Magic Rods
A magic rod is a sturdy magical device, with all the qualities of a Light Mace. If the GM allows, rods may also appear as either an Athame or a Sickle. For simplicity, all descriptions assume rods are made as light maces, but if players wish, they can be ceremonial daggers or sickles.
While each rod (or ceremonial dagger, or ceremonial sickle) varies greatly in design and appearance, they are all built solidly enough to make credible (barely) attacks with them, without any fear of damaging them. As a result, when wielding a rod, in addition to being able to use it to cast a spell, you also threaten enemies within your reach, can provide flanks for your allies, and you can make melee attacks with the rod using the stats for a light mace (or athame, or sickle), including attacks of opportunity.
Each magic rod is also enchanted to cast a single spell, of spell level 4 or less. Casting the spell from the rod is usually a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, just as with casting a spell. You may make a Bailiwick check to cast the spell defensively, even if your character class is not normally a spellcaster. The DC of this check is 10 + (Spell Level x 4). If you succeed, you cast the spell successfully from a threatened space. If you fail, you are unable to successfully cast the spell, but you still burn a charge from the rod.
Only certain spells are available to be cast from a rod. The complete list of available rods is shown in the table below. GMs are strongly cautioned against adding additional spells not on this list, as it may unbalance the game or overshadow certain character classes.
Spells cast from a rod do not use the wielder's stats or level to determine their effects. Instead, the creator level of the rod itself is used to determine all variable effects, such as the save DC, damage (or healing) dealt, etc.
You cannot mana burn spells that you cast from a rod.
Rods have 50 charges in them when they are new, and they can never hold more than 50 charges. Each time you cast a spell from the rod, it permanently uses up one of those charges (even if the spell being cast is a 0th-level cantrip or orison). Once all 50 charges are expended, the rod becomes inert until it is recharged. Rods can be recharged by purchasing a Small Manastone.
Each time you cast the spell from the rod, you must make a Use Magic Device check to cast it, unless the spell is a spell that is present on your character class' class spell list. Even if you are too low level to cast the spell normally, or you haven't learned that spell, as long as you could learn it eventually from your class spell list, you can skip this check. Everyone else needs to make the check. The DC of the check is 5 + (2x creator level of the rod). If you succeed on the check, the spell is cast. If you fail the check by 4 or less (a normal failure), you waste the action required by the rod to cast the spell and nothing happens. If you roll a natural 1 or fail the check by 5 or more (a critical failure), you waste the action, no spell is cast, but a charge is used up on the rod.
While a rod can only contain a spell of spell level 4 or lower (and never more than one spell), the creator level of the rod can be anything from the minimum required to cast a spell of that level all the way up to creator level 35. Higher creator levels on rods cost more, needless to say, but they often improve the efficacy of the spell being cast. As a result, it is usually advantageous to buy a rod with a higher creator level than the minimum, if you can afford to do so. See the table below to determine the cost for purchasing a rod at any creator level.
Caveat Emptor!
Rod Costs By Creator Level
Spell Level | CL 1 | CL 2 | CL 3 | CL 4 | CL 5 | CL 6 | CL 7 | CL 8 | CL 9 | CL 10 |
0th | 500 | 1,125 | 1,875 | 2,750 | 3,750 | 5,000 | 6,250 | 8,000 | 10,000 | 12,500 |
1st | 750 | 1,688 | 2,813 | 4,125 | 5,625 | 7,500 | 9,375 | 12,000 | 15,000 | 18,750 |
2nd | - | - | 4,500 | 6,600 | 9,000 | 12,000 | 15,000 | 19,200 | 24,000 | 30,000 |
3rd | - | - | - | - | 11,250 | 15,000 | 18,750 | 24,000 | 30,000 | 37,500 |
4th | - | - | - | - | - | - | 22,500 | 28,800 | 36,000 | 45,000 |
Spell Level | CL 11 | CL 12 | CL 13 | CL 14 | CL 15 | CL 16 | CL 17 | CL 18 | CL 19 | CL 20 |
0th | 15,500 | 18,750 | 22,750 | 28,000 | 35,500 | 48,250 | 65,000 | 90,000 | 120,000 | 160,000 |
1st | 23,250 | 28,125 | 34,125 | 42,000 | 53,250 | 72,375 | 97,500 | 135,000 | 180,000 | 240,000 |
2nd | 37,200 | 45,000 | 54,600 | 67,200 | 85,200 | 115,800 | 156,000 | 216,000 | 288,000 | 384,000 |
3rd | 46,500 | 56,250 | 68,250 | 84,000 | 106,500 | 144,750 | 195,000 | 270,000 | 360,000 | 480,000 |
4th | 55,800 | 67,500 | 81,900 | 100,800 | 127,800 | 173,700 | 234,000 | 324,000 | 432,000 | 576,000 |
Spell Level | CL 21 | CL 22 | CL 23 | CL 24 | CL 25 | CL 26 | CL 27 | CL 28 | CL 29 | CL 30 |
0th | 212,500 | 285,000 | 377,500 | 500,000 | 650,000 | 875,000 | 1,150,000 | 1,550,000 | 2,050,000 | 2,725,000 |
1st | 318,750 | 427,500 | 566,250 | 750,000 | 975,000 | 1,312,500 | 1,725,000 | 2,325,000 | 3,075,000 | 4,087,500 |
