If chosen five times, the fighter has resistance to all energy types. ( ER/- ) Leaden Armor's ER/- will stack with ER/- from other fighter Tactics such as Stonebelly, but will not stack with any other source of ER/-, even permanent ones.
Mage Slayer (Ex)
- A fighter with this tactic forces any spell caster whom he has Challenged to roll a Concentration check whenever they wish to use a magical ability or lose that use of that ability. This tactic affects casting a spell, using a spell-like ability, or using a Supernatural ability.
Mana Breaker (Ex)
- A fighter with this tactic may, once per round, make a melee or ranged attack against an opponent as a standard action. If he hits, the attack does no damage but the target must make a Fortitude save (DC equal to 10 + the fighter’s level + his Combat Edge modifier). If this save is failed, the target takes the Fighter Combat Edge bonus as a penalty to the saving throw DCs for all spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities used by the target for 1 round.
Startling Speed (Ex)
- Once per encounter, a fighter with this tactic can move up to his speed as an immediate action. This movement is resolved as an interrupt and may disrupt others creature's actions. Which is exactly the point.
Sudden Counterstrike (Ex)
- When a fighter with this tactic makes an opportunity attack, he may roll 2d20 to see if he hits. If either roll hits and the other misses, he resolves the attack normally. If both rolls hit, he automatically confirms a critical hit. Sudden Counterstrike may only be used once per encounter.
New Advanced Fighter Tactics
Ankle Smash(Ex)
- A fighter with this tactic can, once per encounter, make a melee or ranged attack against an opponent as a standard action. If he hits, he does full normal damage and the target is knocked Prone. Ankle Smash may be used on the same attack as Gut Shot or Smash Magic. Note: If you use Ankle Smash and either Gut Shot or Smash Magic, you do full normal damage for the attack used, twice. Add the damage together for purposes of overcoming damage resistance.
Battle Sight, Greater (Ex)
- Whenever a fighter with this tactic rolls for initiative, he can roll 3d20 and take any one of the results. In addition, he may always act in a surprise round.
Call to Arms (Ex)
- When he reduces an enemy to 0 or fewer hit points, a fighter with this tactic can use a swift action to allow all allies within 30 feet to take a single free move action. These allies must be able to see and hear the fighter.
Deadly Feint (Ex)
- A fighter with this tactic can make a single melee or ranged attack as an immediate action. This tactic can be used once per encounter.
Deadly Technique, Greater (Ex)
- A fighter with this tactic increases his weapon's base damage by 1 point. This stacks with the increase gained from Deadly Technique.
Heroic Speed, Greater(Ex)
- A fighter with this tactic gains a +10 foot bonus to any move score he has, whether innate or gained by an item, spell, magic, etc. This tactic may only be taken once. This bonus will stack with the bonus from Heroic Speed and any racial or class adders to speed.
Mettle (Ex)
- A fighter with this tactic can resist magical and unusual attacks with iron discipline. If he makes a successful save against any effect that would normally have a lesser effect on a successful save (such as any spell with a saving throw entry of Will half or Fortitude partial, dragon breath for Reflex half, etc.), he instead completely negates the effect.
Might Over Magic (Su)
- Once per day, when a fighter with this tactic succeeds on a saving throw against a spell, supernatural ability, or spell-like ability that has him as a single target, the spell rebounds on the caster as if the fighter was under the effects of spell turning.
Ringing Challenge(Ex)
- As a move action, a fighter with this tactic sounds his electrifying war cry. All foes within 30 feet who can hear him are Challenged.
Smash Magic (Su)
- A fighter with this tactic can, once per day, make a melee or ranged attack against an opponent as a standard action. If he hits, the attack does full normal damage and the opponent is afflicted by greater dispel magic, using the targeted dispel option, using his Fighter class level plus his Combat Edge as the caster level.
Startling Charge(Ex)
- Once per encounter, a fighter with this tactic can make a charge maneuver as an immediate action. This charge is resolved as an interrupt and may disrupt others creature's actions. Which is exactly the point.
True Counterstrike (Ex)
- When a fighter with this tactic makes any bonus attack (such as one triggered by his Fighters Challenge), he may roll 2d20 to see if he hits. If either roll hits and the other misses, he resolves the attack normally. If both rolls hit, he automatically confirms a critical hit. True Counterstrike may only be used once per encounter.
Unstoppable Onslaught (Ex)
- Once per encounter, a fighter with this tactic can resolve one melee or ranged attack as if the target is flat-footed. If he hits with this attack, he does normal damage and the target is rendered flat-footed to everything until it can act again.
New Epic Tactics
Invisible Strike (Ex)
- A fighter with this tactic can make a melee or ranged attack normally resolved as a standard action as a swift action. This tactic can be used once per encounter.
Perfectly Deadly(Ex)
- A fighter with this tactic increases his weapon's base damage by 2 points. This stacks with the increase gained from Deadly Technique and Greater Deadly Technique.
Riven Earth (Ex)
- Once per day as a standard action, a fighter with this tactic can strike the ground and create a 30 foot cone of difficult terrain. Anyone on the ground within the area of effect takes full normal attack damage and is knocked prone. A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + the fighter’s level+Combat Edge) halves the damage and negates the prone effect. The fighter can only use this tactic while standing on the ground, and ignores any difficult terrain created by his own use of this tactic.