2nd | 510,000 | 684,000 | 906,000 | 1,200,000 | 1,560,000 | 2,100,000 | 2,760,000 | 3,720,000 | 4,920,000 | 6,540,000 |
3rd | 637,500 | 855,000 | 1,132,500 | 1,500,000 | 1,950,000 | 2,625,000 | 3,450,000 | 4,650,000 | 6,150,000 | 8,175,000 |
4th | 765,000 | 1,026,000 | 1,359,000 | 1,800,000 | 2,340,000 | 3,150,000 | 4,140,000 | 5,580,000 | 7,380,000 | 9,810,000 |
Spell Level | CL 31 | CL 32 | CL 33 | CL 34 | CL 35 |
0th | 3,600,000 | 4,725,000 | 6,250,000 | 8,275,000 | 11,025,000 |
1st | 5,400,000 | 7,087,500 | 9,375,000 | 12,412,500 | 16,537,500 |
2nd | 8,640,000 | 11,340,000 | 15,000,000 | 19,860,000 | 26,460,000 |
3rd | 10,800,000 | 14,175,000 | 18,750,000 | 24,825,000 | 33,075,000 |
4th | 12,960,000 | 17,010,000 | 22,500,000 | 29,790,000 | 39,690,000 |
Templates For New Items
- First item in a clade and the family description
- Each item after first
- Aggregated Family Page
- Table Row Per Item - use on tables listing items by slot (e.g. Magic Rods page)
- Table Row Per Family - use on main magic items table page (i.e. Magic Items page)
- Solo items not in a clade (e.g. rods)
- Weapon Base Prices - used as base price for all items unless price-nudge field is left blank
Available Magic Rods
Magic Item Name | Description | Cost |
Anchoring Rod | Allows wielder to cast Resist Energy as a standard action. | 4,500 gp |
Bell Ringers Rod | Allows wielder to cast Bells as a standard action. | 11,250 gp |
Bellows Rod | Allows wielder to cast Air Geyser as a standard action. | 11,250 gp |
Bonebreakers Rod | Allows wielder to cast Boneshatter as a standard action. | 22,500 gp |
Breaking Rod | Allows wielder to cast Shatter as a standard action. | 4,500 gp |
Chilling Rod | Allows wielder to cast Ray of Frost as a standard action. | 500 gp |
Critical Caduceus Rod | Allows wielder to cast Cure Critical Wounds as a standard action. | 22,500 gp |
Divers Rod | Allows wielder to cast Water Breathing as a standard action. | 11,250 gp |
Glittering Rod | Allows wielder to cast Glitterdust as a standard action. | 4,500 gp |
Great Gusts Rod | Allows wielder to cast Hurricane Blast as a standard action | 22,500 gp |
Greater Jailers Rod | Allows wielder to cast Summon Monster III as a standard action. | 11,250 gp |
Greater Limners Rod | Allows wielder to cast Major Image as a standard action. | 11,250 gp |
Greater Warding Rod | Allows wielder to cast Resist Uncommon Energy as a standard action | 22,500 gp |
Hellwalkers Rod | Allows wielder to cast Planar Adaptation as a standard action | 22,500 gp |
Hindering Rod | Allows wielder to cast Root as a standard action. | 500 gp |
Holistic Rod | Allows wielder to cast Remove Sickness as a standard action. | 750 gp |
Icicle Rod | Allows wielder to cast Pillar of Ice as a standard action. | 22,500 gp |
Improved Jailers Rod | Allows wielder to cast Summon Monster II as a standard action. | 4,500 gp |
Improved Limners Rod | Allows wielder to cast Minor Image as a standard action. | 4,500 gp |
Inferno Rod | Allows wielder to cast Burning Arc as a standard action. | 4,500 gp |
Larders Rod | Allows wielder to cast Create Food and Water as a standard action. | 11,250 gp |
Lawgivers Rod | Allows wielder to cast Peacebond as a standard action. | 750 gp |
Lesser Jailers Rod | Allows wielder to cast Summon Monster I as a standard action. | 750 gp |
Light Caduceus Rod | Allows wielder to cast Cure Light Wounds as a standard action. | 750 gp |
Limners Rod | Allows wielder to cast Silent Image as a standard action. | 750 gp |
Moderate Caduceus Rod | Allows wielder to cast Cure Moderate Wounds as a standard action. | 4,500 gp |
Muck Rod | Allows wielder to cast Mudball as a standard action. | 750 gp |
Panacea Rod | Allows wielder to cast Neutralize Poison as a standard action. | 22,500 gp |
Pickling Rod | Allows wielder to cast Acid Splash as a standard action. | 500 gp |
Plague Enders Rod | Allows wielder to cast Remove Disease as a standard action. | 11,250 gp |
Rod of Affixment | Allows wielder to cast Dimensional Anchor as a standard action. | 22,500 gp |
Rod of Airy Gifting | Allows wielder to cast Air Bubble as a standard action. | 750 gp |
Rod of Ardent Light | Allows wielder to cast Burst of Radiance as a standard action. | 4,500 gp |
Rod of Assistance | Allows wielder to cast Unseen Servant as a standard action. | 750 gp |
Rod of Baleful Sparks | Allows wielder to cast Wandering Star Motes as a standard action. | 22,500 gp |
Rod of Bearing | Allows wielder to cast Ant Haul as a standard action. | 750 gp |
Rod of Bitter Wind | Allows wielder to cast Wind Wall as a standard action. | 11,250 gp |
Rod of Blasting | Rod of Blasting | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Blasts | Rod of Blasts | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Blessings | Allows wielder to cast Remove Curse as a standard action. | 22,500 gp |
Rod of Bonfires | Rod of Bonfires | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Borrowing | Rod of Borrowing | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Bravery | Rod of Bravery | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Breakstride | Rod of Breakstride | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Brilliance | Rod of Brilliance | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Cancellation | Allows wielder to cast Dispel Magic as a standard action. | 11,250 gp |
Rod of Capering | Rod of Capering | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Censure | Rod of Censure | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Chains | Rod of Chains | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Clear Water | Rod of Clear Water | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Coercion | Allows wielder to cast Hold Person as a standard action. | 11,250 gp |
Rod of Comfort | Rod of Comfort | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Compulsion | Rod of Compulsion | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Crashing | Rod of Crashing | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Crushing | Rod of Crushing | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Darts | Allows wielder to cast Magic Missile as a standard action. | 750 gp |
Rod of Deadly Flames | Allows wielder to cast Firefall as a standard action. | 22,500 gp |
Rod of Dismissal | Rod of Dismissal | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Divine Luck | Rod of Divine Luck | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Dominion | Rod of Dominion | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Earthen Joy | Rod of Earthen Joy | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Eddies | Rod of Eddies | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Emanations | Rod of Emanations | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Fairies | Rod of Fairies | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Fear | Rod of Fear | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Feathers | Rod of Feathers | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Fiery Punishments | Rod of Fiery Punishments | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Fire | Allows wielder to cast Fireball as a standard action. | 11,250 gp |
Rod of Forceful Mercy | Rod of Forceful Mercy | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Forging | Rod of Forging | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Forgiveness | Allows wielder to cast Lesser Restoration as a standard action. | 4,500 gp |
Rod of Fulmination | Rod of Fulmination | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Gasping | Rod of Gasping | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Geysers | Rod of Geysers | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Ghouls | Rod of Ghouls | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Greater Bonfires | Rod of Greater Bonfires | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Greater Borrowing | Rod of Greater Borrowing | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Greater Repairs | Allows wielder to cast Greater Make Whole as a ten-minute ritual. | 22,500 gp |
Rod of Hearths | Rod of Hearths | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of High Noon | Allows wielder to cast Daylight as a standard action. | 11,250 gp |
Rod of Holy Strikes | Rod of Holy Strikes | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Icy Blasts | Rod of Icy Blasts | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Illumination | Rod of Illumination | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Impact | Rod of Impact | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Lamplighters Bane | Rod of Lamplighters Bane | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Lesser Repairs | Allows wielder to cast Mending as a ten-minute ritual. | 500 gp |
Rod of Life Sharing | Rod of Life Sharing | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Marvel | Rod of Marvel | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Mesmerism | Rod of Mesmerism | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Mights Bane | Rod of Mights Bane | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Mothers Mercy | Rod of Mothers Mercy | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Mourning | Rod of Mourning | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Nails | Rod of Nails | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Prisms | Rod of Prisms | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Quaking | Rod of Quaking | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Quiet Night | Rod of Quiet Night | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Rainbows | Rod of Rainbows | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Reaching | Rod of Reaching | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Rebuke | Rod of Rebuke | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Repairs | Allows wielder to cast Make Whole as a ten-minute ritual. | 4,500 gp |
Rod of Repose | Rod of Repose | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Restoration | Allows wielder to cast Restoration as a standard action. | 22,500 gp |
Rod of Revelation | Rod of Revelation | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Riding | Allows wielder to cast Phantom Steed as a 10-minute ritual. | 11,250 gp |
Rod of Scares | Rod of Scares | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Searing Sunbeams | Rod of Searing Sunbeams | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Shadowy Terrors | Rod of Shadowy Terrors | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Shelter | Allows wielder to cast Tiny Hut as a standard action. | 11,250 gp |
Rod of Shock | Rod of Shock | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Shoveling | Rod of Shoveling | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Silver Motes | Rod of Silver Motes | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Slickness | Rod of Slickness | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Smithing | Allows wielder to cast Scoop as a standard action. | 500 gp |
Rod of Smiting | Rod of Smiting | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Soothing | Rod of Soothing | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Sounds | Rod of Sounds | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Sparking Cataclysm | Rod of Sparking Cataclysm | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Speaking | Rod of Speaking | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Standing Flames | Rod of Standing Flames | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Startlement | Rod of Startlement | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Storms | Allows wielder to cast Lightning Bolt as a standard action. | 11,250 gp |
Rod of Strategies | Rod of Strategies | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Surprising Light | Rod of Surprising Light | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of Swapping | Allows wielder to cast Juxtaposition as a standard action. | 4,500 gp |
Rod of Terror | Allows wielder to cast Fear as a standard action. | 22,500 gp |
Rod of the Battlefield | Allows wielder to cast Bloody Arrows as a standard action. | 22,500 gp |
Rod of the Commander | Allows wielder to cast Command as a standard action. | 750 gp |
Rod of the Greatsmith | Allows wielder to cast Reinforce Armaments as a standard action. | 750 gp |
Rod of the Martyr | Allows wielder to cast Accept Affliction as a standard action. | 11,250 gp |
Rod of the Masthead | Allows wielder to cast Gust of Wind as a standard action. | 4,500 gp |
Rod of the Slipstream | Allows wielder to cast Slipstream as a standard action. | 4,500 gp |
Rod of the Sparrow | Rod of the Sparrow | Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". gp |
Rod of the Stricken Heart | Allows wielder to cast Stricken Heart as a standard action. | 4,500 gp |
Rod of the Thrice Scorned | Allows wielder to cast Bestow Curse as a standard, swift, or immediate action. | 22,500 gp |
Rod of Travail | Allows wielder to cast Slow as a standard action. | 11,250 gp |
Rod of Treachery | Allows wielder to cast Shadow Weapon as a standard action. | 750 gp |
Rod of Truth Unto Power | Allows wielder to cast Severed Fate as a standard action. | 11,250 gp |
Rod of Twisted Intent | Allows wielder to cast Charm Monster as a standard action. | 22,500 gp |
Rod of Utter Despair | Allows wielder to cast Crushing Despair as a standard action. | 22,500 gp |
Rod of Varied Apocalypse | Allows wielder to cast Dragon's Breath as a standard action. | 22,500 gp |
Rod of Whipping Waves | Allows wielder to cast River Whip as a standard action. | 4,500 gp |
Rod of Wholesomeness | Allows wielder to cast Purify Food and Drink as a standard action. | 500 gp |
Security Rod | Allows wielder to cast Alarm as a standard action. | 750 gp |
Serious Caduceus Rod | Allows wielder to cast Cure Serious Wounds as a standard action. | 11,250 gp |
Shrieking Rod | Allows wielder to cast Shout as a standard action. | 22,500 gp |
Sledgehammer Rod | Allows wielder to cast Battering Blast as a standard action. | 11,250 gp |
Slivering Rod | Allows wielder to cast Diamond Spray as a standard action. | 11,250 gp |
Slop Rod | Allows wielder to cast Touch of Slime as a standard action. | 22,500 gp |
Slush Rod | Allows wielder to cast Snowball as a standard action. | 750 gp |
Space-Rending Rod | Allows wielder to cast Dimension Door as a standard action. | 22,500 gp |
Steadfast Rod | Allows wielder to cast Force Anchor as a standard action. | 11,250 gp |
Storming Rod | Allows wielder to cast Storm Step as a standard action | 11,250 gp |
Towerkeepers Rod | Allows wielder to cast Arcane Lock as a standard action | 4,500 gp |
Trespassers Rod | Allows wielder to cast Knock as a standard action, with a healthy bonus to boot. | 4,500 gp |
True Jailers Rod | Allows wielder to cast Summon Monster IV as a standard action. | 22,500 gp |
Warding Rod | Allows wielder to cast Protection from Energy as a standard action. | 11,250 gp |
Wavestriders Rod | Allows wielder to cast Water Walk as a standard action. | 4,500 gp |
Wayfarers Rod | Allows wielder to cast Endure Elements as a standard action. | 500 gp |
Winged Rod | Allows wielder to cast Fly as a standard action. | 11,250 gp |
Zapping Rod | Allows wielder to cast Jolt as a standard action. | 500 gp |